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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. So far, so good. I will say this though. Don't let the initial bit turn you off of the game. Once you collect the sword, combat becomes much easier. Same with the Shield which is that far ahead. I will say that the dodge roll seems slow and the timing between the button press and execution seems off. You do have a stamina meter, but there is an option to turn it off. It's really up to you as to how you'd like to play it. I turned it off so it would have the Zelda-like feel to it. There's a bit of the souls-like systems in place such as checkpoints, where when you use one, the enemies you've defeated respawn. You also have some limited healing potions to use that can be upgraded to carry more as you find shrine offerings, and when you die, you lose a bit of the coin you collected that can be picked up at the spot of your death. I feel Deaths Door had better gameplay so far, but I am still relatively early in this game, so I'll update as I go.
  2. I agree with regards to the combat. I'm at the last main quest right now and I've finished all the side quests save for a couple hunting grounds. I found the staff, which was really good in HZD , felt so weak in this one. My biggest gripe about combat though is why is there no block button? The dodge is really bad and enemy projectiles seem to just track to where you are at times that make it pointless. And, yes, certain enemies had a common habit of spamming the hell out of projectiles to make it almost impossible to get up. I did enjoy it for the most part, but I also feel the first one was better. The story for this really went fucky at times and it really sucked me out of it.
  3. Agree completely! The dual sense feedback is really utilized amazingly well.
  4. This game just dropped late last week and it's a beauty! It's has a similar isometric view point as Deaths Door (PLAY IT) and plays like a classic Zelda game. I highly recommend this to everyone that has xbox game pass and it's currently available on xbox platforms as a timed exclusive and steam.
  5. They did the same with the umbral engrams. When they first were implemented, they were great! The currency you needed to decode was easily available via the public event and you could actually farm multiple rolls you were looking for during the season. Then they screwed it all up with beyond Light and added yet another currency only available through the slog that is battlegrounds and the cost was so ridiculous you had to do multiple runs in order to decrypt one. A trend they've kept since then with this season "risen energy" garbage. With all the currencies we had, why the hell didn't they let us use the thousands of weapon telemetries people had or mats for crafting and/or umbral decoding? Why not just use the "psonic intel" for both? Another example of something that is easy to acquire. They really need to start respecting peoples time. Fat chance, i know, but hell, i have a life!! LOL!
  6. I don't really care for it. But the fact that they've already decided to remove a bunch of currencies for it is a plus. I don't know why every time this company tries something, they have to introduce a shit ton of new currencies to keep track of. Keep it simple otherwise, people won't give a damn.
  7. I'm actually surprised they ended the psi ops story line so quickly. I figured it would've lasted at least as long as the current season. Maybe something else is coming down the pipes at some point?
  8. Confirmed. This runs amazingly on PS5. I started a new character on this last night and I was quite pleased with the performance. Once I'm done horizon, I'll be rolling through this.
  9. Episode 2 is in the books! The party is coming together slowly but surely. We were minus one player this week as he was away on business but managed to get by. We're going to be running for 5 hours next Sunday and possibly the Sunday after which should be a blast! As always, you can catch the vod on our twitch channel SixSidesofGaming - Twitch WWW.TWITCH.TV We're an ever growing streaming network! From RPG's to TCG's, video games, talk shows, board games and the classics. Each month we grow this channel we add/improve our programming. We are Six Sides of... The latest episode will also be posted to our youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/SixSidesofGaming tomorrow evening.
  10. I agree 100%. I'm getting the same kind of vibes i got when zero dawn was announced back when. If it means a completely polished experience come launch, then take all the time they need.
  11. I'm gonna pass on this one. I've been there and done that and while it was a great experience both times, there's so many other games that deserve my time then a cash grab.
  12. We can file this under "How to ruin your company instantly." I feel for the people that were working for the company. Hopefully, they find work and an employer that isn't a total shithead.
  13. When damn near every ubisoft game is basically the same thing in a different setting vs. A genre that has a large fan base and the developer decides to do something open world in said genre. I fully intend to give this a go at some point. I’m just not sure when. So many games, so little time. Fucking destiny…
  14. This has my inner child just beaming! I still have my SNES copy of Turtles in Time!
  15. *And just like that.. With one word.. Riff has made this forum thread…. Moist. Giggidy
  16. GGs folks. It was nice to get my feet moist for what little of this raid I’ve seen. Fuck the scorn. 🤘🏻😈
  17. I’ve been looking forward to this one so this news is disappointing. But, I’d rather they get it done right then rush it.
  18. Good stuff Lee!! We'll try to provide once our financial situation gets a tad better and I can somehow shake my addiction to premium ice cream.
  19. I can…. Sort of. 🤪
  20. Episode One is in the bag! If anyone is interested in watching, check it out on twitch.tv/sixsidesofgaming
  21. I never really got into the lego games myself. Just something about the games never clicked with me. Maybe the racing game will peak my curiosity much like Hot Wheels did. Which btw is also an excellent game.
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