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FG League - Team Championship?


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4 hours ago, Greboth said:

So I mentioned this in the whatsapp group that I was going to post it here after the season is over.  However I thought it was a good idea to post it now as statistical analysis is not something I've done so there might be (probably is) a better way to analyse everyone's performance.


So what's included now is;

'Finishing positions' - pretty self explanatory though worth noting that the dates at the top are mostly when I made the race results images rather than the actual date of the race.  It was mostly just for me to keep track as I went through them all but it does ensure the races are in order.


'Weight positions' - I realised that, for example, a 5th place when there's only 5 finishes is last place however finishing 5th in a race of 10 is a midpack finish.  Therefore finishing 5th of 10 should rank you better than finishing 5th of 5.  So to factor this is, all I've done is divide the position we all finished by the total number of finishers.  5th of 5 then gives you a weighted position of 1 whereas 5th of 1o gives 0.5.


'Rankings' - This simply sums up the total weighted positions and divides by the total races finished to work out everyone's average.


It's the weighted positions and then averaging them that I'm not so sure on so if anyone can think of or knows a better way to do this then happy to change it.


I've also left the average in over all the races though I think we should only take an average of the last 10-20 races as this should give a better representation of how things stand now.  Obviously for those who haven't been around a lot and don't have 10-20 races total we'll just have to average however many they've done.



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This all looks great to me, the value of a finish in regards to number of drivers is something else I hadn't considered!



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15 hours ago, jordie1892 said:


This all looks great to me, the value of a finish in regards to number of drivers is something else I hadn't considered!

Let's sort a minute to chat and maybe I'll ram some info into a document for the rules etc? 

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FYI, I'm still working with the developer of our tournaments application that is great to holding information like the results and league table.


If I can get him to create something before the next season I will try because its so much nicer to have it all inbuilt within its own section.

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54 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:

FYI, I'm still working with the developer of our tournaments application that is great to holding information like the results and league table.


If I can get him to create something before the next season I will try because its so much nicer to have it all inbuilt within its own section.


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The local 5 a side club has given us Tuesdays to play on the evening, would anyone mind if we choose another night?


20 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

I shall also buy a monkeybike......


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22 minutes ago, crispymorgan said:

The local 5 a side club has given us Tuesdays to play on the evening, would anyone mind if we choose another night?


I won't lie mate, I struggle on other nights but I think Thursdays is the only other possibility. Mondays FG has FIFA working well, and personally I have football on a Weds (which will likely involve 3-5 FGers too) and then there's FG Fridays.


What time is your thing on Tuesdays?


How are others fixed on Thursdays?

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Right them, what's the score with this.


If we're going to change nights we need to sort ASAP.


We have 2 who can no longer do Tuesdays.

@GazzaGarrattsuggests Thursday, which is OK for me, can't see me being available for any other night as I'm busy Monday and Wednesday. Sunday evenings would be a possibility if not for the time of year, as sunshine and afternoon beers make that a no no😁



If Thursday is no good for people, they need to say so here, so we know where we stand and can make a decision. 


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Just now, phil bottle said:

Right them, what's the score with this.


If we're going to change nights we need to sort ASAP.


We have 2 who can no longer do Tuesdays.

@GazzaGarrattsuggests Thursday, which is OK for me, can't see me being available for any other night as I'm busy Monday and Wednesday. Sunday evenings would be a possibility if not for the time of year, as sunshine and afternoon beers make that a no no😁



If Thursday is no good for people, they need to say so here, so we know where we stand and can make a decision. 

Thursday is OK for me

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So I've updated the rankings to include the last 2 league races.  It's calculated on the last 20 races as this pretty much covers the whole Spring league but I'm open to change this number if people have a better idea.  Where people haven't done 20 races, I've counted all the races they did enter.


This gives the following ranking

1. Kiwi

2. Greboth

3. @Mikepjbell

4. Agent_gsv

5. James

6. @phil bottle

7. @Shucker

8.  Jordie

9.  Tom @LordBaguette

10. Rich @tronic44

11. Clive @Teenwolf25

12. Lee @GazzaGarratt

13. @Stretch616

14. Matt

15. @TonyAE86

16. @crispymorgan

17. Paul @slamminbones

18. Macca @Macca89

19. @Spacedeck

20. Gary @techno

21. Cal @TheMuggySpud


I've tagged everyone so hopefully people will say if they will be making more races going forward but removing those who haven't done many races, running the teams as first & last, 2nd and 2nd last etc.  It makes the preliminary teams;


Team 1: Kiwi and Macca

Team 2: Greboth and Paul

Team 3: Mike and Crispy

Team 4: James and Lee

Team 5: Phil and Jordie


This does depend on a few things like if Matt @Misneach_ is planning to make more races after his move?

@jordie1892 are you still planning to make more races if we're doing teams?

James @Lurch   You've made quite a few races but not all of them so not sure if you want to commit to a team championship or not, and

@JBR Kiwi You've mentioned a couple times about not being around for races going forward for obvious reason so unsure whether I should be including you.

FG League Average(1).xlsx


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Definitely down for this but June is practically out for me as I will double check but Thursdays are my over time days which I can change after June then I think end of July and maybe a week in August as I should be on holiday. 

Will get the dates and double check. 


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5 minutes ago, slamminbones said:

Definitely down for this but June is practically out for me as I will double check but Thursdays are my over time days which I can change after June then I think end of July and maybe a week in August as I should be on holiday. 

Will get the dates and double check. 


Dammit, both Team Grebones and Team Slamminboth are such good names too 😞


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22 minutes ago, slamminbones said:

Definitely down for this but June is practically out for me as I will double check but Thursdays are my over time days which I can change after June then I think end of July and maybe a week in August as I should be on holiday. 

Will get the dates and double check. 


I don't think this will be a problem - we could start mid-june but we have to be realistic and try to do this alongside people not always being here every week. Its worked well with the first league we did with us all individually and i can't see why it couldn't again.


All in all whatever those teams are i'm cool with. I actually think we should pair up the remaining people too so they also get some form of a team but perhaps they don't need a specific manufacturer as their apearances won't impact it all as much. Good balance potentially - cos lets face it, having 20 of us all around to be in races would be so awesome.


What you all reckon?

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1 hour ago, crispymorgan said:

Are we picking manufacturers?


I believe that’s the plan.  I think Jordie’s idea is that each team has a different manufacturer.  With the teams being drawn from a hat to decide the order we get to choose a manufacturer.


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Yeah there's enough decent manufacturers that no team will be lumbered with a shit one.


I agree with pairing up those who don't make every week.


Hopefully enough ppl state their intentions so we know the score.


@jordie1892  and @Mikepjbell  are you planning to set up the race schedule and weekly calendar for this too? If not, let me know as soon as possible.



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Just listing down some things that need working out still:

- Choose which manufacturers will be used

- Names in a hat selection for manufacturers 

- Decide on races

- Decide on rules for races and teams

- Decide on dates


Anything else I've not considered?

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3 hours ago, Greboth said:

So I've updated the rankings to include the last 2 league races.  It's calculated on the last 20 races as this pretty much covers the whole Spring league but I'm open to change this number if people have a better idea.  Where people haven't done 20 races, I've counted all the races they did enter.


This gives the following ranking

1. Kiwi

2. Greboth

3. @Mikepjbell

4. Agent_gsv

5. James

6. @phil bottle

7. @Shucker

8.  Jordie

9.  Tom @LordBaguette

10. Rich @tronic44

11. Clive @Teenwolf25

12. Lee @GazzaGarratt

13. @Stretch616

14. Matt

15. @TonyAE86

16. @crispymorgan

17. Paul @slamminbones

18. Macca @Macca89

19. @Spacedeck

20. Gary @techno

21. Cal @TheMuggySpud


I've tagged everyone so hopefully people will say if they will be making more races going forward but removing those who haven't done many races, running the teams as first & last, 2nd and 2nd last etc.  It makes the preliminary teams;


Team 1: Kiwi and Macca

Team 2: Greboth and Paul

Team 3: Mike and Crispy

Team 4: James and Lee

Team 5: Phil and Jordie


This does depend on a few things like if Matt @Misneach_ is planning to make more races after his move?

@jordie1892 are you still planning to make more races if we're doing teams?

James @Lurch   You've made quite a few races but not all of them so not sure if you want to commit to a team championship or not, and

@JBR Kiwi You've mentioned a couple times about not being around for races going forward for obvious reason so unsure whether I should be including you.

FG League Average(1).xlsx 38.7 kB · 2 downloads


I'm all in for next season! Though don't recall ever finishing ahead of @GazzaGarratt in a race 🤔😂



Think all looks pretty fair based from the current list we know will be participating. As Lee said having people miss the occasional race will be unavoidable, so we can only do our best here.


Currently still awaiting confirmation either way from the following list. Think we should call 24th May the cut off so we have time to prepare.





@Agent_gsv (don't know the forum name😂












21 minutes ago, Mikepjbell said:

Just listing down some things that need working out still:

- Choose which manufacturers will be used

- Names in a hat selection for manufacturers 

- Decide on races

- Decide on rules for races and teams

- Decide on dates


Anything else I've not considered?


Think that about covers it:


- I figure we should give free reign rather than preselecting the manufacturers, just gives the teams more options! I'm assuming the manufacturer would need GR2, GR3, GR4, possibly a lower category if there are enough options? I can take a look at options after work tonight.


- I can randomize the draft order on Monday once teams are absolutely final using https://wheelofnames.com/


- Think deciding on the races is better suited to either yourself or @phil bottle




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