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Posts posted by ChaosGladiator

  1. 41 minutes ago, Middle Class Caveman said:

    I’ve not watched the video (and probably won’t as I don’t like scump) but I assume his gripes are probably the same as mine:


    1. too casual friendly. Too easy to camp and no reward for aggressive game play and mastering gun skill


    2. Skill based match making, I’m always in try hard sweat lobbies so getting a decent gameplay means I have to sweat even harder


    3. The gun meta is so linear. I suppose this is true of some other CODs but you’d think by now they would have worked this out?



    He doesn't adress any of these things. He says it's trash, says the spawns are counter-intuitive and that the maps suck. Pretty much it.

  2. Honestly his complaints can be said for any CoD game. Spawns are fucked? Been thay way since CoD4 lad, get over it. Map are bad? Sorry they aren't the 3 straight lines you are used to that they use in competitive play, this really comes down to preference in my opinion. There's nothing in there that are legit arguments, he could have brought up the cheaters in Warzone, but he doesn't. He's entitled to have his opinion though. Personally aside from the campers being more common in this cod than any other I quite enjoy it.

  3. 18 hours ago, Glen11 said:

    Where’s all the old members at? 😁


    Still a couple of us old dogs about. Although there's sadly fewer of us than there used to be. Glad to see you back man, feel free to drop me an invite for Warzone if you see me on CoD. Just be warned, I take my Cod gaming as seriously as I did back in my MW2 days 😄 

  4. 14 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    A legendary LMG is spot on starting out but the swapping of guns can kill you later on in close quarters circles.


    @ChaosGladiator  any way you can get akimbo guns from drops or crates instead of your own loadout? Haven't really seen any come to think of it.


    @G_dub52 , @Stretch616  won an awesome battle with no loadout drops just after Tom @LordBaguette  said you'll barely win any games without your own loadout 😂😂


    I'm also alot more silenced kegendary SMGs and ARs in the wild - and these are working wonders at picking teams off. I've gotta get used to knowing which ones are which because theres usually variant names for them all.


    Don't think you can get them from anywhere except your loadout or from someone's dead body who had them. The only gun that you get off the ground or from crates that I use is the Kilo variants and the AX-50 and HDR variants. The others either lack in terms of attachments in my opinion, or they have attchments I don't like 😄 Like the damn 3x thermal scope that's on fucking everything!

  5. 18 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:



    My gut reaction feels like it certainly has a larger blast radius in Warzone. Maybe more like realistic mode maybe. I'm starting to pick these up now on your recommendations and got a few kills with it last night. Good for early play so far anyway.



    From what I've been told and from what I've experienced myself, at full armour you need to hit the enemy right at their feet in order for it to be a one shot kill. If you hit a wall or a roof next to/above them it will not kill/down them. However if they are in or near a vehicle... Mayhem! Just aim it in the right direction and blast them away like good old Team Rocket 😄 

  6. Didn't actually see a topic for this, other then an old one about the old FG server we had so I figured I'd make a more genral one to talk about all things Ark.


    I recently got the Genesis Season pass and I'm trying to get back into Ark, but daaaamn did they make this new map difficult. Yes sure there's tons of new things and new creatures and I can't wait to jump into it and build, craft and tame everything while exploring, but this map is just brutal. If ayone has ever played the Scorched Earth DLC it feels like that, without the blistering heat.


    I first tried to get situated in the Volcanic biome, but after dying to t-rexes and basilisks over and over I admitted defeat and opted for the "easy" biome, the bog. "Easy"? Nope! Sarco's, Baryonyx, Raptors, swarms of insects and more. They are everywhere and you can't escape the damn things because as soon as you run past the next bush there's something else trying to kill you 😄  But I love every second of it because it's something new and shiny.


    I know @Nutcuttlit  has also got the new map, but if there's more of you and you wanna tag along let us know, I'd love to get set up on a pvp server with a couple of us to take on everyone else!

  7. Figured I'd post my most used loadout on here as well as my thoughts on it.

    Cold-blooded, ghost and tune up as perks to be invisible to radar, thermal scopes and heartbeat censors and tune up for the faster revives.

    Semtex and gas grenades is just preference.


    Now the guns... I dunno how the Kilo compares to the Grau and M4 as I haven't been bothered to check, but this thing is accurate as hell and I seem to win 80% of my gunsfights with it. There's two things that makes it stand out above other AR's for me. It's accuracy over range which in my opinion can battle the FAL and the fact tht you can put a 100 round mag on it. Rather than running an LMG to get that kind of ammo capacity, run the Kilo, you will run faster with this than an LMG and the reload time? Hah! I barely notice any difference between the Kilo's 60 round mag and the 100 round mag.


    Now the crown jewel. The Renetti Akimbo. Close quarters this thing will win you ANY gunfight. Just spam those two triggers as fast as you can and try to keep your aim on them as there will be some recoil 😄 These things are just so much fun and so good they will probably get nerfed at some point to be honest. I'm still conflicted if I liked it better without akimbo or not as with the one gun I could take on fights at slightly longer ranges, but akimbo nothing will stop these bad boys except if you run into someone running a shotty.

    Call of Duty®_ Modern Warfare®_20200421181406.jpg

    Call of Duty®_ Modern Warfare®_20200421181434.jpg

    Call of Duty®_ Modern Warfare®_20200421181454.jpg

  8. I've been levelling up the Renetti like crazy the last couple of days and now with double xp and double weapon xp this thing is skyrocketing through the levels. I've now ulocked the burst mod and I'm not far away from having it akimbo. If you have a fast trigger finger, give this gun a go! I can outgun any AR user between 0-20 meters if I can land my shots with it, I've also got some very nasty 180 kills where I get shot in the back and manage to turn around and waste the guy just in time to survive. These things are so effing OP and just perfect as a secondary for an AR if you don't enjoy using launchers. After I unlocked the burst mod for it, it just got even better. I imagine this thing is a LOT easier to level up in multiplayer and playing hardcore, but if you don't have the full game, drop into some plunder matches and go for the different contracts. Each one you complete gives you 500 weapon xp, just don't forget to have you pistol out! That 500 weapon xp only counts towards the weapon currently in your hands!


    I've got some great clips with this thing as well that I need to upload that will definetly prove my point 😄 

  9. Just finished season 2 of Sunderland til I die yesterday. I've also watched the similar show about Juventus. As for Studio Ghibli, isn't that anime stuff? @tronic44 I have already seen every season of Lucifer. Absolutely love the show and can't wait for the next season. Will look up Good Omens though!

    @phil bottle sadly Anno 1800 isn't on the Ps4 yet. I checked this morning and the closest thing would be Civilisation VI. Used to play those games back when I had a not shite laptop, but dunno how they play on a console... Might see if I can find some Ps4 gameplay on the old youtube.


    @GazzaGarratt not gonna lie, I don't enjoy RPG's much. The last one I played on console was Elder Scrolls online and it was kinda sucky as you HAD to go for one of the meta builds or you would just get fucked in PvE and PvP. Add that you just need to spend ages and ages to grind for decent gear... Or in some cases pull your credit card out. Just not a big fan of RPG's. I did debate on The Division 2 as I saw it was on sale with a heavily reduced price, but hearing Marc and Aaron bitch about trying to get high tier gear I just don't want to give it a go 😄 

  10. On 4/16/2020 at 9:08 AM, GazzaGarratt said:

    Nice thread Seb.


    One thing I never go for is the Loadout Drops. I'm working towards having a loadout in case I ever need one but the whole idea of Warzone that makes it good is that you go searching for loot boxes and see what guns you can find.



    If I can find a purple or gold AR, not a burst one - the Grau variants I find are the best, followed by long distance SMGs, MP5 and clearly the AUG if you can find one.


    Sniper for a secondary is ideal too. Semi-God Dragunov's can be a great pick up in the early stages of the circle closing in.


    Shotguns are no-no for me. Only time I think they are useful is when you immediately land in a place with many buildings and players in the same place. The map is too big to waste a slot on a shotgun.



    When I'm usually on it's with @Stretch616  of late and we always pick up UAVs for $4000. So useful across the entire map, no matter when you use it. After that it's enough funds for a potential revive and lately using spare cash to get armour plates.



    Heartbeat Sensor FTW. Appreciate people trying to get around it by wearing cold-blooded but many dont wear that still so works for most of the time.



    Semtex or Molotov. I like Molotovs because you can lock someone in an entrance with the fire.




    Usually it's around the edge of the circle to drop in and then it's all about making the game as fun packed as possible. So drop in, find guns and then either find a contract that's nearby or go for near players to grab kills and the cash. We do get a couple of games where we land lucky, get great drops and circle is on us and at those times we'll find a good building and camp up but I'd rather go out there and make the game more interesting.


    I can understand using weapons found on the ground or in lootcrates as I sometimes donthat myself, but the real big reason I get or go for loadout drops are the perks. Loadout drops are the only way to get them still and being off the uav’s and heartbeat sensors is a huge advantage.

  11. 10 hours ago, phil bottle said:

    If you have a Switch, I just picked up Diablo 3 on sale for it. That will kill a lot of time.

    Maybe a strategy or builder type game. Is Skylines or Anno on PS4?

    What genre of books do you like?

    There's a good horror series on Netflix about a house, which is actually pretty decent, I'll see if I can remember the name.

    Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk



    Sadly I only have an old 3DS. Never got around to upgrading to the Switch.


    I've seen some gameplay of Anno before, but not sure if it is on the Ps4, I'll have to look into that.


    As for books I usually enjoy fantasy stuff. Mostly set in medieval times but I do read other things as well, I've got quite a few of Joe Abercrombies books, the whole Hungergames series, some of the GoT books, all the Harry Potter books and I've also read The Godfather. I don't buy books very often as I kinda stuggle to find ones I actually enjoy and the ones I have I've probably read all the way through 10+ times each by now 😄


    Might give that Netflix show a try, but never been a fan of horror having a violently vivid imagination and living pretty isolated in the middle of the woods kind of curbs your enthusiasm for that kinda stuff 😅

  12. As Warzone has been out for a while now and most of what was overpowered at the start has been well and truly countered by now, I wonder, what works for you?


    To be a bit more specific, what guns do you find work better for you, what type of playstyle have you had the most success with, which perks do you run and what equipment do you use?


    At the start I ran the very meta M4 and Thermal sniper overkill combo as well as a heartbeat sensor and depending on the safe zone I'd switch my playstyle from agressive to camping little cunt.

    Lately it seems the M4 is still used by a lot of people, but I've moved away from it as I prefer the Grau 5.56, FAL, Aug and Ak-47. As for snipers, I barely use them now because running overkill has become riskier to run as a perk. More people are getting and using UAV's, so Ghost has become one of the perks I run the most. Where before 80% of my classes were set up with overkill and the remaining 20% had ghost, that's now switched.


    Another reason I don't use the sniper is the lens glare. It's such a massive giveaway and even if the team you are trying to snipe doesn't see you, the chances are high a different team will see you. And where I used to run the thermal scopes before, I'm starting to consider taking it off. Everyone runs cold blooded now. This also makes the heartbeat sensor completely useless, where before using one would save you from running into a house full of campers, you just have to barge in and hope for the best now. I had heartbeat sensors on all of my Warzone classes, now I run the Gas grenade as it will force the enemy to hip fire their guns and will blur their vision. Not sure if it will still do that if they have a gas mask, but even if they do, they still have to hipfire while pulling it down which gives me an edge.


    As for secondaries now that I've stopped running overkill on most classes, I've mostly been running the RPG. Used in the right situations and with a bit of luck this thing can be devastating. I've gotten so many double and tripple kills with this thing over the last week I could probably make a several minute montage out of it. You kinda rely on getting a munitions box to use it a lot though as the ammo for it seems pretty rare to find running around Verdansk. But there are other options! I've seen people run the akimbo revolvers and I've been completely mangled by them a couple of times myself. And then there's the new pistol, the Renetti. I'm trying my best to level this gun up at the moment after getting to try out Dark_Uprising's akimbo, burst Renetti's in warzone. A single tap on both triggers up close and whoever was in front of you is now on the floor 😄 This gun is a goddamn beast and I can't wait to get it akimbo'ed!


    As for playstyle, I find I do better hugging the edge of the gas while trying to maintain at least some cover. I've stopped trying to go into buildings late game unless I'm 110% sure there is no one in there or I'm getting shot at and have no choice but to go inside to survive. Early game I don't mind pushing deeper into the circle in order to make sure you don't have to go too far as the storm tends to be faster early game than late game. I would also recommend doing the recon contracts if you can, getting that circle peek so you know where the circle is going is pretty damn big. If you manage to take control of a building that will be in one of the later circles early on, you are pretty much set for the whole game.

  13. As many of us now find ourselves confined to our homes during this pandemic, I can't help but wonder how are you keeping yourselves entertained?


    I didn't think this would hit me as hard as it has as I'm somewhat of an introvert, but it's gotten to the point where I'm so fucking bored that I keep checking the playstation store several times a day for something new to waste time on, or I check Netflix 2-3 times a day only to give up every time as any show and movie on there that interests me, I've already seen...

    I bought Need for speed Heat a little over a week ago thinking "Oh, this will keep me entertained for a while". I already completed the damn story after 5 days (while also playing 2-3 other games during those 5 days) and I'm now just doing the same races over and over with a massively overtuned car to get money to buy more massively overtuned cars.


    But yeah, I'm bored as hell and it's gotten to the point where at 9 o'clock in the evening I'm considering just going to bed as I've got fuck all to do 😄
    Any recommendations for games, shows, movies or even books to help me kill time would be greatly appreciated!

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