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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. Yea, I had read that earlier. Honestly, I'm fine with the delay. That "gameplay" reveal they had looked too much like a long scripted cutscene and really gave me some killzone 2 vibes. I really want this to be good so any added time for development is A ok in my books.
  2. I think a better comparison would be the earlier Zelda games in terms of how the game is laid out for you. It definitely has that “link to the past” kinda vibe with it.
  3. This has been delayed until September 21st. It sucks but COVID has basically made a lot of delays necessary it seems. I'm ok with this though. It's one I've been keeping my eye on so if they need the time to polish it up some more, have at it.
  4. I'm honestly surprised this hasn't been put on a crazy sale yet. The most I've seen it down is 20% off. I can see this being a ps plus game at some point.
  5. Hmm. Seeing some mixed reviews about this one so far. Most of the feedback is stating this is better playing co-op then solo. I'm glad it's on game pass. I'll give this a go over the weekend.
  6. UGH..... Sony must really hate us. I guess the only saving grace is at least the games with gold pics next month are just as shitty.
  7. After playing some more of this, oh hell yes! This is fucking good. There isn't many rouge lite elements as I thought but damn is this a great game. I'd say my only gripe is targeting when attacking. It seems sometimes my character has a hard time actually swinging at the enemies. If you're a fan of top down, hack and slash games like Diablo or Hades then you should like this.
  8. I feel like this is going to make or break the franchise. I haven't been impressed by any of the 343 developed entries in this series. If infinite doesn't live up to expectations, I wonder if MS will start looking into a new developer. Probably not but who knows.
  9. Triple A games are becoming more and more predictable with each “new” release. It’s either the “Yearly update” (cod), remake of something old, Game as service, dark souls clone, or an open world sandbox/stealth/crafting etc etc. Not all are bad, but a lot of the gems are coming out of indie developers more and more mostly because they’re willing to take a chance at something different. Most of the AAA publishers won’t take a chance unless a name is associated with the product.
  10. I hadn't even thought of that. Good call mate! 👍
  11. *whew* At least he didn't stumble upon the simulation.... er.....uh........ Glad it's good now?.... Yes, that one. 😉
  12. Man, this whole thing was such a let down. I was so hyped for it considering WC3 was one of my favorite games of all time. Blizzard really did us dirty here.
  13. Also available on PS4/5 and Steam. I believe xbox as well. This game is really good! I highly recommend it.
  14. I watched a developer interview on this one. I’ll be giving this a go. It’s coming to game pass on PC.
  15. I'll be rocking this on launch day! I can't friggin wait for it!
  16. I didn't mind Origins at all more for the setting then anything else. But, I agree with you though about valhalla. It feels like a chore. I've got over 100 hours in the game and I'm at a point where I just can't find the patience to finish it. Every area in the game is literally the same thing. over and over and over. I mean, I'll go back and finish it when I have literally nothing else to play. But, man they really need to rethink this series...again. I'm not very thrilled about infinity either.
  17. Nessus, Watchers Grave The Huckleberry, Kinetic submachine gun: 29 Legendary Shards Liar’s Handshake, Hunter gloves: 23 Legendary Shards Mk. 44 Stand Asides, Titan legs: 23 Legendary Shards Karnstein Armlets, Warlock arms: 23 Legendary Shards
  18. Should be interesting. Just don't book any time off on the day of its release. 😘😂
  19. Is anyone else kind of just done with the whole "Tom Clancy" stuff? I know R6 Siege has been hot as of late, but I wasn't impressed with the next R6 installment and this just doesn't interest me at all. Man..... all I ever wanted was a NEW Splinter Cell game... *Insert various curse words here*
  20. I watched a bit of a live stream on it by The Escapist. I'm curious about the combat. It looks more 3rd person hack & slash as oppose to the typical MMORPG. I've also heard folks compare it to Destiny in so far as mission structures and such. I'm not willing to put any money on it right now. I'd like to give a try myself so hopefully they drop an open beta or something.
  21. I've been mostly reading D&D source and campaign books. I'm about half way through Dungeon of The Mad Mage (Which @Rumelylady streams on Wednesday evenings at 6:30pm EST) Adventure book and I just bought the Sword Coast guide. I'll probably tackle that or get back on my novel fix. I really want to start the next John Gwynne series "Of Blood & Bone" soon. Really loved the first series and this picks up long after that.
  22. Another little gem I came across this week. I've only just started this but from what little I've played, It's really good. Top down, kind of diablo point of view, hack and slash with rouge lite elements I believe? Like I said, I haven't got very far. I'll post more when I've progressed further. Available on Xbox and Steam.
  23. I recently picked this up on my switch and fell in love with this game. It's a 2D metroidvania style action adventure kinda reminiscent of symphony of the night. You play as a little priestess named Lily and all your attacks and abilities are done through spirits you've purified during the game. There's hand to hand, swords, clubs etc, as well as magic ranged attacks. You also get permanent abilities like swimming underwater, double jump and such through the same spirits you acquire. Graphics are beautiful hand drawn sprites that move quite nicely. The gameplay is really spot on. There's some points where you'll be stuck in an animation and unable to dodge, but those are avoidable IMO. The music and sound is incredible as well. This is my kind of game so I may come off as a bit bias but if you're a fan of this style of game, you should dig it as well.
  24. It's just a remake? This must be the new buisness model for EA. Make money on old properties. The original trilogy was good overall, but if they're gonna bring this series back, make a new game. I can't really say i'm excited for it either. It'll be a "wait and see" approach for moi. Shame the original developers aren't around anymore to make it. I'd be more hyped if they were.
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