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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. The whole action/RPG genre really needs a big time change. I agree 100% that some well crafted writing and story will be necessary, but the actual game itself has to be more then a map full of icons that most sandbox ARPGs do as of late.
  2. Now currently reading "Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse" the latest D&D 5e book that mashes a few previous volumes into one with race specific updates. I love reading these books.
  3. I was watching the weekly Friday show on gameranx and during the show, they mentioned and showed some early concept art for a new RPg being developed by Techland. They are currently working on content for Dying Light 2, but are shifting focus to this new project. A lot of people that worked on Witcher 3, Horizon and Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. Should be a long way out but something to keep an eye out for.
  4. This one has been out for some time on all platforms. I find it very similar to the classic NES Ninja Gaiden games, including the difficulty, and I've been kind of on and off with it for a bit. It definetly has those frustrating WTF moments but the gameplay is pretty solid and the boss battles are challenging. If you're into this style of game, check it out.
  5. I'm not gonna lie, This snuck up on me big time. I've been so out of the loop in so far as Destiny goes, that when I logged on this morning and found the new season starts next week was a surprise. Despite all that, finally more fucking vault space! That only took forever. What are your thoughts on the upcoming season?
  6. This is great news. Fall Guys is one of those games that a group can just have some stupid fun with. An excellent opportunity for those that missed the PS Plus free game month to grab it.
  7. I was looking at this one. The survival part of it all kinda turns me off of it, but I may still give it a whirl at some point. At least it's not zombies. Lol
  8. Blooper Team... If I was on the fence about this before, I'm now back on my side of it with my feet not quite touching the ground.
  9. Ok, progress update. I've beaten Rennala in the academy. Afterward, I decided to do a few things. One, I renewed Godricks great rune so I now have the power!!!!! Two. I decided to go back and explore the weeping peninsula, as I completely ignored this spot during my initial Limgrave exploration. I've basically done everything there, but killed the Deathbird. Making some progress. Love this game!
  10. The gacha aspect, yes. It’s more of a strategy rpg though.
  11. I've been recently playing Fire Emblem Heroes on iOS and I've been really enjoying it. So much so, that I've been curious about the main games on switch. Has anyone given any of these games a go? Yay or nay?
  12. Episode 11 is live. Our one party member is slowly building his cult while Kluurok gets a powerful new great sword!
  13. Well, after some shitty internet issues and a few bits of mis-communication, I finally have a full Vow completion. Thanks @GazzaGarratt@Teenwolf25 @Leeesh13 @Bluebear and @SWAINEY84 for the run today. Apologizes for my anger near the end there. My home internet issues have put me on a path to world domination... Or, the fridge for some food. Congrats for getting the raid exotic @GazzaGarrattNow, where's all my FG Achievements for that???????? 😘
  14. Currently having some internet issues this morning. I'm trying to get it sorted at the moment.
  15. A few of us have had some random conversations about this PSOne classic as of late. For those that don't know, Vandal Hearts was a top down Tactical/strategy RPG that had a really good cast of characters that each had their own different skills and abilities with a great story and some good gameplay. They did make a few sequels but neither one really stood up to the original IMO. However, I'm curious if anyone has any recommendations for games that have a similar style? Pop your suggestions down below.
  16. They need to give up on RE as a series/movie. Every time they've tried, they've just bombed it so bad. I don't know how they can screw up something so bad when literally all the material they need is in the games! It's so laughable. And screw Netflix too. I cancelled my membership a few weeks back after the latest price increase announcement.
  17. The same could be said for the resident evil series too early on. The first 2, especially the first one, was way more suspenseful than damn near any of the others in the series save for 7. The doll house section in Village was probably the most freaky part of an RE game in quite sometime. I do hope a Silent Hill comes around that has those elements that made the early ones had that made them so good. Time will tell I suppose.
  18. Agreed. A part from the first 2, I didn't find the other ones interesting at all. I'm actually surprised they're not doing a remake of the first ones. But, considering how Konami has been the past few years, It's not that surprising.
  19. I surprised her with some flowers, bubble tea and a bubble waffle, followed by a chocolate fudge cake and our friend Adrian bought dinner for us.
  20. It's actually disappointing overall. The enemy archetypes are really repetitive, and there isn't much length to the overall game. Aside from playing through the game on various difficulties, It's worth a skip. It is on game pass so if you're subscribed, play at your own risk.
  21. Well, If the delay will provide a less buggy experience then yay!
  22. And as it happens @Jason Salt and Sanctuary is on sale currently on the PSN store for under $10.
  23. I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. I do hope it's good, but have a feeling it may not be all it's cracked up to be. Hopefully, I'm proven wrong.
  24. You should give Blasphemous a go too. It's a 2d souls-like as well with a very dark atmosphere.
  25. I've moved this to the RPG section. It's fitting. 🙂
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