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Greboth last won the day on September 12 2024

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  1. I’d love to get some Wreckfest on the go but I’m away so will have to join the next one.
  2. The modded server still exists if you want to play on it 🙂 But I appreciate there's fun in the challenge of figuring out your own 🙂 I remember Voizdev on youtube having some good tutorials on starting and joining servers. They may be out a little out of date now but I'm sure they're still relevant. It's more connecting, joining etc. though rather than hardware. Hardware wise, Minecraft is pretty easy to run so just go with whatever the best hardware is that fit's your budget. Some general comments though, Minecraft is still terribly multithreaded so benefits massively from fast single cores over high core count CPU's. RAM, fast RAM is great but total pool of RAM is more important than speed and even for the heaviest of modpacks I don't think we ever went above 8Gb but we probably pushed that limit a few times. Storage, less of a consideration so really any SSD/NVME would do.
  3. Halo 3 and the original MW2 was probably my heyday in FPS - young enough to both have the time to play silly hours of it and the reaction time also. Though the game I was best at, probably a shock to no-one, is Gran Turismo sport. I've put a lot of time in to other GT games and countless other racing games but GT Spot was the one I probably got the fastest and consistently fast in due to the FG leagues meant I played it the most.
  4. Agreed! Hopefully the announcement means it’ll be out relatively soon rather than GTA style it’ll be 2 years. As it’d be great to have it for some FG Fridays over Autumn/Winter.
  5. Wreckfest 2 was announced a couple of days ago. I never got massively in to the first chasing the credits and whatnot but still absolutely love it. There's no release date and not much other detail on it either except the below "Wreckfest 2 is coming to PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S, featuring a completely overhauled physics engine for even more realistic destruction, fully customizable cars that you can share with other players and revamped game modes including a brand-new split screen mode" @slamminbones time to re-ignite our rivalry 😄
  6. I'm up for this, it's been a while since killed some zeds. @Chocolateboy Do you want to join from the beginning this time?
  7. Go on then, I'll join.
  8. The modded server is still running though I don't think it's used much, if at all. But it's a Java server so only accessible on PC. If people talking about console then that's the bedrock server which Matty @Misneach_ was admin for and I don't know what's going on with or if it's still up. With the autocrafter coming in an update soon, I'm tempted to try vanilla. I could switch the modded server to a vanilla one if people want to play but again, this would only be for PC players, not consoles.
  9. Do we need anything special in our characters story for this one? Like we needed a good death story for the last one. @Middle Class Caveman
  10. As we were discussing the other day, my Astro's are 16 year old and on to their third generation of console but being wired they seem to just keep going and going. But it would be nice to go wireless and retire my current Astro's and de-clutter the bulky set up I have for my PC for one headset to rule them all. I'm in no rush though so will wait until release and a lot more in depth reviews to drop before deciding.
  11. By the leaked information and report to investors it should be Q1 2025 so a year and a bit rather than 2 years. Still, plenty of time for it to ge delayed yet.
  12. I said Goldeneye on the N64 in chat the other night but DOOM is probably my earliest FPS. Though both were played on other peoples computers / consoles. I think my first FPS was probably Battlefield 1942 as I can't think of any earlier than that.
  13. As ever with CoD the hit detection is meh. Dying to what feels, and weirdly occasionally sounds like, a sniper shot but seeing the kill cam and it shows you getting hot 4 or 5 times. Yet other games, going on a spree knowing the enemy team are probably at the end of the horrible deaths. That said overall, I enjoyed what I played last night and great to be playing the old maps again. The new unlock system is weird in that it doesn’t really tell you what to do or how to do it - in that it says complete 3 daily challenges to unlock. Which I unlocked but as far as I can tell I didn’t complete any daily challenges so I dunno. But I like the system in general, being able to unlock the perks, greades, kill streaks etc. you want rather than just grinding levels unlocking loads of stuff you’re not going to use to get to the stuff you want.
  14. Well that was a bit of understatement as I realised last night I'm halfway through Polyatomic now with 25/51 done. I probably could have finished all Polyatomic's by now but slowed down as, while unlocking Polyatomic, I've been making sure I've completed the gold and platinum mastery challenges too. So I've unlocked Polyatomic on guns but carried on using them to get another 100-200 kills with it. I haven't done the Polyatomic mastery though as I figure I'll do that when I go for Orion.
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