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    GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D in Will modern consoles last?   
    Sony are already removing paid products and shutting content servers down plus you also have the likes of Ubisoft even revoking licences and making games totally inaccessible so all in all, several games in the last decade have become unplayable. Some titles even require day one downloads to function because the disc is incomplete and about as useful as a paperweight. If a game has a single player component and can play out of the box then it's fine but there will be many titles that will become wholly unplayable.
    Thankfully most of the modern shite isn't even worth treasuring which is why 99% of my games are digital now and I couldn't care less. Don't think I'll have the urge to visit The Crew 2 in 15 years time. I think after the PS3/XB360 era when physical media died and live service took over, that's when I stopped giving a toss. It's also the time the industry changed for the worse. 
  2. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in Will modern consoles last?   
    Just looking at my retro collection the last few days, it's quite brilliant when you consider how old some of it is and how well it has lasted.
    But it got me thinking, will modern consoles last as well? Will we even be able to play half the games in 20-30 years time when they have turned off servers and you can't get the day 1 patch to make a game playable?
    Are we just going to have a load of doorstops in a few years time?
  3. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to phil bottle in PS5 Pro   
    PS5 Pro promising pretry much what they promised for the standard PS5, yeah ok, says it all really 🤣
  4. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in PS5 Pro   
    Sorry for getting your hopes up @GazzaGarratt I was only regurgitating what I had read but the internet is only right about 5% of the time 😄
    That was a p*ss poor reveal, trying to advertise a beefed up PS5 when the content on the current generation has been quite poor. In fact they were advertising the PS5 Pro with games that have been out for some time already and even with Ghost of Tsushima that no matter how great the game is, it was a PS4 title! Another notable omission was the lack of footage with Astro Bot, a game that has just come out, that show's off the haptics and such, I wonder if that's because Astro will look the same whichever console you use?
    I understand why they have done it, for them it's natural to release a pro around this point in a console's lifetime, the issue is complacency and the fact that as absurd as this is people will still buy it as people want the best / shiny new thing to show off on their tik toks and such.
    I can say, without a doubt I won't be buying this. I am most excited by Nintendo these days and even Microsoft has me more engaged at the moment and they have been pretty poor in recent years.
  5. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D in PS5 Pro   
    For £700, you don't even get a plastic stand FFS! The disc drive is bad enough but to not get a something you got with the base PS5's that probably costs £2 to land is just the biggest insult in gaming. If you want the device to be peripherally the same as the old PS5, you'll need to spend an extra £100 on the drive and stand alone. Sony also slyly upped the prices of controllers this week. This is the lowest point in gaming since the XB1 VHS reveal. 
  6. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Luseth in PS5 Pro   
    What in the absolute L was that reveal??!
    Thats probably the worst Sony one I've ever seen. Nothing about it is even worth it, unless they're saying GTA 6 can only run on that, which I wouldn't be surprised to hear in the future.
    £700? No disc drive it seems too. I genuinely can't get my head around it all because its the most illogical decision Sony have ever made. Didn't even see any new games to take advantage of it, just old games that I'm likely not going to play again. I may have if Last of Us decided to do the multiplayer, but oh yeah, it got scrapped by Sony 🤷‍♂️
    I may have also unexpectedly got hopes up when I heard from Matt the possible rumours of backward capability to PS1 and PS2 original games...but without that slot I can't really even see that happening either!
    I have no more words in my head other than absolutely dumbfounded by all of this.
  7. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in PS5 Pro   
    What in the absolute L was that reveal??!
    Thats probably the worst Sony one I've ever seen. Nothing about it is even worth it, unless they're saying GTA 6 can only run on that, which I wouldn't be surprised to hear in the future.
    £700? No disc drive it seems too. I genuinely can't get my head around it all because its the most illogical decision Sony have ever made. Didn't even see any new games to take advantage of it, just old games that I'm likely not going to play again. I may have if Last of Us decided to do the multiplayer, but oh yeah, it got scrapped by Sony 🤷‍♂️
    I may have also unexpectedly got hopes up when I heard from Matt the possible rumours of backward capability to PS1 and PS2 original games...but without that slot I can't really even see that happening either!
    I have no more words in my head other than absolutely dumbfounded by all of this.
  8. Haha
    GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D in PS5 Pro   
    $700 LMAO

  9. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in Black Ops 6   
    I have interest in the sense I want another shooter to play with FG, however I am running out of steam with COD again which is probably why I did not stick it out with the last release ^_^
  10. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to anticonscience in Black Ops 6   
    Enjoyed weekend one, then I played a game in the last hour of the beta and my god it was a sweatfest, couldn’t kill anyone lol so I promptly turned it off.
    watching my son play last night and today and yeah it looks bad this weekend, no idea why if it’s a cheater problem or what,  it jeez I’m not sure I got it in me to reach level 30, think I’d rather just sit it out.
    the spawns look rough as hell.
  11. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from MrBiron in Concord   
    I actually thought about buying it from Argos cos of this lol.
    Personally, I'm rather sad about it all. Probably because I have a soft spot for the developers. Same culture issue we keep coming over and over. The gaming world and gamers can't wait 8 years for an idea to develop into a game these days. I appreciate we may not have wanted another hero game now, but i'd expect theres a good game in their under the hood. Good game, wrong time to execute.
  12. Love
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in Last movie you watched   
    So I have just watched the recent Beverly hills cop film, generally I would say it's not a fantastic film however I love the 80s film era and watching this really struck some of the right notes.
    So yeah, I would give it a 7 maybe a 7.5 / 10 but it really made me miss those sorts of films, the number of times I sat up on a Friday night when I was young watching the likes of Mel Gibson, Arnie & Eddie Murphy, fond memories 🙂
  13. Sad
    GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D in Concord   
    Concord taken offline after two weeks with refunds to be issued.
    Concord: Sony pulls shooter from sale two weeks after release - BBC News
    WWW.BBC.CO.UK Concord reportedly spent eight years being made but it is being taken offline soon after launch.
    Probably the biggest failure in gaming history and a very expensive one too with it costing an estimated 9-figures and taking 8 years to produce. Absolute catastrophe for Sony and you have to wonder how the game made it this far. LawBreakers was a warning back in 2015 and with many massively established games pre-pandemic being F2P, a £40 hero shooter in 2024 in a over-saturated genre was never going to have any widespread appeal especially with barely any marketing and very unappealing design. They were never going to drag people away from the likes of COD, Overwatch, Valorant, Apex and even Destiny 2 especially with such a steep entry fee.
    They made no attempt to liaise with the community until a month before release which was fatal and anyone with a functioning brain could’ve told them in 2019 that this would be a bad idea and to give it up. Feel a bit sorry for the devs but they’ve really failed to assess the market in the last 6 years but this is all on Sony for allowing it to happen and taking such a backseat.
  14. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D in *FG'ers Screenshots Thread*   
    Black Ops 6

  15. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Lurchzy in UFL - Open Beta 7th-9th June & Impressions   
    I think this is the thing. I agree with both above. It won't be anywhere near what EA FC does. It looks rough and played very rough in the Beta. I think I'd still try and give it a chance as you hope over time they get it right.
    Unfortunately no sign or comment on it later after launch. Stuff like this hurts new games to the market.
  16. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from J4MES OX4D in UFL - Open Beta 7th-9th June & Impressions   
    I think this is the thing. I agree with both above. It won't be anywhere near what EA FC does. It looks rough and played very rough in the Beta. I think I'd still try and give it a chance as you hope over time they get it right.
    Unfortunately no sign or comment on it later after launch. Stuff like this hurts new games to the market.
  17. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Lurchzy in UFL - Open Beta 7th-9th June & Impressions   
    The gameplay looks arcade-like and the graphics aren’t great but I’m desperate for a football other than EA FC so I’m rooting for it!
  18. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D in UFL - Open Beta 7th-9th June & Impressions   
    I've forgot about this game but watched some footage and it honestly looks like a slow version of FIFA with a shoddier presentation. Quite disappointed really because initially the game was full of promise in not doing what EA were doing yet it now looks like a carbon copy and borderline asset flip. Some of the animations look decent though and far less erratic than in FIFA on Frostbite but it all looks a bit cheap
  19. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to The3rdWalker in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2   
    Day 1 purchase for me most likely.
  20. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to J4MES OX4D in Warhammer 40K: Space Marine 2   
    Releases in a week and it looks really promising
  21. Like
    GazzaGarratt reacted to Luseth in Star Wars Outlaws   
    And yet I am having a wonderful time with the game you miserable sod 😛
    Yes it is a Ubisoft game and yes it has issues that shouldn't really occur in a triple A title, however for anyone that enjoys the Star wars universe, in particular the feel and tone of Star Wars a new hope you will enjoy this game.
    The good and bad things I have come across from my play so far -
    Good -
    World building, the tone of some of the areas and the way things have been crafted it really makes you feel like you are in the star wars Universe. It feels alive with so much going on, sort of on par with the witcher 3 which I loved. The little companion Nix, he gives you quite a few options for how you approach certain scenarios and can really help you in a bit of a pinch. You can send him to attack or distract an enemy, steal from them, open doors or vents or go and pick you up a weapon an enemy may have dropped while you are hunkered down behind cover. There is a lot to do, this can be a good and bad thing. I have found myself oh so many times wondering through the town or the Cantina and overhearing something from a conversation and finding a new treasure trove or little quest to carry out. The voice acting and writing is pretty well done, it's a story I think I am going to enjoy. Bad -
    The game breaking update that requires you to start again. Crap if you paid obscene amounts of money to play the game 3 days early. That said I think doing that is idiotic in the first place so similar to you James I have no sympathy. Having received the game on launch, updating right away and getting stuck in this is a non-issue for me. The stealth thing is irritating, I am not a big fan of stealth in games and I feel like this game over relies on it. Some of the best moments have been where I have tried to be stealth, fucked it up and then felt like Han Solo must have felt having a shootout against the empire on the death star only to escape at the last second down a cliff face. You can't shoot while on a speeder bike, this one baffles me. Empire troops can shoot at you while chasing you but you can't shoot back other than some cinematic moment which is on a timed cool down. So the only thing you can do is try to outrun them, seem's a real oversight this one. I think this is typical of people and the industry, a game that has a big IP or brand associated with it and people make money out of producing videos and reviews and such for criticising it. I have heard people say that if it wasn't a Star Wars game then it wouldn't have sold any copies at all but I feel if it had not been a Star wars game it wouldn't be crucified in the manner it is. It's a comfortable 7.5 / 10 for me as a game and it falls down a half point for the bad points above otherwise I would have given it an 8, I can see myself getting a lot of hours out of this game.
  22. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from IRaMPaGe in Playstation Plus Free games   
    Oh I'll be into it and yes, they'll be getting a packet from Sony. I know the game is built similar to the last Olympics game, so should be easy to get into but likely a quick-ish game to complete. I really hope they can find a replayable factor to online though, thats the key.
  23. Like
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Lurchzy in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Inevitable he was going to leave unfortunately and he deserves his shot in the Premier League. The only slight disappointment is that he went for 10 million which is pretty cheap for an Attacking Midfielder that was the 2nd highest goalscorer from all the English Leagues, with only Haaland beating him. Silly money for young unproven players elsewhere.
  24. Haha
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from Lurchzy in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Send me a Spurs top and I'll be rooting for you all the way mate 😅🤍
  25. Haha
    GazzaGarratt got a reaction from phil bottle in Football (Played with Feet)   
    Send me a Spurs top and I'll be rooting for you all the way mate 😅🤍
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