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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. GGs folks! I'm glad I finally finished the campaign on my Warlock. Thanks to all that helped me at various points in that journey. I was quite pleased with the campaign overall.
  2. It’s been a fun ride so far. Destiny has interfered a bit with my play through, but I’ll get back into it over the next few days. Another thing that annoys me is why is there no block button when in melee or just in general?
  3. We ran our session zero Sunday. We've got our characters pretty much in order and rolled all our stats. It's going to be so much fun! We'll be live on SixSidesofGaming every Sunday at 12 Noon EST.
  4. I doubt I'll be available for any of this. Maybe at some point down the road.
  5. Just an FYI to those playing right now. I ran into a bug during a quest called "Ancient Relics" for the Oseram salvager north or the main tenakth settlement. You have to collect relics needed to create armor in 2 locations. The location north of bleeding mark is bugged. My advice? Before getting this quest, go to both areas and collect all the purple relics found in old war machine and vehicles. The other area is just east of the mentioned above settlement near a ravager location. There's 3 in the first area and 4 in the ladder. Once you've got them, then go get the mission and you'll complete it right away.
  6. I'm not bothered by the "day one raid" stuff or being "power ready." Even if my schedule allowed me to do it, I wouldn't simply for the sole reason being I just don't care about world's first or day one raid crap. I'm sure I'll get a new raid run in at some point when it isn't ridiculously difficult due to the day one mod. I'm still on the fence overall about the whole crafting system. I don't really care for it and chances are, I'll find a similar weapon with a much better role in the field anyway. So far, it just seems the typical bungie way of unnecessarily extending play time. *The opinions of Riff do not reflect those of Forever Gaming.* 😉
  7. That "tips/q&a" thread would be great. I know a lot of advice you've given me regarding souls in general has helped me finally get the genre. I'm glad the game is preforming so well and you folks are digging it.
  8. Continued from my previous post... God, I HATE scorn.. I ripped through most of the legendary campaign last night and have now progressed to the last mission and I've hit the soft cap. YAY! Thanks to @GazzaGarratt@Capn_Underpants @Forty6_N_two and @Horrible_Hector for helping me out. A lot of those encounters are quite nutty on legendary. I imagine that'll be different on the normal difficulty, but it's great to run some missions with FGers. The campaign. Yea, those missions are good. You see a trend with how they are all put together so for anyone that hasn't played through this, or maybe missed the last few expansions, whatever you do, don't ever think the mission is over until you know it's over. I'm honestly just blown away by how much there is to do during it all. I look forward to getting this done today and carry on from there.
  9. Definitely worth a look @Stretch616
  10. If @Rumelylady and moi can get our hands on one of these, I can see our switch collecting a lot of dust for the foreseeable future.
  11. Started the whole sha-bang last night. Damn. Those missions are looooooooooooong. Not a bad thing. It’s nice to have these longer formed mission as oppose to the short, nut to fast, missions of old. Legendary wasn’t too bad solo until that damn flail scorn boss. Thankfully, @Forty6_N_two hopped in to give this MnFer a hand. I’ll keep going at it tonight after work. It reminds me a lot of when the taken king dropped. Just the amount of missions and side quests you have dropped on you is nutty. I’m sure a lot of folks have blown through it by now but to each their own. Light bearing hive I’m fine with. I HATE the scorn though. Grr and shit. 🤬🖕🏻
  12. Naa. Day one patch after going gold. 😏
  13. It should remain spoiler free. I don't think anyone here will ruin the experience for you @phil bottle
  14. I'll check out Ghostrunner but I'm more annoyed with the "half" game offers with the legends mode in Tsushima. Might just be me.
  15. I'm really enjoying it. I did get a bit annoyed with a story beat, but getting a bit further, it kind of makes sense. I hope the update that just dropped fixes some of the bugs and glitches I've noticed. I've had the game crash 4 times last night alone from either finishing a quest to fast travelling. I've also got stuck in some environments during some sections which forced me to reload and auto save. Those little gripes are minor at best though. This truly is a lot more of what made Zero Dawn so damn good. One of the first things I did though was remap mounting and dismounting to triangle. Mostly due to be so use to using that input for just about every open world game in the past year or two.
  16. This is the best thing for this franchise right now. Makes you wonder how that will change when MS takes the reigns.
  17. It'll be an interesting race. I honestly think this should get it though. Horizon (Which is really friggin good) and GoW are both sequels that are "more of the same." At least with this, it's a new spin on the souls genre with the open world and G.R.R. Martin collaboration. If anything, I think that will give this one an advantage in the long run.
  18. And it's only in early access. So worth it.
  19. This should get GoTY easily unless a new Halo comes out in the last 2 weeks of ‘22.
  20. Let's here it folks. I won't be jumping into this until at least Friday but I'd like to hear your thoughts so far on the latest update.
  21. This seriously needs to be on iOS and android. It's literally the perfect mobile game NOT on mobile.
  22. @Rumelylady recnetly bought a new laptop that runs 11. I'm kinda "meh" on it. I love how the thing seems to be just copying apples layout in so far as the home bar and layout. We still have 10 on the PC.
  23. So many good games releasing so close together.. Decisions, decisions..
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