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FG GTA Racing

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3 hours ago, ChaosGladiator said:

I swear when I die I’ll have them engrave my tombstone with "I fucking hate you all". 


The rage was too much at some points, like @GazzaGarratt knocking me off the same ramp twice, making me fall off it a total of 4 times... 

Get better. 




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Going to move GTA FG Races to fortnightly on a Friday. I think this way everyone will enjoy coming back to it and not feel like it's a burden that you have to play every week, even though we've never said you have to turn up.

We also should look into the target races as well to keep it fresh and fun.

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2 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said:

Picked it up this morning..2 hour update!

Via the FG App

Can't believe Dave will finally be a part of GTA Fridays!!



Also, last night's money was pretty good because it was double $ this weekend on Sumo. Didn't realise this at all!


Thanks for everyone coming last night, 13 in all - I think it was such good fun trying to smash people up out of the tiniest circle. So many zoomed off the track trying to hit each other 



We'll try to keep it varied like last night going forward.


Thanks @Amnotright @Diddums @crispymorgan @phil bottle @Rico @Misneach_ @LordBaguette @techno @D4rk_Uprising01 @Nutcuttlit @Ilagbillions @ChaosGladiator


P.S. Gary was amazingly drunk and won the award for best banter last night - telling Didds and Chris to shut the fuck up at separate occasions 😂😂😂

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Ok, won’t have a lot of time to get into this game at the moment so is there anything I need to do to before I’m able to race with you guys? Nick a car? Do a robbery?
You have to do the prologue mission in single player before you can access multiplayer[emoji39]

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk


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We've decided to park GTA Fridays for a little while. As it nears the holidays there is lots for people to do for their families, etc but I'm wanting to bring this back in some form next year.

Doesn't mean we can't have a random night playing this but best to not set expectations foe everyone in the short term. Definitely on the list for the FG 2019 plans though [emoji106]

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Awesome racing last night folks. I giggled a lot and it was much needed. Arena Wars wasn't too bad and it was good to try that bomb ball mode and the blow up car thingy one.


It's good to see even though it's been a while literally none of you have lost your annoying trolling smashy skills. Cars off bloody everywhere.


Did Gary win one in the end? I swear he was winning the races every time I checked!


@tronic44 @Diddums @crispymorgan @Greboth @techno @LordBaguette @Stretch616

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Worst night ever. Diddums won 3 races back to back. We all need a long hard look at ourselves.


Apart from that, lolz were back bigger than ever. Loved that Gary picked a mini track that had his favourite wall tracks 50% of the race 😂 Sebba did rage abit, but secretly he enjoyed losing control after a cheeky nudge into oncoming traffic.


Don't know about anyone else but I enjoyed those race tracks that had traffic on them. Quite abit better than that insane weird RC race we had. I better check my clips, although I hope it isn't showing anyone of Didds' wins 😭


GGFG all @phil bottle @tronic44 @Diddums @crispymorgan @Misneach_ @LordBaguette @Greboth @ChaosGladiator @techno & Bloodie

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On 6/22/2019 at 9:52 AM, GazzaGarratt said:

Worst night ever. Diddums won 3 races back to back. We all need a long hard look at ourselves.


Apart from that, lolz were back bigger than ever. Loved that Gary picked a mini track that had his favourite wall tracks 50% of the race 😂 Sebba did rage abit, but secretly he enjoyed losing control after a cheeky nudge into oncoming traffic.


Don't know about anyone else but I enjoyed those race tracks that had traffic on them. Quite abit better than that insane weird RC race we had. I better check my clips, although I hope it isn't showing anyone of Didds' wins 😭


GGFG all @phil bottle @tronic44 @Diddums @crispymorgan @Misneach_ @LordBaguette @Greboth @ChaosGladiator @techno & Bloodie



Secretly I enjoyed turning the fucking game off 😂😂😂

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Would we be interested next time we get together in some of the other modes where it doesn't involve cars?


I'm not sure I would but I did see one once where one team has cars and the others have rocket launcher type guns where they have to blow up the cars before they knock them off a high target?


If we know what they are beforehand it'll save time next time we play GTAL (Loading) or GTA MAWMACOTABMSWIWFAR (Might as well make a cup of tea and boil my skin while I wait for a race)

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Thanks for everyone turning up last night. That was a much needed lolz for once that i stayed up all the way through and didn't want it to end. Highlights for me were Crispy flying off my bonnet into space just in time to go out of the Sumo circle and blow up. I tactically played the worlds best ram and flip on Nick, to put him on his top and then casually slap him into the abyss on the next round of Sumo.


After working out another controller can't hit top speed, it was finally good to eventually smash you all off the track....although i probably remembered more when i screwed up more than being on top. Like casually cutting across Diddums just in time for his pink car to fuck me up. and trying to nudge Crispy out of first only to bump him into the lead on the last corner and drive off into a wall. Having said all this, the Nascar one where Greebs couldn't catch Rich for the life of him, you guys outplayed yourselves constantly hitting a brick wall time after time, properly making cry on that one.


Cheers all, been too long, as always @Diddums @phil bottle @tronic44 @Greboth @crispymorgan @Bluebear @Misneach_ @Rico @Tadnothad & Alex


P.S. Tad joined after 5 years of saying he would. You get a certificate for that. Well Done. You'll lose it though if you don't come next time.

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Top laughs last night everyone, very much needed whilst most of us are stuck in the same 4 walls everyday. It started with Elliott's noob skills to not know what acceleration was, being last for 5 laps and then ended up winning the first race of the night - sounds like hes another one of these Greebs 'I haven't done this race before' moments. Phil doing all he could to make sure took the saffa Didds down so he couldn't win, whilst I was trying to make the Norwegian Raging bull Sebba rage even more by smashing the fuck out of him. Silent but violent Crispy was his usual self hating every moment of being in the lead knowing full well we were going to ruin his party, much to Alex's delight.


Trying Arena War for a little bit was a change up, although definitely not too much more than a few races before it gets out of control, hilarious to watch everyone smash each other up and forget we had to actually score goals with bombs. I couldn't hear any convos other than just laughter from all corners. Sumo was friggin hilarious, Tom was on fire the whole night ripping shreds into everyone...and then the bellend making the almightiest cock up when we were 3v1 up against Crispy and all wiping in one section. He even blamed Matty for that one. 


I cried with laughter multiple times but it was topped off by Biron googling Luna Lovegood's age in on Harry Potter Wikipedia rather than the actress herself and believing she was 39. Using interwebz is hard for Barmcake Boy 🙈


It'd be great to see more of us on next time. Having 13 on was carnage and for a few hours a week, it gave everyone some light relief from what is going on in the world. Nice one Rich for organising the night 👍❤️


GGFG  peeps @tronic44 @Diddums @Middle Class Caveman  @GazzaGarratt @ChaosGladiator  @Greboth @Tadnothad  @crispymorgan  @LordBaguette  @Misneach_  @phil bottle @Ajay-1997 @MrBiron

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I can only echo what Lee has said, everyone was on top form last night. It was honestly an absolute pleasure to get some games in with everyone, I was crying with laughter the entire night. 

It’s been a long couple of weeks and we might have a few more of them before this is all over. The one thing we can do is support each other with fun and laughter.





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