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7 Days - a new chapter

phil bottle

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Well what can I say about last night. On a server that hosts a max of 10 players we had 11 ppl wanting to play at one point.


The server and game ran really well apart from one or two who had a poor experience. Though I'm going to create a swear jar for every time @craftofboredom  says the word 'lag' 😅

Great laugh last night and the game is better than ever.

I'm starting off digging for resources and while I've recently made bases deep underground, this time I have the urge to build a fotress on a mountain 😁


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22 hours ago, phil bottle said:

Though I'm going to create a swear jar for every time @craftofboredom  says the word 'lag' 😅


This made me chuckle 🤣


Yeah, great games everyone. Definitely a different FG Friday feel for sure. Nice to see so many of us work on different stuff like we really chipping in to get a cool start to the game. I've started on Food this time round rather than engineering as I know Anna and someone else was working on that. Pretty sure @crispymorgan  was working on medicine too. Weird we can't do more than one quest at a time now, unless thats a bug perhaps?


I think the funniest thing that happened on my screen was Dave @Plumbers Crack  standing with us at one of the next Quests and just looked like he had enough and dropped dead (like in a proper CBA way) and everyone was so confused. Apparently a Zombie was near and kicking the shit out of him, much to hilarity cos none of saw him! 🤣🤣


Hoping we get lots more stories up here of any time you all pop on. 👍 Also looing forward to getting @Macca89  and @G_dub52 on too!

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So far, with regards skills, I've concentrated on those that help with mining.

So, Miner64, Motherload, Sexy Dinosaur are all up to level 3. To go further on those I have to level strength up to 5.

I'm also levelling up some associated skills like advanced engineering, plus a few to help my survival a bit better. But yep, mining and engineering are what I'm focusing on.



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Nice one Phil.


I maxxed my farming yesterday so can make any seeds and get 3x when harvesting.  So I think my current plan is to try and extend the farm so we’re growing enough crops we don’t have to constantly go out hunting.


I’ve been a but jack of all trades outside of that, putting some points in to mining, hunting and pummelling so I could do the basics of each.


I was going to focus on mining but not sure that necessary right now with you and Dave on it so might put points elsewhere.


Engineering and traps would probably make the most sense but depends what others have spent their points on already.


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I'm basically going the same route as Phil but I'm a step or two behind him as I got a chemical workstation schematic so levelled up for work bench. We need 3 bottles of acid and glass beaker to be properly into gunpowder for bullets. Leave them in the workbench and let me know 👍


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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I was on a bit today, decided to upgrade the starter base a little bit. With @tronic44 and @Ajay  we got a good start. If the place wasn't surrounded by concrete I'd probably be digging a moat😁. Once I get my strength up a bit and max the mining skills I'll be on the lookout for an Auger. Need to up Perception too so I can rank up advanced engineering.

The iron mine is now also a nitrate mine as I stumbled upon a vein of it while digging a tunnel to the desert zone, where there's a newly started shale mine waiting to be connected.


Had to go play D&D after that so not sure if anyone was on this evening but I'll be back on most of tomorrow 😉


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Nice thread. I don’t have the exact info in front of me but I’ve been levelling up grease monkey, can now make mini bikes and motor bikes. I think I might hold off making 4x4 for now and look into levelling up lucky looter or maybe something to make us good armour. Whilst I’m doing this I might start putting points into cardio, health and the food and water one (can’t remember what it’s called) 

I’ve also chucked a couple of points in food, so I can make some meat stews if others aren’t online.


Theres so many sections that I want to put points on but never know what to choose. The one big difference in this Alpha is that I haven’t put anything into minor 69er, which is very noticeable when digging but I’ll try not to do that too often.


At some point we need to discuss building a base, I think we should look into making horde night bases into different towns. This will be a base where we don’t rely on spikes to kill them…I know we’re a little far from that but good to think about it.





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I liked the base we had with giant hole in the middle.  It seemed to work well for horde night and I’ve got an idea on a variation of that style base.


I’ve also got an idea for a different type of base too.  So off to a creative world I go!


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3 hours ago, Greboth said:


I’ve also got an idea for a different type of base too. 

Good to hear that Greeb coz, if you leave it to the two Hobbit miners you know what you’ll end up with! 😂😂


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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So we finally have a 4x4, we still need to find the seat extender mod so we can fit 4 people in.


I think we should start looking into building our own base soon, i'm not sure where everyone would like to do it? Do we want to move closer to the centre of the map or should we build where we are.


On 12/17/2021 at 9:50 AM, Greboth said:

I liked the base we had with giant hole in the middle.  It seemed to work well for horde night and I’ve got an idea on a variation of that style base.


I’ve also got an idea for a different type of base too.  So off to a creative world I go!

Sounds good to me dude, looking forward to seeing what you come up with



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I was thinking about this last night, i know there's ways in which you can make the game easier, mainly by not using half the stuff the game has to offer. One of them is just cooking the meat and veg stew, i'm determined to use everything this game has to offer which i why i'm in the process of going through all the meal and making a big stack of everything. Each meal has it's own unique benifits which should defintiely be looked into, especially when doing different tasks, mining/looting etc. The same goes for the drinks and the sweets, i'm slowly building up a stack of everything so that people don't feel like the supplys are running low and don't take anything.


Another thing that i'd love to do, is properly kit our new base out with all the gadgets, power doors, turrets, the whole shabang.



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So my first idea for a base didn’t work 😞 turns out zombies can easily walk over steep slopes now so that ideas out.


I haven’t tried the second idea out yet as I messed up something in my test world I think as I changed the time to horde night but nothing happened.


I agree with you though @tronic44 I’ve been focusing on meat and veg stew as it’s all I’ve unlocked in masterchef.  But as you said, good to build up a stock so everyone has some food on them so we aren’t all starving.  Definitely need to diversify though, especially as some foods offer nice perks.


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Those bases look cool and we should try them out but it would be extra cool if we come up with one ourselves. We could each design one and have them in different parts of the map, they could be named after the person who designed it haha



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Thoroughly enjoyed last night. @Plumbers Crack  gave me a gun and @Greboth gave me a fire bat or whatever it's called so I actually managed to mash a few zeds and get a few skill points, which I've put in various basic things like stamina, recovery and buff duration from food. Yanno, the try to die less stuff. Made it to the base and just sorted the junk box a few times and put things where they belong. I'm going to see how to build a generator and make that my mission over Christmas week, and maybe start my own base like @tronic44 says.


Good fun, just need to find my niche so to speak.


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On 12/21/2021 at 2:36 PM, tronic44 said:

Those bases look cool and we should try them out but it would be extra cool if we come up with one ourselves. We could each design one and have them in different parts of the map, they could be named after the person who designed it haha

Maybe, something like the second one but set into the side of a mountain, a bit like Thunderbird 2, so there's only one way in


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Managed to max out physician yesterday which means we can finally make antibiotics! We really need to start collecting shamsandwiches or mouldy bread (think that’s what they’re both called)


Started looting the city we’re in, only made it through 3 buildings as they were so big but got some decent stuff.


@Grebothi’ve made a cheat on the wall by your farm and chucked some things in there that I think you might like. There’s two special ones which I don’t think you can do at the moment.


Horde night was exciting, the zombies just don’t stop. The one thing I has shown us is that we need our own base. Otherwise there won’t be many buildings left 😄



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I’ll check it out next time I’m on 🙂 


On the subject of buildiings, I’ve unlocked tier 4 quests and the first one I have is for the building opposite our base that we’ve used for horde night in the past.  So no matter how bad the building gets, it will magically be fixed soon 😄 


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Day 78


Just survived horde night 77 pretty much unscathed with @TurboR56Mini

The new base is being worked on, with both Carl and @Plumbers Crack  jumping on to help out today.


My main focus is getting the base prepared and we have lots of ideas on what to do. The more ideas and more hands the better. 


Would love to find an Auger schematic too.


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Day 100 and something.


New base is slowly starting to take shape and that's all I'm really focused on. Carl and Ajay have been helping get it going and hopefully we'll get more people working on it as just the digging is taking an eternity. Fortunately, I believe Carl found the Auger schematic, so that's pretty awesome 🤗




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