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The FG Awards 2020

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Congratulations to all! Every single one well deserved and great to see @GazzaGarratthonouring the right people though you deserve plenty of credit yourself.


On a personal level, @phil bottle I can’t think of anyone better to pass the torch of fg’er of the year to...well maybe not a Londoner but I don’t hold that against you too much.


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All truly well deserved. Merry Christmas everyone.  This is still my favourite corner of the internet.


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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Absolutely delighted for all of the lads who won their awards ! Its important as a community to stick together and acknowledge when some of us go above and beyond. Well done lads 🥳🥳

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Congratulations everyone! This is a nice roundup to Christmas with acknowledgments and awards! 🍾❤️🎉🎄


Also wanted to say that everyone I've played with has been absolutely amazing! FG rocks!


Also great job for arranging all of this


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1 hour ago, Greboth said:



On a personal level, @phil bottle I can’t think of anyone better to pass the torch of fg’er of the year to...well maybe not a Londoner but I don’t hold that against you too much.


I shall inhabit your skin proudly like a cockney hannibal lecter, but magic mushrooms instead of fava beans cos I dont know what fava beans are.


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Wow thanks a lot guys! I used to come here in the MW2 days, I've always enjoyed the banter and general topics discussed and also reading about how people's lives are getting on. I stopped playing COD and most video games for about 6-7 years. I came back on BO4 and feel privileged to have found this community again. I believe Chris (Tigerbruge) told me the forum was still going when I found him on PS4 and messaged him.


It really brightens your day coming here, even for a quick reply on a workbreak or a well thought out post or topic you have in mind. Because here people listen and want to share everyone else's joys and tough times.

I totally agree with Tronic that Lee is FG'er of the year every year and that Diddums is an absolute legend for starting this wonderful forum.


Thanks a lot again! Here is a picture of a happy sleepy Dad with his daughter, as I was on night feeds all last night. 😃




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Well this years sucked ass and we've all missed out on things but you can always rely on this place to put a smile on your face and fill up your phone's gallery with some pretty important images and videos.

I'd just like to add to the thanks given to Lee and the team behind this place, and yes even Dave make sure stuff is updated knibbe ( odd when I typed that phone suggested knobhead 😂

Anyway we'll find all for making this place what it is and make it an interesting read. Hopefully when this shit is over we can get another meet sorted.


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Congratulations! These awards are all well deserved. You boys keep gaming alive. Well except @Diddums literally thought he threw all his gaming stuff away until last week. Seriously though, love getting together and gaming with you lot. 

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