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7DTD: FG Dedi Server - Darkness Falls


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We've moved this on quite abit haven't we since the new experimental update hit. Great to see. I checked it out late last night after @tronic44 got off but Anna @craftofboredom  and Emma was online.


@phil bottle, that tunnel you've mined is awesome! How i've not seen that before is beyond, proper awesome how it comes out underneath to a separate section. Helped the others do a bit more mining for Iron to replenish our stock and then cracked on with a Tier 2 quest for more XP. I'm on Intellect level 8, likely need 9 and 10 to unlock the final Grease Monkey level to create a Crucible so we can finally get some proper vehicles and a gryocopter!! However, thats likely to 7 skill points so i have a shed load of digging and competing quests to do!


Anyway, back to it the quest last night, proper did a heist on the building before we went and started the quest. Looted everything....I can't believe I didn't know the bags of cement were something you can pick up for massive XP and cement gains?! Man, there keeps being things i keep finding in this game. I got hit badly by a bunch of Zombies that ran after me on the top deck. They battered me good and proper as i panic fell down the ladders. Anna and Emma went ahead and started the quest whilst I just lagged behind like a Magical Magpie that I am, looting everything I could find 😎 Tope effort by the girls, they ransacked and caved in pretty much every Zombie's faces.


Got the stuff back pretty late so logged off after storing stuff. Good news though, 2 more bottles of acid found to help make some wheels. Found one wheel fully made too! I'll take a look if we have enough to make a motorcycle as we seem to have lost one bike somewhere, unless we only had 2 in the first place?


The base is looking bang tidy, time to up the game and think about what we wanna extend or build on the base. Any thoughts?

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Also, how did we not talk about horde night a few days ago?!!? 5 of us online, it was absolutely mental! The walls stood strong for a few hours but they managed to finally get in to the house near the opening of the tunnel. Good news was we had plenty of bullets, plenty of arrows and plenty of people to keep each attack at bay. Vomit projectile policeman came out, shooting us like snipers from afar but we all nailed them with us ending up on the other side of the base as a final zombie attack came from just outside the concrete/cobblestone base but at one of the adjacent buildings - somehow Rich jumped over to bash their heads in, although i don't know how Michael Jordan did it cos everytime i jumped a faceplanted the wall every god damn time 😬


Great horde night with tons of XP....and everyone survived! I worry what the 4th horde night will be like after that mental night of danger. GGFG all @tronic44 @crispymorgan  @phil bottle @craftofboredom  @Emma

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The next horde night is upon us. Were on day 27 pm now I believe. Last I checked was last night. Thought we'd jump on when there are more people to prepare for the horde night. We need more ammo and need some more reinforcing of the base. Looking forward to the next horde night with you guys! The more people that join in on the night, the more zombies should spawn. The more the merrier they say. haha. You guys planning on going on tonight?

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23 hours ago, craftofboredom said:

The next horde night is upon us. Were on day 27 pm now I believe. Last I checked was last night. Thought we'd jump on when there are more people to prepare for the horde night. We need more ammo and need some more reinforcing of the base. Looking forward to the next horde night with you guys! The more people that join in on the night, the more zombies should spawn. The more the merrier they say. haha. You guys planning on going on tonight?


Good point, obviously the more that are on it would make for great lolz and XP for the sheer amount of Zombies that would be incoming.


@tronic44 @crispymorgan  @phil bottle @Diddums @Greboth @craftofboredom   what nights are you all free this week starting from tonight?


Anna, has Emma signed up yet so we can tag here in the shenanigans?

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3 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:


Good point, obviously the more that are on it would make for great lolz and XP for the sheer amount of Zombies that would be incoming.


@tronic44 @crispymorgan  @phil bottle @Diddums @Greboth @craftofboredom   what nights are you all free this week starting from tonight?


Anna, has Emma signed up yet so we can tag here in the shenanigans?

She said she is going to do it now so she should be on it soon. I can do tonight if you're up for it. If not tonight, it would be Friday evening or Sunday anytime. 

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1 hour ago, craftofboredom said:

She said she is going to do it now so she should be on it soon. I can do tonight if you're up for it. If not tonight, it would be Friday evening or Sunday anytime. 

We have a thread called "Out Of Context"....but I'm a gentleman.... 🎩


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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2 hours ago, Plumbers Crack said:

...but I'm a gentleman.... 🎩


Since when? 😆


It's not occured to me before but I'm surprised you've not joined in on 7dtd Dave.  I think you should join us....one of us, one of us, one of us


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It's been some busy times for me and haven't been playing 7d2d as much as I'd like.


I started doing this online course since it seemed like a good idea when I registered. lol.

And I've been helping @Emma  with dyeing her hair blue.


And also started watching Dragonball, the very first one from 1980s. I'm still not sure if this was a good idea since I now have the rest of my life to watch the remaining 1,000,000,000 episodes. LOL.


So.... I was wondering if anyone wanted to play on Friday or Sunday? 


@Plumbers Crack  your username is hard to associate with gentleman. 😂

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It can be annoying when real life gets in the way of playing games.  Hopefully the course is something useful/interesting at least.


The real question though is, can we use Emma’s new blue hair as a distraction on horde night? As the last horde night did not go very well at all. The base is still standing but there’s more holes in it than swiss cheese.


I’m not sure about Friday as I might be helping my brother in law to move some furniture.  That shouldn’t take all evening anyway and I should be on Sunday.


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22 hours ago, craftofboredom said:


@Plumbers Crack  your username is hard to associate with gentleman. 😂

🤣 It's a reference to the amount of butt cleavage shown by said tradesmen whilst carrying out their work! It was a very lucky name for me a long time ago in a national Fantasy Football competition so I've stuck with it! 😊👍


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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A good night on this last night with 6 of us on for horde night.


With so many of us on meaning so many zombies, I really thought the base was a goner.  But it survived thanks to  @tronic44rebuilding and strengthening the walls of the base, @Diddumsand @phil bottle being an ecological disaster by turning all the trees in to spikes, @GazzaGarrattmaking turrets and powered traps for our moat and @craftofboredom making all of the molotov’s and ammo.  All while I took a leaf out of @Plumbers Crack  book and spent my time digging holes for things.


The question is though, are we keeping this base now that it’s proven it can survive a horde night with the right defenses?


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We'll wait until the new server is up to see how we update this thread going forward. We've had so many nights over the past few weeks i could write about but I just can't remember it all!


The fact that we can drive straight off a cliff into the deepest Canyon in the game not once, but twice in the matter of days made me laugh so hard. @Greboth and @tronic44, you both blamed me but clearly we know who was at fault here! 🤣🤣

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You told me where to go so I went, you didn’t expect me to actually be looking where I was going did you? 😂


I think the funniest of this server was running over the bear.  Watching as the bear gets flung up in the air, getting back up just to be hit by whomever was driving the second car.  It was perfect comedy timing by accident.


Hopefully the map will have loaded by tonight so we can start getting all that juicy XP.


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20 minutes ago, Shucker said:

Is this a complete reset? Kid's at school and I've got the day to myself.


Yes, a complete reset.  We can’t play right now as the server is loading the world which should be done soon (could take upto about 10ish tonight).


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So the server finally finish building the world and it is HUGE!!!  I spawned in a nice green zone and completed the initial quests for making some plant fibre clothing and bed and the trader it sent me to was in a large town / small city so plenty of loot to find.  I originally hid at the top of a Sham foods factory to survive the first night but Rich said about it being a bad place to set up our temporary base so he found a better building to set up in.  Rich, Lee and I have gone through plenty of bounty's to get that all important XP to the point I think we had 3 or 4 each to hand in to the trader at the same time.  We've also found too much loot so we've had to place storage on the outside of a building to store stuff in that we can then come back to later.  Though on that, we found out the hard way that if you loot a building before starting a quest that resets the building, it will also delete any storage you place in the area too 😞 We've had some fun too, the building Rich picked had a couple of zombie bears in so lots and lots of arrows later they were dead.  Unfortunately I also found a house that a wolf and boar in the back but I thought they were in a cage.  Turned out they weren't so that was almost instant death 😞


Lee has made a few push bikes for us so that will help with getting around.  I think Lee has spent his points on getting the bikes where I've gone more in to hunting and cooking.  I think Rich has done something similar to me too but not quite sure.


I think both Lee and Rich have got up to Tier 2 quests where I'm still on Tier 1 but I've done quite a few so I must be close.  I'm hoping it will only take 1 or 2 more quests for me to also get to Tier 2 so that's what I'll be working on.


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I've foucsed on farming and food but it's a good idea for multiple people to level up food just in case that one person isn't on. Our farm is massive now, we're just lacking corn but i found two seeds earlier so hopefully they'll pick up soon. The base doesn't need to be reinforced quite a bit and then we can think about starting to build a new one somewhere. Although i think we may have to venture out soon, so we can find more stuff.


One thing i will say is that we need to start looting everything. I went into a looted building earlier and everything, except the rubbish, was looted. I got about 6 books, 1000 brass and the two corn seeds from looting the rubbish.


Time got away from me today, will try and update more during the week.







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A little update from today; I think I may have found the best book ever! I get the brass door handle from every door I knock down so all the brass for us 😄


Crispy and I went to do a quest which turned in to more of a hunt as we found a few chicken, 2 deer and then I found a bear on the way back so about 140 meat and we weren't even trying to find animals.  I think you're right about food though, I have the first level unlocked but moved on to unlocking other things.  I want to get the next tier of extra meat then I think I'll put some points in to master chef so I can cook all the food I'm bringing back.


I've also made an iron pick, so I think I'll go mining as I've marked so many iron, lead, nitrate on coal on my map it should be easy for me to dig some up.


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@Greboth I didn’t realise there was a book for that, that’s pretty cool as we need all the brass we can get.


Our garden is looking pretty good at the moment, I’ve maxed out Living off the land, so I get 3x of every plant I harvest. We’re just lacking blueberries at the moment, once we get more of them I’ll turn them into seeds. The blueberry pies are very useful.


I’m also looking at upgrading master chef again, so I can make Shepard’s pie and a load of other stuff.



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