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New girl on the block


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Welcome aboard Sarah, I can't even begin to imagine the difficulties you have faced to come to this point in life but I really hope you've found happiness. You've found a good home, loads of fantastic people here 🙂 


If you can survive Clive then I'm sure you can survive anything 😂


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Welcome Sarah, screw those other folks, we are happy to have you here. No questions just support we have are little fits here and there as any family but nothing like what you went through. Excited to play D2 with ya. @RenFengge and I have taken a break so we don't burn out for Witch Queen. If you are still into PC as well, we have a few servers kicking around for games like Valheim, 7 Days to Die, Minecraft, DayZ etc. Again, welcome!

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Welcome to FG, we can be a little juvenile in an adorable kind of way, and we can be a little argumentative sometimes (that's usually me cough cough) but we're all here for each other in games and out.


Great introduction, I also started on the C64 when i was in single digits, so many great memories watching the tape deck load a game 😁


Hope you have a great time getting to know everyone 🙂




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I'm glad you found your way here, Sarah. FG is pretty unique and although i'll probably be bald in a few years with this bunch of loveable rogues, I'd like to think FG is a safe haven where we all do our best to accept everyone. You're also from Denmark, right? I remember you saying whilst we were doing a raid marathon last night...pretty much means that you're the first Dane here too! We have a few Norwegians knocking about so hopefully you get on with your friendly neighbours 😅


Definitely take a look around FG and get involved wherever you can. Would love to see you on some of our PC nights too. I'm assuming you still have your PC alongside the PlayStation? We play so many things that if you do have quiet breaks and need some time away from Destiny, we definitely have a lot to get involved in and around the place. Even just interacting on here, lots of stuff to have a laugh and talk about.


I hope you enjoy your stay at FG - Once an FGer, always an FGer! Looking forward to smashing hundreds of raids with ya after the Witch Queen launches!

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37 minutes ago, Diddums said:

Welcome aboard Sarah, I can't even begin to imagine the difficulties you have faced to come to this point in life but I really hope you've found happiness. You've found a good home, loads of fantastic people here 🙂 


If you can survive Clive then I'm sure you can survive anything 😂

I felt that one right through the heart 💔 😂

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Welcome to FG! This place has (in a roundabout way) been thriving since the MW2 days and it's imo, literally the coolest, most down to earth place on the Internet.


Hope you have as good of an experience as I've had ❤

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Welcome Sarah, definitely the right choice here. People look out for one another and are friendly and always up for playing something and helping out. 


I think you will enjoy it here and everyone is kinda chill and understanding. You have a rich gaming history and experience, always welcomed here. 

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Hey Sarah! I'm Sam! We raided yesterday! 😄


I was so high.... I don't remember the details.  I'm sorry if I said anything offensive to you!


I wish to play with you again 😄 

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1 hour ago, Capn_Underpants said:

Hey Sarah! I'm Sam! We raided yesterday! 😄


I was so high.... I don't remember the details.  I'm sorry if I said anything offensive to you!


I wish to play with you again 😄 

Haha you are so sweet. You did not in the slightest 😅👌 don't worry. You handled your down pretty good! 🤪

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8 hours ago, phil bottle said:

Great introduction, I also started on the C64 when i was in single digits, so many great memories watching the tape deck load a game 



I actually didn't have the tape deck myself. I had the big big floppy disks! 😅 I still remember the sound they made!


What was the commands...

Load dir

Load "Whatevergamewasobthedir"


Something like that? 😅

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Hello, Sarah! Welcome aboard! I enjoyed reading your gaming experiences. That's awesome, you've been pretty much around!

Retired D2 player here. I'm thinking of getting back to the Witch Queen hehe.


I'm a bit of a newbie here myself and I have to say you absolutely won't regret joining. Love the gaming discussions and fine folks here. I can express Xbox and PS opinions without getting hated on haha.


In any case, enjoy your stay! If I do get back to playing D2 I will post in the respective thread and maybe we can do some activity. 😄

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