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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. I've had a look at the trailer. I may pick this up at some point.
  2. It'll be interesting to see who tries to get that license. I remember for the longest time, a lot of folks though PES was the better than FIFA on so many levels. I wonder if a 2K developer will try for it?
  3. I still need a full run through of this. I'm in. I don't think I have anything going on Saturday.
  4. Yet another metroidvania/rouge-like that's just released today to add to my "Will eventually play once I'm done Elden Ring." It's a sequel to Salt and Sanctuary released a few years back. Really hard from what I've heard so this may be one up the alleys of those that enjoy the souls series or rouge-like games.
  5. Episode 10 is live on youtube. There was some touching moments in this one and lots of combat. We've also tried zooming the cameras back in order to give a better view of whats on the tables in front of the players as well as a bit darker lighting to make the background RGBs stand out more when we to a colour change.
  6. It's an interesting concept. I'll eventually get to giving it a go at some point.
  7. As with a lot of the other TTRPGs I've mentioned for Six Side of Gaming, we also stream Shadowrun on a monthly basis. This is going to change possibly soon as we've received sponsorship from Catalyst Games. We currently have a few episodes listed on our youtube page that you can check out if you'd like. https://www.youtube.com/c/SixSidesofGaming
  8. This looks like something right up my alley. 2D 16-bit style graphics, tight gameplay with a pinch of souls like combat sprinkled in. It was just delayed until June and will be releasing on all platforms.
  9. Another new release available on Xbox game pass, this one is a rouge lite that mixes some puzzle platform movement in with it. Visual style reminds me a lot of Children of Morta and the gameplay seems to be a diablo esc top down hack and slash. Another one I may have a crack at some where down the line.
  10. I've yet to dive into this one, but it's currently free on xbox game pass. So far, I've heard it's a very small game and incredibly repetitive in so far as combat encounters and enemy types. I'll do a more in depth take on it once i've put Elden Ring down for a few hours.
  11. I had some high hopes for avengers initially. If they had managed to replicate the gameplay progression of say Destiny or Division 2 in a way that made the game feel much more appealing than it was, I figure it would've been more successful. It clearly suffered from the vanilla syndrome of being overly repetitive and having zero endgame. GoTG, while having some more positive reviews and feedback, was such a huge miss at having some kind of online co-op with the team itself rather than only being able to command the other characters. Oh well.
  12. Episode 9 is up on Youtube now. The party gets a much needed rest, and a whole bunch of info and upgrades before heading of toe hell.
  13. From Software should put this in an official game guide. Well done @Leeesh13
  14. Oh really?? Well hell, I may give this a go then.
  15. I'd probably play this if it was a PS plus game. It looks like it could be fun with a group of friends.
  16. MW2 was the last CoD game I ever played. It'll be interesting to see how this one fairs. I'm sure it'll be a hit for the MP as usual. I just wish they'd create some new IPs with some of these studios.
  17. I've found 2 paintings so far. No clue as to what they're for. I keep getting side tracked with new discoveries rather then trudging through the critical path. Not necessarily a bad thing of course. Lol
  18. I came across this today. Shame sony didn't try to acquire these studios or the IP seeing as it was such a big reason for the PSOnes success. Square Enix Sells Crystal Dynamics, Eidos-Montréal, And More, Including Tomb Raider IP, To Embracer Group WWW.GAMEINFORMER.COM Square Enix says it will use the $300 million from the transaction to move forward with investments in blockchain technology, AI, cloud gaming, and more.
  19. I've never tried any of them myself either. I've never really been interested in any kind of games of this particular style. Maybe some day.
  20. Jumping adds so much to combat. At least I find it does. Everything about Elden Ring just seems so much more polished compared to other From Software games.
  21. Alright! Finally killed Godrick after messing around and exploring Limgrave for the better part of 20+ hours. Stormveil Castle was fun running through for the most part. I'm heading into Lunaria of The Lakes now. Right off the top, I HATE those massive lobsters that stun lock you with that fucking spit attack. !@#$
  22. Very true. Maybe Musky boy or Bezos will buy them out. Lol
  23. That’s a much better month. Tribes and curse have been 2 I wanted to take a crack at. FIFA will be a nice bonus.
  24. I just killed the dragon in Lake Agheel last night. I was surprised how easy it was. Never the less, I am loving this game! I'm about halfway through Stormveil Castle so I may finish that up tonight before the rest of my week is shot to shit. Lol!
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