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Eurogamer 2017 - FG Meet Up! 22nd-24th Sept

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Current Roll Call Confirmed:


Lee @GazzaGarratt

Greboth @Greboth

Rich @tronic44

Stretch @Stretch616

Tam @burnfitbillyboy

Crispy @crispymorgan

Bob @Baabcat (Day only)

Charlie @Venom (Day only)

Chris @Amnotright

Phil @phil bottle

Gary @techno

Diddums @Diddums




Right. We need a larger meet up. I've spoken to quite a few of you and I know this can work so lets make sure we can get as many FGers there as possible.


Event - Eurogamer 2017 (EGX 2017)


Venue - NEC, Birmingham


When - Fri 22nd & Sat 23rd - We need to decide whether we should do one night or two nights. 2 would be great but I get it may be down to availability and cost.


Cost - Tickets are £19 for Friday and £23 for Saturday. Entry 11am to 7pm.


Gut reaction is try and find hotels cheap enough for 2 nights and go to Eurogamer on Saturday. If more can afford it and can book a day off then some/all can do Friday too but we could all meet up Friday night, get settled and then have a good old time on the Saturday at Eurogamer with a few beers along the way.


Hotels will probably be £20-30 each so not much at all if we're block booking. I'd love to find us a spot where we can all have to ourselves but not sure where that will be just yet.


There's not been a large meet up for the last 4/5 years ago so let's try and make this work everybody? We all due a drink together IRL.


Let us know ASAP if you can be in or out on the dates. Let's make this happen!

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I'm in, just let me know and i'll work my way around others.


Us Londoners can hire a decent size car and drive up to meet ya, save spending a load of money on trains. Will have to know numbers etc



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16 minutes ago, crispymorgan said:

I'm torn here, I'd love to go to Eurogamer, but I'd also love alex to go.  I'll have a think.

If it's like the last time we went, you won't be able to take him into the age restricted areas, like CoD etc....they were really strict...Baby Face Dylan stood no chance! :lol:


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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3 hours ago, crispymorgan said:

wow, that's harsh.  Sounds like it would be more trouble than it was worth. :(  Better to find out before I go though.


What better way to find out than go and get some first hand experience.  There'll be another Eurogamer soon enough.


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@Plumbers Crack @Plumbrodders @Amnotright @LordBaguette @Diddums @phil bottle @IPSWICH HIGASHI @Baabcat and anyone else I haven't tagged from the UK - can you make it? (I'm being polite, I expect your attendance otherwise I'll cry and stay indoors for the rest of my life).


Get anyone else I haven't tagged to respond so they know when its on and where they need to be.



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Looking at this so far it seems people who are yes are:


Lee @GazzaGarratt

Greboth @Greboth

Rich @tronic44

Stretch @Stretch616

Tam @burnfitbillyboy

Crispy @crispymorgan

Bob @Baabcat

Charlie @Venom


Come on people, I'd like to know who else is in. I can start looking at stuff to try and package it up but rather know how many we can get there first.

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36 minutes ago, phil bottle said:

I don't know, my travelling options are limited. I get a nosebleed if I travel further south than the river thames and the same if I travel further north than watford.


Stop being a Southern Pansy and we'll sort the relevant travel so its cost efficient and you get protected by two big stupid gay bears. Now, you in?

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Only if Diddums is driving.

I'd drive with Dave to the gates of hell

(or Birmingham as the locals call it).

Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

Done. Is Marina coming? Just tryna figure out how to do this. Kyla, me, leaves two spots. If the ladies are coming then you & Ricky will have to fight for the spots. Personally I think horseback jousting till death is probably the fairest way to decide tbh. Alternatively, we can all chip in and rent a bigger car which will probably still be cheaper than a bunch of train tickets.

That said, we're driving down on the Friday and staying fri & sat, not sure how you guys want to do that. We'll also scout around that part of England for a bit too, see what makes northerners northerners.

How are we doing accommodation? All stay at same hotel? If so I'll get on the blower and see if I can blag a group discount.

Via the FG App


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7 minutes ago, Diddums said:



Done. Is Marina coming? Just tryna figure out how to do this. Kyla, me, leaves two spots. If the ladies are coming then you & Ricky will have to fight for the spots. Personally I think horseback jousting till death is probably the fairest way to decide tbh. Alternatively, we can all chip in and rent a bigger car which will probably still be cheaper than a bunch of train tickets.

That said, we're driving down on the Friday and staying fri & sat, not sure how you guys want to do that. We'll also scout around that part of England for a bit too, see what makes northerners northerners.

How are we doing accommodation? All stay at same hotel? If so I'll get on the blower and see if I can blag a group discount.

Via the FG App




Good man. Yarp with same hotel. I can't see any group apartments that can hold a large number so it may have to be hotels. If you want to get on the phone to get a good group discount that'd be grand.

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