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Luseth last won the day on June 20

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  1. Bit skint for the next few months so wonโ€™t commit to anything just yet, but probably come end of the year things will be looking much better and I can commit to putting in a regular payment into FG to help with things ๐Ÿ™‚
    Did make me laugh! You don't get 5 stars though cuz if it was happening to me I'd have chewed you out as well, such a prick ๐Ÿ˜„
  2. Just thinking about the slight uproar about changes to game pass over the past few weeks and the potential issues with subscriptions down the road. Does anyone pay for anything other than the basic to get online gaming? If so do you think you get your money's worth? I pay for the extra tier of PS plus and most months I do play something from there, when I am having a skint month it gives me something new to play at a time I can't afford it which is nice. However I can see pitfalls with these services, I mean why do we pay for an online service in the first place? We don't for pc gaming.
  3. This game is coming to consoles this year with crossplay, is it an MMO that FG could give a try?
  4. Luseth

    EA FC 25

    We say we won't buy it every year, but who are we kidding? There's no alternative football games
  5. Who need's a new fallout game when you have Stalker coming out this year?
  6. I felt this one needed an event seeing as it will be free initially to PS players. Any Harry Potter fans will likely give it a try if nothing else so maybe we can give it a go here?
  7. A bit of a generic question, disregard the games you played or the memories you have with friends. Which console has been your favourite and why? This is all related to the OS and how it works, the form factor, the aesthetics of how it looks. I have a few that excite me, the Switch we all know is brilliant and having the option to go portable really made it, the Wii really cemented itself into houses across the world and the Xbox 360 probably brought about the way we interact with modern games consoles with the internet and it's store front. For me it's a toss up between my ROG Ally, having that power at your fingertips and being able to take it around with you (albeit the battery life is a sore point) and my PS2, I have a silver one that stands proud in my lounge, the sounds it made on start up still stick with me today.
  8. I liked the first one, I thought the trackpad was pretty cool and these look nice but there are just so many options when it comes to controllers that work with pc games now. Anyone who has an xbox or PS controller, I don't see why you would pick this up as well.
  9. Luseth

    PS5 Pro

    I don't feel like any modern games really take advantage of the current systems in the first place, a pro will sell for the same reason pc gamers feel the need to buy top of the line hardware, bragging rights. But I won't be picking one up, we need new games, something exciting and a bit innovative (Ratchet & Clank partially achieved that). But generally the software side of things has been really poor on consoles in recent years, there is an awful lot of shovelware appearing all over the place and the store fronts are not optimised very well to deal with it in the way that Steam is.
  10. Luseth


    Yeah seconding this, pro clubs is the only reason I pick up fifa now, there aren't many games so many of us can get together and though it has it's issues it has led to some brilliant and comedic moments. It's very much our social game I feel. COD doesn't hit the same feel despite being able to have private lobbies, people get more of a hump with COD when it's going badly I feel. That said because the player base isn't huge there is a risk that if someone brings out a similar mode on another game you split the player based and it could also harm things further? What would you do differently with clubs? If you were given the chance to innovate it, how would you go about it? When you think about it they have made more changes in the last 2 years than ever before with the new league system, play offs and the volta store (even if that is half arsed). I think the main issues with clubs is fifa in that the whole game just need's a revamp, the gameplay is all over the shop at the moment.
  11. not sure how i feel about it. His style doesnt suit the players i dont think but he has done incredibly well. The other aspect is there is no one currently I could pick to replace him
  12. Still suspect, think I will give the next one a miss you cheating b*stard, for all we know Lee was in on it in exchange for half your winnings going to FG ๐Ÿ˜„
  13. Join us for a night of DnD, featuring answers to all the big questions - - Will our group make it out of town? - Will Cal even show up? - Will Arn take Lavender back to his room in the tavern or will they letter their inner beasts rage in the wilderness? - Oh and will we be able to discover and take this treasure from under the nose of Drax the white?
  14. I am using the Laxeri theme now, the default fluent designt one is the one that seemed the worst (by a fair margin).
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