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GazzaGarratt last won the day on August 30

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  1. I actually thought about buying it from Argos cos of this lol. Personally, I'm rather sad about it all. Probably because I have a soft spot for the developers. Same culture issue we keep coming over and over. The gaming world and gamers can't wait 8 years for an idea to develop into a game these days. I appreciate we may not have wanted another hero game now, but i'd expect theres a good game in their under the hood. Good game, wrong time to execute.
  2. I think this is the thing. I agree with both above. It won't be anywhere near what EA FC does. It looks rough and played very rough in the Beta. I think I'd still try and give it a chance as you hope over time they get it right. Unfortunately no sign or comment on it later after launch. Stuff like this hurts new games to the market.
  3. UFL Release Date pushed back - Now 5th December 2024. The full details on why are below from Strikers Inc.
  4. Oh I'll be into it and yes, they'll be getting a packet from Sony. I know the game is built similar to the last Olympics game, so should be easy to get into but likely a quick-ish game to complete. I really hope they can find a replayable factor to online though, thats the key.
  5. Send me a Spurs top and I'll be rooting for you all the way mate 😅🤍
  6. 🤣🤣 I hear you mate. I will take Quidditch and The Show tbh, but if Quidditch is launching free, I'm not sure it'll have much pulling power. They've even said no microtransactions either, so I can't see it being another Rocket League.
  7. Anyone still playing this here? Feel like most FPS games are taking a tanking at present.
  8. Links 2004 and Halo 1. Links 2004 was by XSN Sports and one of the first OG Xbox live esports games they created. I was in top 100 in the world on that game, I could move a 40-50 yard put left or right super quick and just put it, fast forward, down the putt in one and move on to the next hole. Unreal game and should've played it far more at the time when I was 19. Halo 1 on console was insanely good and probably the only time I felt slightly cocky because I used to play with loads of lads at Uni and come first 80% of the time, 2nd the rest. That Pistol was a thing of beauty. I created a player called God (I cringe at the thought of it now) mainly cos of the other lads saying it. Great times, great laughs. I wish I could remember how to play it now! 😭
  9. There's defintely a few old OG Xbox titles that I would've loved to go back and play but now can't. I always hope for the real big online games that they can somehow create the world instance to work in an offline mode before shutting off servers. It seems a waste to not be able to play a beautiful game just because it needed online servers. Take Destiny 1. One day, they will turn off servers but I hope that they can leave everything updated as a patch, just essentially not allow players to join online with each other, unless its local hosting for PvP which could work. Probably not worth the hassle or money....
  10. I'll let you know if he rages about any bugs. Luckily he's been really happy so far...but that also means he hasn't reached any annoying tough bosses yet 🤣
  11. Dax has told me that this game is already probably the best game he owns right now and he's not half the way through it. He was showing Hayley all the boss fights on YouTube and asking her to rate them. Thats pretty high praise from our house for this game!
  12. Ahhh a prequel 😭 Good job it looks smart. Hopefully as fun as Doom 3 was.
  13. Hope its being going well @WelchyTV!
  14. Dax has told me this is out so I think later this week he'll own it as he usually builds up to ask me about new games. Definitely a cool aesthetic following the likes of Sekiro, Ghosts of Tsushima, etc. I think he's gonna love it.
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