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Luseth last won the day on January 16

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  1. Luseth

    EA FC 25 2025 Stats

    Stats updated again this weeK, some things I picked up as well putting them in this week - - Next week will see us hit the number of matches for a Championship season (we need 7 more games). We currently sit on 72 points. In all liklihood we would only need 1 win of those 7 for a play off spot, winning all 7 would see us in most seasons nick an automatic space! Considering how crap we tend to start the new fifa games that to me is not a bad return at all! - @Macca89 despite playing only 5 games last week picked up 3 MOM's and sit's top of the assists with 30 showing he's probably the biggest team player of FG! - @Jamesmade a point of proving me wrong on assists last week by getting 6 (being his current best since I started the stats!) This also moves him into third O/A. - @Antpool84 (I don't know is the only person not to have missed a match in 2025 featuring in 44 games! (Note that I don't have the results of the first week hence the difference between his appearances and the points tally above).
  2. It's called getting old mate 😛
  3. Had a couple of sessions now, now that I sort of know what I'm doing it's actually become quite good fun. You can tell there are a lot of new players, people don't understand the supplies in a match and such. There are a few as mentioned before from my battlefield group up for giving it a go and they joined me Saturday just gone and we had good fun with it. I am very skeptical about letting others drive now though as I have died a few times just because people can't stay on the road! There are also some wingebags in some of the lobbies, I drove some supplies to a forward base the other day and because I did not stop to pick someone up (the truck was full mind) he tried to vote to kick me, he also began a vote to kick someone only minutes later in the same base I was gathering supplies for de spawning vehicles then proceeded to try and run to the forward bases 😄 I had some great gun fights, fighting in the streets at the port was great and people could really hole up in some of the buildings, where some games you would just drive a vehicle in i.e. battlefield and knock it all down or it would be a run and slide into a building. Here it just felt like a warzone, well calculated attacks and making the most of cover and such. Playing it on your own strikes me as less fun unless you are in a decent lobby, but working as a squad, moving up and flanking enemies and such together it can be great when it works. We snuck up on a sniper on a cliff the other evening after he picked 1 or 2 of our guys off and my friend bayonetted him which was quite entertaining. It will definately get more game time from us I think.
  4. Another Monday, another night of clubs. Get your name down people 🙂 Let's see if we can keep the good run of results going!
  5. Luseth

    EA FC 25 2025 Stats

    Stats updated nice and early this week 🙂
  6. I had a think after last night's session, we had a few good games, especially when we all switched to 3 tanks / 3 healers to turn around what was looking like a loss. Putting a bit of thought into my characters I generally begin games with one of my preferred but there are often times I feel the need to switch depending on how things are playing out - - If the team is quite aggressive and pushing as a group then Squirrel Girl is great. Her attack can hit a few at the same time and you can launch it a fair way, great for dealing with some awkward healers (being protected by effective tanks). - Against flyers she does not do so well so I tend to switch to Scarlet Witch here, I don't have to worry so much about spiderman, iron man or storm flying around then as the attack hits anyway so they can't really escape. - On maps where there are plenty of flanking options, Penni is fantastic. Being able to select places to put mines or the mine dispenser can kill off flanks before they even happen! - I used star lord a bit last night too, he is quite effective against your Scarlet Witches & Moon Knights. If you can get right up against them, unload a clip into them and follow up with his L1 and they can't hit you back and tend to go down pretty quick. - My healer tends to be Cloak and dagger though I would like to get used to using Rocket a bit more with his little damage booster thing. I am yet to find a melee DPS I like but they seem to have gained a bit of popularity recently.
  7. So I have picked this up, having only done the tutorial so far I can tell you it seem's great but glitchy as hell 😄 A few of the guys I used to play battlefield with have picked this up so once I squad up with them and give it a real go I will put some thoughts in here 🙂
  8. Luseth

    EA FC 25 2025 Stats

    Sorry for the delay in updating the stats this week, I was umming and arring whether or not to bother as I think I missed a few matches (1 at the beginning and having to leave early). If anyone took any stats from those matches feel free to send across and I will incorporate them but otherwise yeah things are looking good! We had a great week with the play off's last week winning 6 in 7 (at least whilst I was there) which is probably some of our best play yet so well done lads!
  9. You still see some of the arcade machines about, having the foot pedal for cover and the guns often had haptic feedback in them. I played the house of the dead game that was on the Wii, that was good fun but lightguns generally do not work so well today obviously. There is a company that I believe has just released one that works with modern tv's but I can't remember the name of them. The closest experience now is a VR headset, I have a few games on there that do get the same sort of feel as playing some of these games though it's also different at the same time.
  10. I was more concerned about you and the other James 😄 And you laugh about communism but it's probably the only form of government that could escape climate disaster as no other would be ever in a position to enforce the strict measures required! (Not that I'd want communism mind)
  11. Is it the same technology as the PSP UMD discs? It seems so?
  12. Delta force just looks like the original Far Cry / Wildlands game? I fully agree with you James, the innovation that came through then led to such big jumps between games it was probably gaming's golden era really. The current market is stagnated and I find myself struggling to pick up some games as they are generally rehashes or reskins of games from yesteryear. One of my favourite strategy games back then was a game called Skull Caps, a sequel to Baldies. Both were great fun games albeit I can not get the latter one to run anymore-
  13. I think most people can agree that people do not get into politics for anyone but themselves, it is the same with this administration, it is the same with our UK government and almost every political party to come before. If anyone thinks differently then they probably are getting their news & information from a somewhat skewed source. Now I hope you don't mind me suggesting it but as this has now gone onto politics it might be worth closing the thread and ending the chat? Otherwise I can see people falling out...
  14. Errrm simple and straight to the point I guess.... I thought it was all still rumours? Has it had actual confirmation from the devs then?
  15. Minidiscs? I remember our music teacher saying the above back in secondary school? Then I never saw them again 😄
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