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First FG Raids


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Yeah was very fun to get it done. I won't say any spoilers but I will say that this is my favourite raid so far. It might be because it is fresh, but, every single section requires a lot of teamwork and coordination. Everyone is needed at all times. The design is nice and all of the sections are fun and distinct from one another. Excited to do it again! 

Kia Ora. 

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4 minutes ago, TigerBurge said:

Sucks it didn't count for the clan emgram. Apparently half you fire team has to be in the same clan 


I know. I'm gonna ask the ones that have got the furthest on FG to see if we can do it before reset. It would be ace to get the clan reward for everyone.

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How hard is it? I still need rhe nightfall as well

Via the FG App

I'm at 284 and its tough so far.

I was logging on tonight to see what others were doing instead of a raid and maybe trials too. What time you on today as I could help with the nightfall?

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Thanks to everyone that has done the raids so far. Out of the 7 Raid times I created, we ended up getting Fireteams for 4 of them, which is pretty awesome. I really appreciate you all looking into the events and using it. Theres always something better we could have to arrange it but I think it worked pretty well this week. It's also amazing considering half of us are still not high enough Power level for the raid.


It was always about having fun and seeing how far we could all go. It's ace to see so many of us getting partied up with others you haven't before even though you all come here. It's exactly why I love this game so much. It's so easy to party up but in reality it becomes one of the hardest things to do.


@Ragonster @shoogie, unfortunately the raid times you were on didn't come up with 6 people but please don't let that put you off, as that's going to happen from time to time. Let me know when you can make other times in the future.


  • So, next raids?
  • If you can give me some thoughts about if the events set up help getting a fireteam or not?
  • If so, what times should we be looking at?
  • Same times or something different? 
  • Do you want create the events when you're around? Need help?


I'll wait to hear from you all people. Hope last night's raid was good too.

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So.....Raids :D


@Baabcat well done on the raid mate, you gonna come on some of the FG ones so we can start doing more as a clan? Meet any nice randoms that are just like the new lovely people? ;)

@Luceowolf, @Ragonster, @shoogie, @Moley, you guys I know wanted to have some raids soon, can you make any of the raid dates this week?

@TigerBurge @SensaiNemesis @jSyn66 @Sennex @Synnith @BO7H B4RRELS Can you make some raid times this week or do you need me to put some later times on as I know it may suit your evening playtimes? Theres quite a few of us that will stay on later to make the 6 now.

@Mikepjbell @Misneach_ great to do the nightfall the other night and some crucible with you both, when will you be raid ready to give it a bash?

@crispymorgan @Stretch616 @Diddums @LordBaguette I think you're all nearly there now for your first crack at this

@igotmollywhopped @Capn_Underpants @Rico @Corey the Kiwi You gonna be able to help sherpa-ing people through this week certain sections now you've got the mighty raid beat?

@Greboth @Amnotright same to you guys. I know you love raiding muchly ;)

@Bluebear @VGon_BGon48 try and get yourselves on at least one guys


@tronic44 @phil bottle @burnfitbillyboy get your asses in gear. Let me know if you want to run some Public Events and stuffs.


Sorry if I have missed anyone. I'm on lunch and rushing around!


Remember, this is about helping each other and having fun along the way 95% of the raid runs have been tough but enjoyable because you've helped each other. Keep doing what you do best bitches!

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25 minutes ago, SensaiNemesis said:

I'm on after 5pm EST.


Cool. So that's after 10pm uk time. I'll look to put a few more on this week as one day I'm happy to start one after that time.

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Holy shit mate, that's the most people @'d ever :lol:


I barely have time to do anything at the moment and when i next game it'll be 7 days I'm afraid. I will pick this up at some point and get into it, maybe I'll give it a go this weekend.



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I have nothing but time the rest of the week




Quit my job yesterday, they paid me for my 2 weeks today, and cut me loose. I am take the rest of the week off to get this stress out of my system.

Luke 23:34
'And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't think it be like it is, but it do."

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2 hours ago, Sennex said:

I have nothing but time the rest of the week




Quit my job yesterday, they paid me for my 2 weeks today, and cut me loose. I am take the rest of the week off to get this stress out of my system.


Let us know when you free for some Destiny then :D Glad you're out of that place, hope you find something soon.

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3 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

Could be fun to try a raid., but is it the 280 raid?

Saturdays after 10 uk time suits me.

Allthough I think I will be a poor team mate from reading about the first one. Seems really tough.

280 is a helpful level to be. I'll look to put one up for 10pmish on Sat and see who can come :)


2 hours ago, tronic44 said:

Holy shit mate, that's the most people @'d ever :lol:


I barely have time to do anything at the moment and when i next game it'll be 7 days I'm afraid. I will pick this up at some point and get into it, maybe I'll give it a go this weekend.


You better be on....jk mate, just get your shit together with your job and lets have some fun getting you levelled up :D

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53 minutes ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

One of them is a Guided Beta, don't know the difference but it had a 280 requirement.



Both raid options you see are the same raid, same entry level as far as i'm aware, just one is 1/2 players looking for a larger group to party up with. There will be a Prestige mode soon (hard mode) that will be available when you select either raid and entry level isn't confirmed yet....or is it? I can't remember seeing it.

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14 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

So.....Raids :D


@TigerBurge @SensaiNemesis @jSyn66 @Sennex @Synnith @BO7H B4RRELS Can you make some raid times this week or do you need me to put some later times on as I know it may suit your evening playtimes? Theres quite a few of us that will stay on later to make the 6 now.



We were talking tonight and plan to give it a shot on Friday.  I think we've got 6, depends if our Canadian friend gets back on time from a hockey game.  CHAD!!!!!  You maple syrup loving fuck!  :)  






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