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TheMuggySpud last won the day on October 22 2024

TheMuggySpud had the most liked content!



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    Dublin, Ireland

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TheMuggySpud's Achievements

  1. Got my diamond ARs 4 out of 6 gold SMGs 1 out of 3 LMGs gold 1 out of 4 Pistols gold
  2. Lies. You're sitting on 4 headshots and you know it
  3. Only got the Tanto .22 gold right now (use this gun you bastards. Sick of saying it) Currently working on the XM4 for the wife as that's her gun and will probably go for diamond SMGs afterwards
  4. Can't believe that bitch stole my blade 😤
  5. Only 2 so far but I've been very late into starting Star Wars: Jedi Survivor. What a clean fucking game
  6. Oh my god it's Brede. I don't know if you remember me or what fucking username I have now but it's Egotisti_Cal from waaaaaay back. EDIT: I'm one of the cunts who live on WhatsApp
  7. I'd like to join but don't get paid til tomorrow evening. Can I throw my name down as a placeholder til I can transfer?
  8. Well hello there! A few years back, we had an interesting time on the forum before it was this beautiful place. We all played CoD together but what we decided to do was create 2 clans. We had Blood 4 Blood (B4B) and we had Alliance (|A|). It created a nice little dynamic where we often played against eachother to keep up a friendly rivalry and it also breathed some new life onto the game, which we all need again. So my question is, would we be up for doing something like that again? PS. B4B 4 LYF
  9. 100% engagement. I am still in FG. Probably Phil Babb slide tackling the goalpost whilst playing against Chelsea. That or Liverpools miracle 4-0 against Barcelona that time back then. I love you, Tom ❤️
  10. Hmmm apparently max party size is 3. Unless you can still join same lobby, FG Friday is out
  11. So, after playing the BETA over the weekend, I can honestly say I had so much fun playing this. The starting section seemed to drag a bit and was almost turning me off the experience until I youtubed how to collect fucking wood 😂 Once you get your own bigger ship, that's when the fun starts. I can only imagine how fun playing with friends will be. An FG Friday with a bunch of us scallywags ruling the high seas could be glorious. Did anyone else play? Also, does anyone else think they're going to pay the hefty price tag for the console version?
  12. 1. The Life of Brian 2. Scott Pilgrim vs. The World 3. Spirited Away Honourable mention - Kung Fury
  13. Spider-Man 2 Diablo IV Teardown Hogwarts Legacy Final Fantasy XVI I don't know if Teardown was out on PC last year or not but I only played about 5 new games 😂
  14. Honest to god a great movie. Best superhero movie? Probably not. Top 5? Most definitely
  15. French lad, Beau Knerr (the k is silent) Local lass, Maura Less Not so local lad, Hugh Jass Not local at all lad, Cal Nash (because he wishes he could play with you but just doesn't) Jonathan Sins, footballer, doctor, plumber, astronaut extraordinaire
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