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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. And guess what just dropped today? Online play for both TMNT Arcade and Turtles in Time Arcade!
  2. I blame @GazzaGarrattbeing away. Seems awfully suspicious that a mass horny bot invasion would coincided with his vacation… What if Lee IS THE HORNY BOT MASTER?!?!? Those cheating whore horny bots…. 😭🤪😂
  3. My biggest disappointment with this is that it feels like something from 2006. My biggest complaint so far, aside from all the damn bugs and glitches, is when enemies just spawn directly in front of you at any given time!!! I cannot believe that the people at Volition still think this kind of game system is good. For example, There's a line of missions where you have to kill a bunch of drug runners around a food truck, steal said truck and transport it back to your business venture. I get that if enemies are patrolling around and see me, fine. I'm busted and have to deal with it. But every 2 seconds, an enemy vans spawn right in front of you! And not just one, at least three minimum! It's ridiculous, and even when you deal with that group, several more spawn along the way. There's a lot that I'm enjoying about the game, but calling this a reboot or remake of the franchise was a total lie. No wonder they're giving credit to discord and reddit mods. They have to deal with all the complaints about this fucking game.
  4. Yea, Youtube would be the better choice @phil bottle
  5. Episode 8 is LIVE on Youtube and Spotify! This episode, we talk about the newly announced One D&D, as well as some Gamescom 2022 annoucements, and a nice little gem called Pocket City.
  6. I so want a Steam Deck. I wonder how many sexual favours I'll need to perform in order to get one? Man, the first time playing Halo on xbox was one of those sweet gaming memories of mine. The music, look, and feel of the game was so awesome at the time. I really dug CoD 2 but man, I hated 3.
  7. We talked a bit about it today for the next Dice to Pixels episode. I've got my eyes on quite a few games that were shown there, but I'm also annoyed with cinematic trailers that show NO GAMEPLAY!! Looking at you Atlas Fallen. 🤬
  8. After playing through the initial bit of it, It's definetly saints row. It's plays pretty much like the previous games in the series and in all honesty, doesn't look any better than those said versions. I'm really disappointed they didn't try to create some new assets like fonts, or imagery for this "remake/reboot." Right off the bat, when I seen the same ole saints row font on all the in game menus, I knew right then that this was just gonna be "more of the same." It's been fun at least. I will give it that. It still has that SR charm, but I expected a lot more from something touted as a "next-gen reboot" of the series. At least I didn't pay full price for it. Lucky me! 🤪
  9. I believe my phrasing was "This cunt I know suggested..." 🤪 But, in all seriousness. Adrian's good shit. I spoke with him last night about it and we're gonna see what we can do.
  10. It's about fucking time Sony. I will definetly be getting this when its available.
  11. I read some positive reviews and seen some "on the fence" ones. It seems to be catered more to fans of the 2nd and 3rd game from what I've read. I pre-ordered it, @Rumelylady and I are fans of the series, so I'll be interested to see how this one plays. I just hope it doesn't run shitty like outriders.
  12. I'll discuss that with Adrian. We were talking about throwing some art up there or something.
  13. Ok, I finished the game. I didn't get all the upgrades for the village, but once I did unlock the majority of the upgrades for rituals, crown unlocks, and had a decent flow going with food production and all, I focused solely on blitzing the rest of the game. I will say that at the moment, there is a bug in the last area where you encounter Summoners. If you kill them while they are summoning, it'll spawn an invisible enemy that you can't kill. I ran into that issue twice while trying to finish the last area and had to leave the dungeon and restart. All in all, It was an enjoyable experience. It's not as hardcore as most other rouge-likes such as Hades, and I did find the town building aspect of it to be very upfront at the start of the game, which made it difficult to get into it. The combat is very basic but may turn off hardcore players looking for a meatier experience. My advice, I'd wait for a sale or PSN freebie if you haven't picked this up yet or are curious about it. If you really like town building games, grab it. The combat isn't that big of a deterrent and those sections are really easy to blow through.
  14. They do that with Panzerottis or calzones here. Sooooooo good.
  15. I had recently bought and just finished The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake. interesting read about a magical covenant that has access to the largest archive of human knowledge kept secret from the known world. Now, let's get back and finish the other books I've started. 🤪
  16. The latest episode of Dice to Pixels is LIVE on Youtube and Spotify! Check it out, Please subscribe and drop a comment or review! Tell 4-6 Friends too and ask them to sub as well. 😄
  17. I've killed the second boss now. Once I discovered you only need a max of 12 cultists in order to unlock all the areas, I did just that and am focusing more now on the dungeon delving. I've run into a few bugs that have caused me to fail a few follower quests. One example, a follower informs you that their friend wants to marry you. So, if you have the marriage ritual unlocked, You can go into your temple and perform the ceremony. The only problem is there is only ever 6 followers in the temple when you do and half the time, it isn't the one you need to finish the quest. !@#$ Anyways, Let's go kill another boss or two.
  18. I performed a ritualistic sacrifice of several day old donuts in the hopes of securing a pre-order. Fingers crossed...
  19. When @Rumelylady and I were planning our wedding, we had a very 50s theme going for the invitations. When we went looking for a specific song to accompany it, as well as the general theme for the wedding, we went to Post Modern Jukebox and found this unique cover of a song I didn't really care for until I heard this version. Still love this one. I'd also recommend checking out some of the other arrangements they;ve done for other popular songs over the years.
  20. And on that note, I've completed the Present day Chapter. This was a fun one. You don't gain levels in the conventional way. The chapter reminded me of a fighting game, where you select the boss you want to fight. Once in battle, each opponent has certain moves that your character can learn once the boss uses them on you. Sometimes, you have to bait the boss to do them by using certain moves at specific spots on the battlefield. Once learned, the moves are added to your arsenal and you can proceed to fuck up the boss. One piece of advise, you can only heal by using the move "Focus" so make sure you move away and heal up when needed as your HP does not increase at all during the chapter. Really awesome chapter. Even some of the music reminded me of something I heard in Street Fighter 2. Next up, the Near Future Chapter.
  21. Riff Machine

    Arc 3.0

    I hope it's more balanced than solar was. Welcome back btw.
  22. I've never really cared for this franchise, so I'm not bothered by this at all. Hopefully, they make a decent game. I will pass.
  23. You had me sold with the Mongolian Throat Singing. So METAL!!!!! I've killed the first boss and my cult is growing ever so much. I'm finding the micro-managing of the town building has more a focus then the dungeon delving. Also, the time flies by in game. The days are really quick, that I've lost chances to gain XP through sermons due to losing track of it. I'm still enjoying it, combat is tight and very simple. The weapons and curses you use for attacks are cool. I'll have more once I get back into it.
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