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Luseth last won the day on January 16

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  1. I was more concerned about you and the other James 😄 And you laugh about communism but it's probably the only form of government that could escape climate disaster as no other would be ever in a position to enforce the strict measures required! (Not that I'd want communism mind)
  2. Is it the same technology as the PSP UMD discs? It seems so?
  3. Delta force just looks like the original Far Cry / Wildlands game? I fully agree with you James, the innovation that came through then led to such big jumps between games it was probably gaming's golden era really. The current market is stagnated and I find myself struggling to pick up some games as they are generally rehashes or reskins of games from yesteryear. One of my favourite strategy games back then was a game called Skull Caps, a sequel to Baldies. Both were great fun games albeit I can not get the latter one to run anymore-
  4. I think most people can agree that people do not get into politics for anyone but themselves, it is the same with this administration, it is the same with our UK government and almost every political party to come before. If anyone thinks differently then they probably are getting their news & information from a somewhat skewed source. Now I hope you don't mind me suggesting it but as this has now gone onto politics it might be worth closing the thread and ending the chat? Otherwise I can see people falling out...
  5. Errrm simple and straight to the point I guess.... I thought it was all still rumours? Has it had actual confirmation from the devs then?
  6. Minidiscs? I remember our music teacher saying the above back in secondary school? Then I never saw them again 😄
  7. So despite never having a vastly powerful computer when I was younger, our house saw a few windows computers pass through it. I remember there being a windows 98 machine and it being my first forray into pc gaming. When I say my first forray my parents never really bought us any games and I made do with some dodgy copies mostly that a friend used to give me at school. This thread is just to discuss some of those experiences and moments and seeing if anyone else here was gaming in the 90s / early 2000s. So to start this off I am going to look at one of the games that came with the computer and led to one of my first experiences of football manager games - Ultimate Soccer Manager 98/99 - Now I have opted for this one because I have been going through the abandonware website looking at old games with the hope of getting a few running. This one worked straight away with no faff and the screenshot above is from my machine this evening 😄 The things I always remember about this game was that it wasn't just the coaching side of things but you used to be able to upgrade the ground, look at sponsorship deals and such. We won't forget some of the incredible players back then as well -
  8. I very briefly played the original, regrettably never really got very far but it seemed my sort of thing. What probably has not helped is the stupid Swansong game and such being released and not doing well. I will watch this trailer in a bit and let you know what I think 🙂
  9. Two words for you, scalpers paradise. I would love one at launch but if the availability is similar to recent console releases I won't even bother to pick it up right away. I have enough to play on the current one that I could wait a little while.
  10. Noooo not correct. The Switch 2 is going to have a direct on 2nd April which presumably will announce release date, pricing and show the launch titles 🙂 Controllers were always an issue, I would be interested to know if they have gone down the route of hall effect sticks like a lot of the more premium controllers are pursuing now. I love the Switch and excited for a new version, my only concern is finding the time to play the games! If it could really incorporate crossplay and bring discord to it then it could have a shot at being the mainstay console in the lounge ^_^
  11. So my other hobby which has slackened off in recent years has always been reading. The past few weeks I have been nosing back through some of my books and realise I have a few now all related to video games. So I just thought I would start a conversation about them and see if anyone else has any recommendations? So the first one I am going to talk about is 'A guide to Japanese Role-Playing Games', this is probably my go to book at the moment for a few reasons, the artwork is brilliant in there as well as the game screenshots but it really goes into depth with a lot of mainstream series but also some unknown or more obscure titles. It is also where I am getting my influence from currently for my video game collection 🙂 When I say it goes in depth it literally goes back to discussing how a video game was first conceived in some instances, the writing can be a little mixed as it is a combination of lots of writers putting together their thoughts, history and experience on each series and such. This leads to some cool little memories and such being talked about. So yeah, if you enjoy JRPG's and enjoy reading this is probably the definitive guide for it.
  12. This has been a big hit of a game in the past so would there be an interest in an evening of playing Destiny and just chilling out? Whether people play out their own quest lines or we just get together and run through some dungeons 🙂
  13. I feel this is a game that requires some more love, we have always had a blast with this so any interest? See if we can get a full crew of 4 on the go? If we can get a full crew I plan to stream this one 🙂
  14. Putting this one up early, keeping the events going! I wonder if we can get a full 11 down at some point 🙃
  15. 2 Weeks down, we seem to be doing a bit better on it currently and we even got promoted once or twice last week! Let's keep it going before the playoff's and see what league we can get into!
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