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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. I just read an article on game informer about this. Amazing how something we used to have is considered new. 🤪
  2. Geez.. Guy wins an award and now he's just kissing ass all over the place.. 😂😘 Seriously though, We're glad to have you roll with us @Leeesh13 🤘
  3. @Rumelylady and I had the pleasure of meeting up with @RenFenggeamd @TurboR56Mini while working the PAX Unplugged convention for our streaming site Six Sides of Gaming! So awesome to finally meet you both and we can’t wait to do it again.. hopefully with less “having to work” on our part. 🤪
  4. It brought a tear to mine. Seriously, thanks so much for this. It means a hell of a lot to me. 🤘🏻😁❤️
  5. I just completed this quiz. My Score 90/100 My Time 82 seconds  
  6. I truly appreciate all the kinds words and everything from you folks. I’m getting there slowly but surely and it’s definitely helped, I can assure you. I’ll get there. Each day sees things getting a bit easier. 🤘🏻❤️
  7. Yea. Title pretty much sums it up but here goes.. First off. I’d like to apologize to damn near everyone a part of the clan for my behaviour over the last 4-6 weeks. As some, if not all know, I’ve been clean and sober now for almost 15 months. Great in the short term and I honestly thought I was handling it fine. I haven’t had a sip of booze in that time nor have I gone to other means such as drugs.. But the past month or so have really put my head in a very shitty place. I’m not going to get into details but there’s been a lot of personal/work/life stuff that’s bombarded me all in a very short time and I’ve had a hell of a time coping with all of it. Not too mention that my anxiety is utterly through the roof.. I’ve always had bad bouts when I’ve got health concerns and such but with all this happening in such a short span, it’s really done a number on my nerves. The old me would’ve grabbed a case of beer and drank my worries away but that me is dead. The new me is having a hell of a time trying to deal with a lot of this crap and it’s put me in a really anti-social behaviour. Not only that, but trivial and very minor things that shouldn’t bother me at all have ended up really pissing me off or put my mood into a darker set then I normally am. I don’t like that. A lot of you that have known me for quite sometime KNOW how I am. The Batman, Micheal Caine happy go lucky guitar playing, impressionist that can be the life of an FG Friday and put a smile on someone’s face when they feel down. I haven’t been that lately and I need to do something about it. It’s started to effect a lot of the folks in this group that I consider friends and I can’t let that continue. It’s not fair for me to inadvertently take out the shitty things going on in my life on any of you. We’re all here to have fun enjoying the hobby we all share. If anything, I should’ve been more social and up front with my issues rather then trying to push everyone away. That’s my bad and I truly would like to apologize for being that asshole as of late. I know it’s not much but right now, it’s all I can offer. I know I fucked up and I’m working to fix that. I figured I’d let you all know. I’m incredibly thankful I have my wife Sarah @Rumelylady in my life whose been by my side when I’ve been shedding tears from being overwhelmed by all this bullshit to helping me find ways to cope with all this mental trash without resorting to my old habits. I feel I would be in a much darker place if I didn’t have her today. So, yea… Im working on my mental health. I want to get back to what normal feels like in my eyes. I’m finding ways to help cope with it and I felt this would be one way to do that. The road’s never clear and there’s always gonna be bumps.. I just ended up in a landslide and I’m digging my way out right now. GGs FG. Again, I’m sorry for being that jack ass.
  8. I guess the psplus free games must have taken the summer off too. 😵‍💫
  9. This franchise needs a really long break. Or a bullet. One or the other.
  10. If anyone missed out on this, you can grab it for PS5 and xbox now. Great. Game. This was one of my games of the year for 2020.
  11. I was interested in this, but I can’t justify spending money on such a limited experience. I wasn’t really into the L4D series either. I think I’m just done with “zombie” games.
  12. I'm curious as to what some of your "go to" games are? We all have one or seven that when we don't know what to play, or are waiting for the next big release to arrive, we go back to at some point. It could be a favorite game, One you've mastered or a timeless classic. I have a few. Resident Evil 4 on the Wii, The Messenger, any Mega Man game and of course Destiny. So what's some of yours FG?
  13. Riff Machine

    F1 2021

    This has honestly been one of the better seasons for F1. It's nice to see some other teams getting some podiums this year.
  14. Another one that just released on Steam and Switch. I've heard comparisons to Hades with this one. I may have to check it out.
  15. Sevendusts new album Blood & Stone and Clint Lowery God Bless The Renegades are both on constant replay for me.
  16. I’m nearing the end of my journey with ender lilies and I’ve been really pleased with it overall. Yes, there have been some moments where it’s been frustrating, but much like old school gaming, trial, error and repetition leads to success eventually. Some boss fights have been a walk in the park while others have been a test of my patience. Effectively using the various spirits you acquire throughout the game are a major path to success. Thankfully, even if moments do get frustrating, the music manages to keep tempers down with its orchestral beauty throughout. Seriously, this games score is on par with any AAA release ever. Overall, I’d give this. 9/10. I’m docking a point mostly due to animation locks and enemies frequently using that to get some cheap hits in as you can’t cancel to block or dodge. Still a magnificent game for those looking for a solid 2D adventure.
  17. I gave the demo a go last night and this is definitely a 2d dark souls. You have a stamina bar for attacks and dodging with usual difficult enemies and boss fights.
  18. This looks interesting. There is a demo available on Steam if anyone is interested in this style. I may check it out.
  19. I wonder if that had anything to do with the game wrecking graphics cards? It probably wouldn't hurt though. I don't think Amazon wants to screw up this release.
  20. NEVER use stand by mode. A lot of people said as much when it first released due to an issue with the hardware or the firmware. One of the two. I’m also not too sure if it’s an issue that has been patched yet if it’s firmware related. I always power mine right off. For a machine this expensive, I’m not fucking around. 🤘🏻
  21. Sony really shits the bed when it comes to customizing their controllers. You look at some of the stuff microsoft does for xbox controllers and think "What the fuck, Sony?!"
  22. Not really. It depends on how much you put in them that'll make it difficult to close them properly or not.
  23. @Rumelylady made these amazing 3 cheese, spinach and mushroom stuffed calzones the other night with a homemade marinara sauce. Soooooo good.. 🤤
  24. This is my early favorite for my GoTY. I. Am. LOVING this game!
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