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  • GazzaGarratt

    FG Achievements is finally Going Live!

    Well, the day has finally come! 😅

    Sweating James Mcavoy GIF


    If you've wondered why i've been reasonably more quiet of late and not updating a few events, my PPR, etc its mainly because whilst my own work has been extremely manic since the back end of last year, kids schools and work on the house just needed to happen now rather than later unfortunately. Every moment i did have spare though, I've stuck it into this place and tried to create something that gives you all a nice fuzzy feeling when you come to FG moving foward (even though, you really should feel that way already 😎).


    So, enter the room, FG Achievements.


    As a reminder to all, the objective of Achievements (with Medals) is to help us all interact more and have fun with each other on FG, and on Games we all play - Resulting in all of us using more/all of the fun features that FG has that you might not have even explored yet.


    This FG Achievements system breaks down into the following parts; Ranks, Points and Medals.




    Shortly today/tomorrow, you will start to see that you will have an XP bar with your profile:




    The more you interact with FG, the better it is for your own personal FG Rank. You'll also be able to see all the ranks and how many you've got to unlock on your own profile.





    As a reminder of the FG Rank Badges shared on the previous article I did in January, are below. Each one will have a specific name with them that you can find out, when they're live:


    FG Ranks.png





    So, how do I get to rank up, Lee? Ah, thought you might ask that 😅. Pretty much nearly everything you do to interact with FG, will gain you points. Replied to someone's post? Rack up a point. Put up a video in the Video section? Grab 10 points. Vote on a Poll....or even someone voting on your Poll? Maybe even just logging in every day will get you something...👀


    Points totals aren't shown anywhere as the main objective with points is to see how you can get your next rank. You'll see from your XP Progress Bar how many points you have until your next FG Rank (see first picture above) so its a good way to know where you are in the world of FG!


    There is well over 200 different ways to grab points (and the following medals) so please do try and interact and get as much out of this system as you can!





    Every loves a shiny thing don't they? Well, to aid your task to reach the top of the hill at FG, I've created an absolute shed of Medals - in fact, there is the best part of 200 Medals for everyone to try and achieve. They are broken down into two parts - FG Website and FG Games.


    FG Website Medals will cover off all the following activity, and beyond:

    • Posts
    • Topics
    • Events
    • Videos
    • Polls
    • Visits
    • Follows
    • Reactions
    • PPR
    • Guides
    • Merch
    • Quizzes
    • Articles
    • Memberships 👀


    FG Games Medals will initially cover 5 of our top games played in the community, however I want more added over time so will be asking for lots of feedback...and lots of help too!

    • Destiny 2
    • FIFA 22
    • Gran Turismo 7
    • 7 Days to Die
    • Valheim



    To help you understand what is available from a visual POV, I have created the following Infographics of all the medals so far. I will look to try and make a few more infographics along the way if people want to see what each medal gets you - I would encourage you all to take a look at people's profiles which may give you hints on how to obtain certain medals!! For Game specific ones, i'll create some form of Guide to help you all know what each one is, either in Guides or pinned in their forum section.


    Please remember, this is an initial launch - if we can hit the ground running and everyone is enjoying the fun out of obtaining Medals, then we will absolutely be creating more across the board for both FG and the specific games we all play



    Website Medals Infographics


    Website Medals - 1 Website Medals - 2


    Website Medals - 3 Website Medals - 4



    FG Games Medals Infographics


    Destiny 2 Medals - 1 Destiny 2 Medals - 2



    FIFA 22 Medals GT7 Medals


    7 Days to Die Medals Valheim Medals





    • Its a brand new, never done before FG System. We will have issues problems from time to time so please share your thoughts and help us make it better!
    • When its first turned on, it may take upto a few days to register everything - it has to run through every single rule i've created for every single FGer. Hopefully you'll see your Medals grow over time!
    • We may tweak the Ranks and their respective points targets after going live if we find they are imbalanced in some way.
    • Most Rules for points will be retrospectively activated when Live. There may be rules we add at a later date that will only look forward (e.g some Quiz ones will be created soon but look forward, not backwards) unless I rebuild the system...which may mean you get 're-awarded' automatic points and medals you had.
    • Games will not look backwards - this is to help give everyone a chance to focus on starting out how to get them all and create some buzz about bringing FGers together.
    • Most Games Medals are manually awarded with the help of the FG Team here. I expect us all to start talking and sharing information about our escapades as FG online in all of our games. It helps bring to life what we're all achieving together and it speeds up the validation time to award Medals.
    • I will NEED HELP with this. If you're interested in supporting the cause in helping, please let me know. Its about doing things here but also encouraging FGers to get involved across all aspects of what we do.



    I really would love for you all to explore what we have available here. It's took me an absolute age to get it in a position to launch it as I wanted to give this the best chance of hitting the ground running. I'll set up a separate topic on the forums to capture any feedback and questions you may have about it all. We can then have separate topics where we can post up gaming updates to support the awarding of medals.



    Its a great thing to finally do something I've wanted for here for years. Its like our internal mini FG game, with lots of fun and interaction. Keep an eye out for when you start getting awarded points, medals and ranks - it may even be worth turning your browser notifications on (check your 'Bell' icon next to your profile and enable them!) so you can start seeing them pop up on your phone and other devices 😎


    The only thing left is for you all to enjoy!



    User Feedback

    Recommended Comments

    40 minutes ago, J-Lurch said:

    Nice one Lee. These look great. How will they work with people that use the mobile version of the website? 


    Thanks mate. You'll see them, just as people will see them on PC. They'll be in your profile and we can show some screenshots when it's live shortly today.


    33 minutes ago, Misneach_ said:

    Why are there no RL medals? I need to be able to win something. Ha ha


    🤣 I'll add that to my next batch of potential medals...until then, you can get so many more medals than you realise 👀

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    16 minutes ago, IRaMPaGe said:

    Is there a mastery badge for ranking everything? In all seriousness you have done an amazing job with this. Must have took yonks to do. 


    Sort of, but also not always. Wanted to leave most open ended so we can add more later down the line. You'll see a common theme in the overall design that they should change shape with some of them, so should give you a sense of getting better ones over time.


    And thank you...yeah, each badge did take a bit of time to create, but it was the automated rules that you have to write to save us all a bucket load of time to manually hand out every single one! 🤣😅

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