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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. Episodes 7 & 8 are live on Youtube. We're inching ever closer to hell.
  2. Progress update... After reaching level 53, I've finally killed Morgit The Fell Omen. I honestly thought the tree sentinel boss was more of a bitch, but now they're both dead.
  3. About 10 hours in, and I'm loving it. I've managed to kill a few bosses, had a few surprises thrown at me, and died. But that's fine.
  4. Ironically, I just picked up the latest issue of Game Informer and I hate how they've laid out the magazine now. Lol
  5. A few things I've noticed. Thank you for the jump button! Movement seems a lot swifter then previous souls games. Not a fan of the 2 button press to go two-handed. The world is beautiful.
  6. Having a bit of time this morning, I jumped on to see if I could get a power level increase by running that stupid preservation mission. During that run, I realized just how much bungie completely ruined power progression with the whole "pinnacle/powerful" drop nonsense. Let's go back to the end of Destiny 1 and the beginning of D2. In both cases, it didn't matter what you did, whether that be strikes, crucible, missions, vanguard rank up, etc. You were ALWAYS guaranteed a power/light level increase depending on RNG of course. So, if I had very little time to play on a certain day, I could jump on. Fly down to the cosmodrome. Run some patrols until my vanguard rank went up and boom. A guaranteed drop that had a chance to be better then something I currently had. Vanilla D2 was similar, and yes, I realize there wasn't much to do then, you still at least felt like you were making progress regardless. That's one of my biggest issues right now with Destiny is making progress. When this ridiculous change was made to hamper power level progression with the pinnacle system, It instantly put most casual/solo players at a disadvantage because now, they couldn't do those little things here and there that would offer increases in power by say, replaying a story mission or ranking up the vanguard. Which was another thing that also burned everyone was having those drops be reduced to 10-15 below current power level. Locking a lot of the power progression behind higher difficulty activities is so flawed as a lot of people will simply not do them. Having the freedom of choice to do whatever and make progress is taken, pun intended, away simply to artificially extend play time has not only ruined a lot of what made this game so good in the past, but also turned a lot of veterans players away from it. I could go on about a lot more, but for the most part, I want my time respected. As it stands right now, jumping on for a half hour isn't worth it if I can't make any progression in power level. This system needs to be dropped IMO.
  7. Interesting. I like the toy esthetic graphics. I may have to check this out.
  8. I will be beginning my Elden Ring journey tonight. I do hope the neighbors enjoy me saying fuck a lot more than usual. 😉
  9. I loved monthly VG mags! I would go out almost every week and buy up whatever issue was out at the time. EGM, PSM, Official Xbox, Official Dreamcast, Gameinformer. I always enjoyed seeing different mags reviews on the same games just to have those differing opinions. I still pick up gameinformer evry so often, but it really isn’t the same anymore. Most of these sites/mags show so much favouritism that actually shitting on a bad game is frowned upon. Especially if the developer/publisher paid for a good review.
  10. Tonight, We'll be talking about some really old games that have a special place in our memories, and discuss the recent fad of remakes and remasters that publishers/developers seem to be so crazy about lately. Other topics will pop up throughout the show. We'll be live at around 8pm EST on twitch.tv/sixsidesofgaming
  11. The first episode of The Book of Tales is said and done. The VOD will be up on our twitch channel but we're going to wait to batch release the entire series on Youtube once the book is done. Twitch WWW.TWITCH.TV Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.
  12. Episode 6 is up on Youtube now. Needless to say, The party had a hard time following instructions.
  13. I can't wait to play Skyrim on PS6... 😉
  14. The Mass Effect trilogy remaster that just dropped is a decent one. It improved on the first games combat mechanics to line it more with the other 2 games in the trilogy.
  15. The Jackass deserves any and all flak he's getting or will get.
  16. Shameless producer plug…. She is good at what she does though. 😘🥰
  17. Square Enix announced this during a Kingdom Hearts 20th anniversary event.
  18. It would seem that this season has run it's course for some. Maybe it's just me, but there doesn't seem to be anything here that makes me want to play right now. I've yet to run through the new raid yet, but it honestly doesn't bother me as much as it would have a few years ago. Tying challenges to a seasonal activity with no matchmaking has really turned me off of even bothering to try and the crafting system overall is garbage. Only 44 days until next season...
  19. I'm curious as to what everyone feels about these types of games. The past few releases, Diablo 2, Re 2 and 3, FF7, and WoW, have been really hit or miss. I feel that both the RE 2 and 3 remakes are perfect examples of taking good games and vastly improving not just the visuals, but the gameplay as well. Gone are the "tank" controls and with it, a fluid, 3rd person controls that closely resembled RE 4s perspective. While I still think the RE 3 remake should have been DLC for RE 2, they were none the less a true remake. FF7 is 50/50 IMO. While the visuals, updated voice cast and music, and to an extent, the gameplay that switched from the tired and true turn based RPG style for a more action rpg system is ok, The lack of the rest of the game was a huge letdown. It was enjoyable, but not worth the price considering the overall package. Diablo 2 and Warcraft 3 are examples of how NOT to do them. With Diablo 3, Blizzard vastly improved the top down, isometric action rpg gameplay and style so much so that most other game released in that style are almost carbon copies of them. If they had released this "resurrected" remake with the diablo 3 gameplay style, I feel it would've been a much better product overall. Granted, I'm sure there are some that loved the original style of said game, but as i said, the formula has been so improved that going back to this feels archaic. We won't talk about the hot garbage that was warcraft 3. What are your thoughts on this, folks?
  20. I've recently been listening to Gojira, mostly due to having seen an ad for the Gojira archetype for the Neural DSP system, and damn. They're pretty friggin good. Their tone is clean as fuck, although they do love that pitch shifter. The album Magma has been in my playlist for most of the week and I gave their latest release, Fortitude, a listen as well. I didn't get hooked as much with that one, but it's a decent album.
  21. I'm reading throw the rulebook for The Witcher TTRPG at the moment, and I'm about halfway through Calibans War. I'm finding it difficult to keep reading through as it hasn't seemed to pull me in like the first book did. As for The Witcher rulebook... Wow. There is a lot of charts that determine modifiers for certain combats. Terrain, weather, and light levels are just a few, but this could be quite the complicated rule set for the hardcore players.
  22. Yea, I figured that as well. Probably Summerslam or something.
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