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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. I like the premise behind the game. I just wish it stuck to the fantasy aspect and kept a lot of the guns out of it to really get that D&D feel. I may end up checking this out but I've never been too keen on the borderlands series as a whole. This could also be a PS Plus game at some point down the road too.
  2. I'm not nearly as good as EVH or Father Wylde to craft a solo of that magnitude. Lol! If I throw one in there, it'll probably be something minor that's more harmony then anything.
  3. I'm running a bit of delay/chorus on that channel. I've been messing around with some different tones and I may go with an acoustic sim with some light hall reverb to give it some body. Depending on how long the tune will eventually be, I may add a nice solo at some point. I haven't got that far yet to figure one out. Lol! Thanks for the input @IRaMPaGe
  4. I LOVE this game! I played the hell out of it when it was initially released, enjoyed the legends mode as well, and after completing Forbidden West, I think I'm gonna jump back into this and run through the Ike Island expansion.
  5. During our last episode of Descent Into Avernus, our DM Devin sang a little number while our party was in a tavern. I had the melody stuck in my head for most of the week, and was playing around with it on the git-fiddle. I came up with this little short bit, but long term, I'll be recording this and it'll be used as BG music for our pre-stream countdown. Let me know what you think.
  6. This sucks. Such a huge loss for the music world. My condolences to his family and friends.
  7. At least they aren't charging an arm and a leg for it... yet. It'll be interesting to see if the price remains the same when we're playing GTA 5 on PS6.
  8. The gameplay is spot on. Housemarque has a very good track record of this. It really shows off the dual sense controller too. It boils down to if this style of game is up your alley.
  9. I re-installed it last night. I know they added the save feature within a run, which is a great addition and one of the more frustrating parts of this game at release. Expecting it all to come together in one run is quite the time sink.
  10. I've read that some people are review bombing this game on metacritic, comparing it too much to Zelda. Come on, people. What friggin game hasn't taken cues from a Zelda game in the last 30 years? This game is fan-fucking-tastic. These are the type of people that probably would've shit on Saint's Row when it first released saying "It's too much like GTA3!!" Seriously though, Give it a go. It's great.
  11. I should be around all day Saturday if there's any raids and that kind of fun happening.
  12. But hey, Let's look on the bright side. With the way the current UI is for the PS5 at the moment, We're already getting a taste of the first major update for the PS6 UI.
  13. Ok, I just finished this and I am 100% disappointed with the direction the story has gone. I enjoyed some of the new NPC characters introduced, considering they were all more interesting then Aloy herself, and a few of the new machines were interesting, it's just a shame the story was quite meh. Ghost of Tsushima is by far the better experience IMO.
  14. I think he meant to say Icebreaker. 😉
  15. I think this would be an interesting one to run some co-op on. I wonder if they'll do the typical artificial difficulty thing and just add more enemies.
  16. Here's another little gem that's just released. If you're fans of rogue-lites and 2D action/adventure games, Definitely check this one out.
  17. CDPR announced a new one in the works. After the whole cyberpunk debacle, you'd figure this will be a "stick to what we know" kind of game. Hopefully, they can avoid the mistakes made with CP, and build on what made Witcher 3 such a blast.
  18. Has anyone Bought/played this one yet? I've seen a lot of mixed reviews on it. I figure if I play this, it'll be either dirt cheap or a PS plus game.
  19. You know, I've always been fine with a lot of the non-matchmade stuff in this game, but IMO, no matter the difficulty, these seasonal activities should always have matchmaking!! Especially so if they're tying progress within the war table to do them. It's stuff like this that honestly turn people away from even bothering with this. Now, I know if needed, I could round up a couple FGers and get it done but again, It's a limited time event that in a couple months, will be irrelevant. I'm probably more annoyed by it due to my lack of time to play much of anything lately, but yea. It's a piss off.
  20. The latest update Ascension is now live for this. It's added a co-op feature and a challenge tower to the experience. Should be cool for anyone still playing this game and looking to rock it with some friends.
  21. Episode 3 in the bag! We ran a much longer session today as we'll be short a few players come early April for a couple weeks. Our GM created a bunch of pre-module content to build up to the whole campaign. We've made it to the start of published work now and let the descent to hell begin.
  22. Not too long. Within the first 10-20 minutes give or take. You do get a weapon, which is just a stick, near the start but it sucks obviously. lol
  23. I've went back and started re-reading The Sword Coast Adventurers Guide, mostly to bone up on the area we're currently in on our D&D live stream of Descent Into Avernus. It won't help much when we get to hell, but it's good to use for my characters background so I actually have names for the places I write about. Lol!
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