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LordBaguette last won the day on July 19

LordBaguette had the most liked content!


About LordBaguette


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    Inferno Tom
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  1. In terms of turning the MCU round it was never going to do that / nor should it have been that kind of film. Im glad it was self contained and not bogged down by all the MCU crap. that being said I hope Disney take the right lessons from how well this film will do and take those lessons into their future projects
  2. Drinkers review is bang on (it’s spoiler free If you’re on the fence)
  3. All I wanted was Ryan Reynolds and Hugh jackman sharing a screen with 10/10 chemistry. It achieves that in bucket loads so I’m happy. The plot isn’t great but it didn’t need to be. Some insanely fun cameos also If you loved the fox marvel movies youll love it, mega fan service for them, if you didnt not so sure
  4. Started harpooning some guy back to the ship and he got rather angry 
  5. To be fair I did donate a fair amount of it. I got New Zealand and Ireland the last 2 times I did it, was due a good team 😂
  6. So embarrassingly I won my own sweepstake. Although bittersweet because I wish England had won the final.. but such is life. Full results below. I also did the draw live with witnesses (Lee was one of them) before anyone has a go at me for rigging it. Plus Spain weren’t even in the top 5 favourites to win before the tournament Euro winner - @LordBaguette Runner up - @Lurchzy Best goal - @LordBaguette Best underdog - @Spacedeck Worst team - @Findmartin (Best goal was BBCs number 1 goal) (Beat underdog was determined by an independent FG vote between Turkey and Georgia)
  7. As I said in the post, I only have warzone and mw3 multiplayer installed
  8. Have a question regarding the below. I only have warzone and MW3 multiplayer installed currently. According to the sizes that should only be around 60gb. My full sized game is over 200gb in total. I get that a lot of it will be all the backend stuff to make the game run mechanics etc, but surely that’s not over 100gb?
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 23/100 My Time 140 seconds  
  10. Draw will be today in the FG Discord Game Room 1 live! at 7:30PM
  11. 'Worst' will be literally who had the overrall worst finish / stats / points 'Best underdog' will be determined by a panel in FG, probably a team that got way further than they should have e.g. if Georgia got out of the groups theyd win etc. Thought it would make it a bit more interesting
  12. I had so many hours in the original AOM. Was in a clan and used to could so many maps. Loved it
  13. First couple sentences of post, is my Monzo account.UK account. You dont need Monzo just a bank account
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