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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. I wouldn't even care about that to be honest. It was similar to the ME3 MP. It was great at the time, but I imagine it wouldn't translate well to current gen systems. Then out came outriders and proved my point. Lol!
  2. Man, I'm seriously getting sick of these remakes/remasters lately. I've been there and done that. I don't care if it's wearing a nicer "suit." We need some new IPs and ideas.
  3. I've always been partial to Milk Chocolate.
  4. Why am I not surprised... I think I'll play it here and there, but I'm not going to devote a ton of time to it.
  5. And Radahn is dead! I think that was the most fun I've had with a boss battle so far in this game. Great encounter!
  6. I finally managed to finish Caria Manor the other night. I haven't had a lot of time to play as of late due to work and other fun. I now have my eyes set on Starscourge Radhan.
  7. Ultimately, It always seems that when this game is in a good spot, Bungie decides to fuck it all up by making unnecessary changes. Now, if they're just gonna set power levels for certain things, why have a power level at all? Yo never truly feel powerful in D2. It sure as hell isn't like D1 when you could go back to early areas and roll over stuff.
  8. Finally finished the slog that was Calibans War. What a dog shit sequel. Turned me off of the rest of the Leviathans Wake series. I'm gonna start reading The Shadow of The Gods by John Gywnne and follow that up with Pariah by Anthony Ryan.
  9. Such a shame. The man definetly left his mark on the industry.
  10. It's a shame. I'd really like to see these development teams working on some new IPs or coming up with new ideas as oppose to the remake/remaster shit. Another example is "spiritual succesors" like this new game being developed by the creator of Dead Space called The Callisto Protocol. It's pretty much Dead Space with a different name.
  11. I’d do this. Meta Gear Solid. I’d upgrade the entire visual aspect of the game to unreal 5. Bring the gameplay up to a 3rd person perspective much like they did with mgs3: subsistence and future Metal Gear games going forward. I’d update the audio only for the ambience and sound effects. I’d take all the voice acting done in the GC remake Twin Snakes and use that in this version. (The likely hood of that happening is so far-fetched, but it’s what I’d want.) MGS was one of those games that blew me away at the time, and while aspects of the series got better, I feel it lost a lot of the appeal thanks in no small part to MgS2. 3 was great, and there’s an argument there to say “Remake that!” But, the first one would be my choice.
  12. IMO, RE4 is one of those games that didn't need a remake. It was honestly fine just how it was.
  13. Happy Birthday @IRaMPaGe !! I hope you have a good one!! 🤘 Happy Birthday to @Impulse and @Jannick as well. All the best to you FGers!! 🤘
  14. Looks like some outlets are already starting to review this. I've mixed feelings on this with the free to play stuff. Let's see how they play out.
  15. I was considering Three Houses, but Nintendo are notorious for not discounting older games. When they have sales, they tend to be for shit games and the "sales" are pathetic. I'll check out the switch releases at some point. Thanks @Luseth
  16. It looks like a solid month. I've already platinum trophied GoW but if anyone hasn't played it, NOW is the perfect time. The other two games I could care less about.
  17. I think a lot of people left for similar reasons @Diddums I'd much rather be able to get all the story stuff out of the way instead of this drip feed method of these dumb ass seasons. This latest season has been a disappointment IMO. Solar 3.0 sucks for 2/3 classes and i'm getting sick of power grinds. The powerful/pinnacle shit needs to go. Honestly, I'm glad I started getting lost in Elden Ring. I've been losing my enjoyment with Destiny for a while now thanks in part to the dumb changes, nerfs, power grind, and lack of respect for the players that contributed to get this game as popular as it is.
  18. Episode 13 is up on Youtube. The past 3 sessions have been really fun for the party at the table. I hope it translates well for the viewers. The party searches for the helm of Torms Sight in the hopes that it will free Elturel from the grips of Avernus.
  19. Still waiting on the "Unlock all Achievements" code @GazzaGarratt 😉
  20. Episode 12 is out now. We've lost a party member (As he chose to stop playing) but at least the rest of us are having fun!
  21. Watching some of the creations made by these folks in this list in action are amazing. I can't wait to fire up the next open-world / sandbox / action RPG created with these tools. 😏
  22. Yea, I just can't warrant giving nintendo more money for old games when emulators are free for the most part. 😉
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