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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. I just picked this up on PS5 thanks to the spring sale and I kind of wish they did a lot more with this "resurrected" edition. By that, I mean completely rebuild the game and give it that modern, Diablo 3 feel in so far as gameplay and quality of life upgrades that 3 has. The fact it's a prettier version of diablo 2 is rather disappointing. It's enjoyable by far, I just wish when a game developer says remake they actually remake said game instead of updating the decor.
  2. I caught bits and pieces of it. I felt the first night to be far better then the second. I've never been a fan of reigns so I've a hard time accepting his constant push when other guys on the roster are far superior. AJ/Edge, Bianca/Lynch, Seth/Cody we're my favs from the event as a whole. Rousey losing was a bit of a surprise and the boogs injury really sucked but it was a decent show overall.
  3. I just wanted to pimp this little project we've been doing as of late on Six Sides of Gaming. We usually go live Thursday around 8pm EST and just talk about gaming in all its many forms as well as whatever cool stuff we've got going on at Six Sides currently or down the road. We don't have the audio portion available yet, but we should have that figured out soon. For now, the first 3 episodes are on our twitch channel twitch.tv/sixsidesofgaming if anyone is interested. Cheers folks!
  4. I cannot wait for this one. I just hope and pray it doesn't have all the bullshit that 3 had on launch. *Fingers Crossed*
  5. That’s a really cool way to bring them back.
  6. I’m not gonna lie, I want really a big fan of this series. If it’s a remake like the RE2 one that improves not only the visuals, but controls, I may have a look. I also feel the FEAR series did the whole “bullet time” thing better.
  7. I don’t have one… yet. But trust me, I will let it be known. 😘😂
  8. I know @Teenwolf25 has been playing it. @Forty6_N_two and @FallenDark200 as well. I’m curious to see how well it’s been doing sales wise though.
  9. Yea, a couple players had some conflicts this evening so we rescheduled the debut to next week. Everything is fine otherwise.
  10. Unfortunately, the debut of this series is being delayed a week due to some personal issues. It’ll debut at the same time next Wednesday, April 13th.
  11. Tomorrow night, April 6th at 7:00pm EST, @Rumelylady and I will be part of a group playing The Witcher TTRPG live on our twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/sixsidesofgaming This will be a 6 episode run that will be based on the upcoming adventure book from R. Talisorian games called A Book of Tales. If any of you all are interested, please tune in or check out the VOD when they become available on either twitch or our youtube channel.
  12. Episode 5 is now available on our youtube channel. Quite the session this past Sunday. A new sword, lots of cultists dying at the party's hands. Just a great day overall. And some deals with the devil were made.
  13. I'm looking forward to this one. It's by the developers of The Messenger (I LOVE THAT GAME) so, I can guarantee, it will be a quality experience.
  14. It's a great game. You'll not be disappointed. The transition they do to shift between 8 and 16 bit is really well done.
  15. I have the RE 3 remake but It felt really rushed. There wasn't near as much polish to it as 2 had. Considering the length of the story, It really should have been DLC for the RE 2 remake.
  16. I've already sung you your birthday song, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAM!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. I'm just gonna drop a nice, little, friendly reminder to you all that The Messenger is a great game if you fancy the old school 8/16 bit style graphics and gameplay of Ninja Gaiden. Great music, great gameplay, very witty and enjoyable writing and just a blast to play. I just platinumed this one the other day! It's worth a look, Friends. Available on PC and all platforms.
  18. I've been all over the place lately with games, so I just re-downloaded this one. I played the hell out of it when it initially released and enjoyed every minute of it. I also re-downloaded the RE2 remake as well for giggles and shits.
  19. The session zero was a really cool set up for us. It was my first time being a part of one and it really helped shape the group and introductory story for us all. Thanks @GazzaGarrattI'm glad you've been enjoying it. Episode 5 will be this Sunday at 12pm EST on SixSidesofGaming - Twitch WWW.TWITCH.TV We're an ever growing streaming network! From RPG's to TCG's, video games, talk shows, board games and the classics. Each month we grow this channel we add/improve our programming. We are Six Sides of...
  20. I honestly feel it's worth it IMO. The entire experience is great from start to finish.
  21. Yea, legends is way better with a group of friends.
  22. Har-Dee-har-har… I will be calling your cannon “Tina” when you finally build it during avernus.
  23. Episode 4 is up on youtube at six sides of gaming. Really fun session with lots of laughs. The party ran into a tough encounter that nearly killed half of us, but we managed to pull through and are heading deeper into the dungeon to find our target.
  24. I may have to come back to this later. I've started a character, and I've arrived in NC, but the game isn't sucking me in. I find I don't care about anything in this. It could be I'm just burnt out on this style of game.
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