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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. *Searches for his invite* 🥲
  2. Next Fest is happening right now on Steam, which allows you to play some demo's of upcoming games. I know a few of you have posted topics about some of them, but feel free to throw some more that have caught your eyes here. A few that @Rumelylady and I have downloaded are Moonscars, Tyrant's Blessing, Cult of the Lamb, Spirit Tea, Melatonin, and Naiad. I will do some more in depth posts about ones I try at some point.
  3. I make electrical enclosures for building/traffic infrastructure. One job i finished just last year was about 20 big units for the Toronto LRT line. That's the "pays the bills" job. The fun one is doing audio/video recently for Six Sides of Gaming, but soon for Dice To Pixels in the very near future. I also write and very slowly create some music as a hobby that I'll eventually get into a self published record at some point.
  4. It's sounding like this will be similar to the Outer Worlds with a lot more space exploration. Probably a more serious tone too. I can't wait for the day 1 patch that makes it playable. Lol
  5. I may have to play this on PC. I find the control for PS is too fucky. I'd play on a steam deck too if i was lucky enough to get one. Does the new Baldurs Gate play similar to Divinity or is it more Diablo-ish?
  6. I mean... It's on PS4/5 too. 😉 It's so fun though. I miss games like this.
  7. Straight up, If you've played the classic TMNT arcade games or Turtles in Time... GET THIS GAME!!!!!!!!!! This plays and feels just like those classics we all grew up with. The original voice cast (Minus James Avery R.I.P.) has returned to their respected voices and its such a flash back. Online co-op and up to 6 players! It's so damn good!
  8. Awesome @crispymorgan I'll have to check this out. There was one released not that long ago that had a similar vibe. BPM: Bullets Per Minute.
  9. This releases tomorrow!!!!! 6 player co-op!! ONLINE!!! And, It's getting some great reviews! This should be a fun one with some FGers!
  10. Unrelated to RE4 remake, but for anyone that bought the RE2, 3 and RE7 on PS4, they've released PS5 versions that are a free upgrade. Prettier versions of good games... Except the RE3 remake. Fuck that one. Lol
  11. Weird. I thought it had said June 15th on the switch store... Oh, wait. That's Shredders Revenge I was thinking of. Sorry @GazzaGarratt
  12. This past week, @Rumelylady and Myself were in Columbus Ohio for Origins Game Fair 2022, working with Six Sides of Gaming to provide the A/V feed as well as streaming from the main hall of the con. It was both our first time in Columbus and I really liked the city as a whole. Great people and some amazing food in and around the convention centre/downtown core. The con itself was shrouded in some controversy thanks in no small part to two of the "Special Guests" having they're true colors revealed to the TTRPG community by a large amount of people sharing their experiences with these two, and just how horrible, disrespectful, and unprofessional they've both been when working with them in the past. Needless to say, It was a topic of discussion for a lot of people on the show floor as most were trying to distance themselves from them. Both people in question were removed from all appearances they were scheduled to make and replaced rather quickly by some other more professional people in the industry. Aside from that, The turn out suffered as well thanks to a mask mandate being in place for the convention. A lot of people that were going to attend cancelled due to the back and forth by the con with regards to this. Shame really, as they missed a pretty good show. Our job went off without a hitch. Audio/Video quality for the sow was top notch and we were praised for our work we put into it. Our streaming however was fairly lacklustre due to one member of the company failing to obtain people for most of our convention programming. Attendance was mediocre, but that was the case for most of the convention as a whole. A lot of demo room, panels, performances, and even the costume contest (Which had some amazing outfits) all had a poor showing but fun was had none the less. To get into everything from the floor here would take a lot, so I'll choose a couple things that we bought that really caught our eyes. First was a board game called Wonder Book by DV Games Wonder Book Board Game WWW.WONDERBOOK-BOARDGAME.COM This one caught our eyes right away thanks to the creative way they've implemented the game board. It opens up like a book, but as you progress through the chapters of the game, It turns into a big pop up book with movable tabs! It's truly something you have to see up close to appreciate, and we were happy to buy this from them. The other was various sets of dice and cards by a group called Inkwell Ideas https://inkwellideas.com/ They had an assortments of dice and cards that created dungeon maps, terrain, and NPCs for random TTRPG adventures that really blew us away. There's so many options you could end up with using these products and it really expands what can be done with a random generated TTRPG adventure setting using say 5E rules. We spend a lot of money here. Excellent products that I would recommend to any TTRPG game master looking to add a few things to their bag of tricks. It was a fun week, but also the last we will have working with Six Sides of Gaming. A lot of issues have caused Sarah, Myself and our Friend Adrian to step away, BUT... We have already begun the work to start our next endeavour based around our podcast called Dice to Pixels. We will be starting this up within the next few weeks and we fully intend to fire up some TTRPG streams and some boardgames play-through and walkthroughs as well. All in all, Origins was good especially thanks to some of the people we had the chance to hang out with and enjoy together. Columbus was a nice city that I would 100% return to and who knows, Maybe we will be back next year to do the same thing. Only with our new group. Cheers Folks!
  13. Agreed @J4MES OX4D Stadia was a hot pile of garbage IMO. The only thing they had going for it was a solid controller that I still use for PC gaming from time to time.
  14. The game comes out this week! I'm looking forward to rocking this with some FGers! I just hope it's a polished experience. I still have my SNES copy of Turtles in Time as well. Such a great game!
  15. It definetly looks good. I wonder if there will be anything that will differentiate it from the fallout series. I do hope they can keep the bugs to a minimum as well.
  16. Yea, I deleted this shit after a few days. I'm not a fan of this style on a phone and the monetization really pissed me off. Fuck it. I'm waiting for Diablo 4.
  17. This looks like a game right up my alley. Visually, It looks very similar to Blasphemous (Released last year) and gameplay is akin to the typical metroidvania/souls-like trend as of late. Release date is listed as 2022 so here's hoping sometime soon. For me at least.
  18. Anyone pick this up? I've heard mixed things about it, but It is a Nintendo Mario sports game, so the typical nuttiness is expected. The golf and Tennis games are decent, curious how soccer/football translates.
  19. This sounds interesting. Thoughts? The Samsung Gaming Hub Hopes To Capitalize Upon Ever-Improving Cloud Gaming Tech WWW.GAMEINFORMER.COM As cloud gaming technology continues to improve, Samsung is giving players the ability to play games straight on their televisions.
  20. This has been called the "spiritual successor" to Dead Space. The lead was the individual that created that IP and has since moved on to create this studio and IP. Should be something to look to for anyone that was a fan of that series.
  21. Does anyone have any mobile games to recommend to the FG crew? I've been looking at Mini-Motorways but I was wondering if anyone has played it? Throw some favs in here and spread the word.
  22. This is on sale currently on the PSN store so I picked it up while in Columbus. I'm hoping to give it a go when I get back home. From what I've seen of it, It should scratch that "RPG" itch I've had for the last little while. Or it's crabs. Hmm.
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