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TheMuggySpud last won the day on October 22 2024

TheMuggySpud had the most liked content!



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    Dublin, Ireland

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  1. DnD Night

    Having defeated the one who broke Arn's heart. We now need to go and discover the rumblings of undead scouring the landscape. This is where we begin to witness what these artifacts can really do.

  2. D&D Night!

    Our adventure continues…

  3. FG Friday - Wreckfest! until

    Not sure there are many people who don't enjoy racing around on lawnmowers, on a sofa or inside a huge bus!


    Let's get some people back on this, this year for some carnage mayhem! It won't be long until the new game is out either!

  4. D&D Night

    Our adventure continues…


    Streaming Event over on Twitch, for anyone else interested.

  5. D&D Night!

    So the last session led to us reaching the dragon's cave, there we fought a dragon like creature that had decided to make a home in the cave, dispatched with relative ease we ventured in.


    It didn't take too long before we found the dragon's wealth and the remains of the dragon, exploring the room and taking what treasure's we could, Barm was underway with taking the dragon heart. As soon as he got it, things soon went south for the group as he used some kind of spell to freeze us all and look to make his escape.


    Things then went really South when the amazonian warrior decided she had finally had enough of Arn and as the pair escaped she plunged a knife into Arn's chest.


    This is where we begin this week's session, the group has grown considerably since Arn, Brock & Dravaram took on a measly group of thugs in the tavern with a berserker, ranger and warlock joining the group, will they seek revenge?

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