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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. I’m kinda “meh” on it. I’m quite fine with having my switch for on the go gaming but if I want to play PC stuff, I’d rather be at home then out and about. This would probably be a good investment for someone that maybe can’t afford a top end machine or as a first “gaming PC.”
  2. I’m away this weekend as well. Heading out Friday morning and I won’t be home until Monday evening. I’ll be down for anything the following week though.
  3. Riff Machine


    Damn. I was hoping for hunky MMA coach...... 😉
  4. A plagues tale is really the only one I'm interested in. More so for Sarah. She's been looking at that one for a while.
  5. I've been playing a lot of this since its release and i've been really enjoying it overall. The setting is kinda cyberpunkish distopian future with psychi abilites and a hack and slash kinda DMC gameplay style. The story is really out there, I wouldn't expect anything less from Japan, but it's really the combat that has been a blast. The camera and lock on system really needs a patch big time. That'd be my only gripe. It's very inconsistent when you're locked onto an enemy but never attack it directly when locked on. That's probably my only complaint about it. If you're a fan of any Platinum Games developed piece or anime inspired hack and slash gameplay, this could be for you.
  6. I'm not that thrilled about this. If the original developers were still around, I'd be more interested. You just know that EA just wants a cash in on another franchise that was good a couple gens ago. Much like the ME collection, I've done it before and i'm not really interested in seeing it again without visceral games at the helm.
  7. I honestly liked 2 a tad more then the first. Everything felt more refined and they really improved the graphics and sound. It still had those jump scares and freaky moments throughout but the first one had a much spookier atmosphere.
  8. GGs folks!
  9. The first game and both expansions were fantastic. Fear 2 really improved the series overall both in story and presentation. Gameplay was by far the best in series. 3 was total crap. I couldn’t stand it at all.
  10. I was interested. But after seeing it’s basically a souls like game, I quickly changed my mind. The whole genre is so overdone it’s become monotonous.
  11. This just dropped on Friday and man, insomniac has all their shit together! This game is gorgeous and plays like a dream. If you’ve played any of the previous R&C games then you should feel right at home. Aside from the new playable character, which is a welcome addition to the franchise IMO, the main “system” I guess we can call it is the rifts. There’s pocket rifts scattered about the game that have little traversal challenges for armor pieces as well as rifts you can grapple to in order to access unreachable areas or to make a quick getaway in battle situations. I’m really enjoying it and I’d say it’s worth a grab. Maybe not at the price it’s advertised at the moment. But this will more then likely be a PS Plus game in a year or two.
  12. Honestly, the far-near call out works best IMO. There’s a nice spot to stand on the back wall where you can see all of them perfectly.
  13. Amazon Buys MGM, Studio Behind James Bond, for $8.45 Billion VARIETY.COM James Bond has a new home. Amazon and MGM officially announced that they have...
  14. I may be around. I won’t commit to anything yet. If I’m needed and available, I can help out.
  15. It’s got a lot of suspense up until the end of the 3rd area. After that, there’s little jump scares but nothing that would freak you out.
  16. It took the merchant and upgradable weapons and utilized it well. The gameplay is completely different. I feel the movement and pacing of the 3rd person perspective wouldn’t mesh well with a 1st person view. Plus, 4 was a game for its time that revolutionized a lot of gaming cliches used now. The camera is never a problem in this. Just be cautious about your environment so you’re not backing into a corner.
  17. I finished the story yesterday and here’s some of my take aways. I won’t spoil anything. Graphically, damn. Looks great. Sound for the most part is good. I was confused with the voice acting choices though. I get that the main character sound American (and a total wimp) but if the game is based in Europe, shouldn’t the voices of the enemies reflect that? Gameplay is ok. I found the movement to be really slow and clunky even after getting the upgrade that improves movement. Gunplay was fine most times but felt really snappy. I haven’t touched the extra mercenaries mode but from everything I’ve seen, it’s the same as previous interations. As for the all important story... I found the pacing really good at first. The opening area and the two that follow were well placed and felt like RE7 with the exception of the first boss fight. The third area felt like an actual terrifying section. Again, I won’t spoil it, but trust me. It’s good. The ladder half of the game though felt really weird. Lots of combat, and I mean LOTS. At a couple points, it felt like I was playing a hoard mode and found it frustrating. Once the credits roll, I honestly had more questions then answers. It was an ok experience. There’s lots of replay value with it so I’d think an 8/10 would be a fair score for it. RE4 is still my fave of the series.
  18. Confession.. I never played RE7. The first person perspective kinda turned me off. Village has my attention though. I may wait and read some reviews before I commit. There’s a lot coming down the pipe in the next few months. And with 7 being a part of the ps plus collection, maybe I’ll check it out.
  19. Hopefully this will improve the current party system for PlayStation users. Sony Announces New Partnership With Discord WWW.GAMEINFORMER.COM Sony President and CEO Jim Ryan voiced his excitement for the new agreement between the two...
  20. Early impressions... housemarque has done it again. This game is really friggin good. Controls are crisp and fluid. Visuals and audio are top notch. Gameplay is tight. If you’re a fan of rouge lites such as hades then you’ll dig this one. You will die a lot. My only gripe and it’s really not a game breaker in any way, is there can be a LOT going on at any given time. Due to the third person perspective, you tend to get ambushed and surrounded quickly. Most of housemarques games have had an arcadey bullethell kind of vibe and it seems they tried to add a bit of that to this. It doesn’t really blend well but like I said, minor gripe. This is truly a next gen experience. The dual sense integration is really nice to. And example is you feel the rain drops hitting your suit through the controller. 🤘🏻
  21. I’ve never been a fan of the BF franchise. It’s never been my cup of coffee. But hey, if it’s something for everyone to roll on then roll away.
  22. This has been on my list since it was announced. Comes out April 30th.
  23. Better break down.. Skip it. Yet another pointless bounty grind for something that literally means nothing. There’s better things to do.
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