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Battlefield 2042 [BF6]


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2 hours ago, techno said:

Can't believe people are defending this game. I've even come across people saying it's only a early launch and things wik change come the 19th and the old chestnut "I'm having fun and it works for me you must just suck"



EA have a fuckload of shills which don't help - JackFrags, Westie and the usual posse skirting over any critical problems and almost laughing it off. There are stacks of fanboy apologists to who are now playing the 'every other Battelfield game has been broken at launch so what did you expect' card. So many of these content creators vids/streams are sponsored by EA or they are part of that nauseating Game Changer program. 


It's a sad state of affairs that people's standards and expectations have sunk so low in recent years and this ship now, patch later attitude along with live service bailout concept has bolstered this scandalous approach. There's even reviews literally stating 'apart from the dire lack of content, critical technical bugs and its clearly unfinished state, 2042 remains a remarkable game 8/10'🤣


Soon games will be sold as NFT's and people still still say they have great gameplay. I'm really disappointed about this because Vanguard was always a no and with very little games elsewhere, I was relying on this to be half decent but I don't think it's even that. 

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I don't think the game will struggle for content but my issues would be as follows:


1. Missing UI features 

2. Annoying bugs (eg the assault rifle just deciding to auto fire by itself)

3. Lag


I watched Cohh on Twitch and when he spawned under the map it did bring back personal memories of BF4.


But yep, I feel where games like Mass Effect Andromeda and the EA Destiny-beater whose name I've forgotten, get dropped like hot coal, there is a collective willingness to let Dice off the hook far too easily.


The industry as a whole is toxic on a variety of levels and so are most industries, all in the name of profit. I often wonder when the penny will drop but it rarely does, and so the merry go round carries on.


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Don't you guys remember BF4 at launch? It sucked donkey balls a well. So much so that I uninstalled it and came back to it 4 months later 


DICE sucks a rolling out games at launch. Constantly snatching defeat from the jaws of Victory after every shitty COD launch



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5 hours ago, cyberninja2601 said:

Don't you guys remember BF4 at launch? It sucked donkey balls a well. So much so that I uninstalled it and came back to it 4 months later 


DICE sucks a rolling out games at launch. Constantly snatching defeat from the jaws of Victory after every shitty COD launch




I think people would understand and maybe defend that stance a little more if not for the lack of content and features FPS games should have. There's no stat tracking which "maybe added later" 🤦 

For me I loved to chill in conquest small when I got sick of vehicle campers back in BF4, but no small game modes, no tdm for example wtf. People normally moan there's not enough weapons in a game, I've had people moaning BF4 had too many weapons.

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I've buckled and bought the game with some Steam funds gifted for my birthday - only really bought it because otherwise I'd probably not play anything new until Elden Ring arrives and that's 3 months away. Basically just gonna go in with the mentality that this is the worst Battlefield ever and a mediocre game at best. I wont be disappointed that way and at least things can only get better. 


Angry Joe's video was absolutely telling and hits hard with no shill bullshit. Some fantastic points and issues highlighted. 

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Angry Joe's video was excellent, don't think I've enjoyed one of his rants as much.

As @MrBiron I was hoping for an updated BF4. This is so far from that id have thought it was made by a different studio, don't know why as time goes on people become more incompetent.


Did have a laugh at this.





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I've already requested a refund. I literally cannot bare to play another minute of this tripe. I can't be arsed to go through all the problems so I poached these points from a review which briefly nails just a few major issues with the game


No campaign
No classes
No scoreboard
No all chat
No server browser
No medic nearby indicator
No squad switching
No team switching
No stats page
Lesser destruction
Poor optimization
Tons of bugs
Hitboxes are broken
A small number of guns
Lack of game modes
Cringe voice lines
Hazard zone is a joke
The spotting system is broken
Maps are way too big even for 128 players
Game UI is horrible
Poor audio design


For all the bad COD games and the broken BF titles previous, this by far is the worst FPS I have ever played from a technical and conceptual standpoint. 

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What a relief!


Game currently sitting at 22% positive on Steam and bear in mind this is made up largely of pre-release shill reviews. I didn't expect much after the beta and after hearing early feedback, but this was easily one of the worst gaming experiences I have ever had. 



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I'm going to against the grain and say I enjoyed what we played last night.  I think some of the stuff people make a fuss about isn't a big deal, like the scoreboard.  I care about how I'm doing personally and how the overall match is going - both of which you can see.  I have no interest in how l33tFaze420Blazeit or whatever their names are is getting on.  Though other things, like the spotting system is a big problem as it's such a core mechanic of a Battlefield game.


The one thing I am missing though is the smaller non-vehicle game modes but they can be played in the browser so it's the end of the world.


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Interesting article resurfaced from 10 years ago talking about DICE's research on player counts and the typical Battlefield experience



That was the golden age of DICE and their design philosophy. Feels like now they think bigger automatically equates to better as they try and emulate the battle royale numbers and map sizes without consideration on how it affects the core gameplay and general flow of matches. The technical and asset sacrifices are another factor. 64 really is the sweet spot - any larger population persistence and it gets way too messy. 128 IMO is a mistake. 

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20 hours ago, Greboth said:

I'm going to against the grain and say I enjoyed what we played last night.  I think some of the stuff people make a fuss about isn't a big deal, like the scoreboard.  I care about how I'm doing personally and how the overall match is going - both of which you can see.  I have no interest in how l33tFaze420Blazeit or whatever their names are is getting on.  Though other things, like the spotting system is a big problem as it's such a core mechanic of a Battlefield game.


The one thing I am missing though is the smaller non-vehicle game modes but they can be played in the browser so it's the end of the world.

I played every single day of early access, 8 have encountered 1 to a max of 3 issues . I COULD NOT GIVE A SINGULAR FUCK. I still enjoy the game , do some things need a little balancing or buffing? Yeah but that will come in time . 


I have been playing Battlefield for as long as i can remember so i am well used to bumpy starts and launches 🤣 it is still better to me at least than any experience CoD could cook up 🤷‍♂️



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A few of us played Friday night and I have to say it wasn't all bad. The waiting around to get a game and the menu UI can be very confusing at times but actual gameplay in the main wasn't too bad. Its Battlefield, so I don't expect a huge KD on this as I expect to get popped every minute by someone that is completely hidden. Huge maps look great, feel good in moments but possibly too big in parts. The ARs you start out with weirdly suck and I only started getting a number of kills when @jordie1892  told me to use an SMG - and then kills started to flow. Super stable when firing.


A few shite games, but then we finished on an absolute belter of a game, dominated as an entire squad too. Shame I couldn't grab the entire stats due to lack of scoreboard but we all equally chipped in double figures. The tank at the start helped me get 15 odd assists too @phil bottle @Greboth @Stretch616


If we could just get more consistent games like this one, with no wait time then that's what everyone is hoping for.


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