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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. I just picked this recently released game up on PS5 and started into it last night. It looks good so far. You play as Hilda, A legion soldier trying to find her lost Father in the lost city of Aphes. Some have compared the combat to a souls game, but I think it feels more like combat in Kingdoms of Amalur. I haven't gone too deep into this one yet, so I'll update more once I've dug into it a bit more. It's on Steam, PS, and Xbox.
  2. This one initially released back in 2018 and I didn't really get into it until now on PS5. It's a beautiful hand drawn 2D, action/adventure platformer/metroidvania, where you're able to change forms as you discover them to help solve environmental puzzles and combat the various enemies you encounter. I've unlocked 3 forms so far, and each one varies from the other. Pig form allows you to sniff the air and find hidden switches or chests, as well as use various magical abilities. The snake form allows you to stick to mossy walls, spit venom that really wrecks enemies and eventually a dash bash that destroys small rocks blocking your progress. The frog form is basically a warrior with a hook shot/Grappling hook tongue that helps with platforming and reaching those high up areas. I'm about half way through and it's been a decent ride so far. Definetly worth a look if you're into this genre of games.
  3. Yea, this is a great game. And it's hard as fuck. I'm talking NES kinda hard. Boss battles were varied and really good. My one complaint was the jumping. It felt like the amount of control you have with the forward/backward momentum of jumps is really touchy at times. You do get some traversal abilities at certain points in the game, but they're more combat abilities as oppose to jumping mechanics. Decent overall though. I'll probably get back to it for an evil play-through.
  4. $26.99 CDN. The price is the same on Steam and Switch.
  5. A friend of mine recommended this one to me and I've been really having a blast with it so far. It has a very retro, Simons Quest vibe to with lots of gore and good/evil choices throughout the game. I'm gonna dig into this more over the weekend but so far, so good.
  6. Hell yes we do!! 🤘🏻
  7. The only game shops we have left here are EB/Game Stop. I remember there use to be one place in my hometown that had a lot of really awesome stuff. We use to be able to rent Japanese systems from there, as well as some really exclusive box sets of certain games. I got a sweet MGS bundle when that first came out.
  8. During the week is never good for me, as most of the time, I'm getting off of work just as the event starts. If there's people around over the weekend, I'm more then happy to roll a few raids.
  9. As long as it's not a WW2 FPS fighting against zombies and the undead, then YAY!! I agree @MrBiron I do think most developers are still doing the multi-generational game development to get as much out of a game as they can. Greedy bastards.
  10. Shining Force is a great series. Nice grabs @Luseth 🤘🏻
  11. Dead on. As long as the MTs are cosmetic, I don't give a flying fuck.
  12. I'm honestly annoyed at myself for not giving this a try during OW1. I've found the experience really fun and I'm also not getting mad like I would in certain PvP environments like Destiny. I'm just trucking along, trying out the various characters and seeing what feels good or not.
  13. Happy Birthday, @Tar-Eruntalion !! 🤘🏻
  14. Having never played OW1, I found this to be fairly enjoyable after the initial logging in bullshit. I've been playing around with a few characters, and trying to unlock some of the other ones, but I feel like this will be one I'll enjoy much more with some FGers. I'll dig in to this some more in the coming days. Maybe I'll find a character that sticks with me.
  15. Episode 14 is LIVE on Youtube, Spotify and Apple Podcasts! There are 4065 listeners in queue ahead of you... 😏🤪
  16. The heart can be a hard thing to heal after going through that kind of ordeal. This group has definetly been a great anchor of support when I've been at my lowest, and I'm glad they've been there for you as well. I know we never really game that much, but If there's ever a need for an ear, I'll always be ready to chat and help anyway I can. Just another reason why FG is by far one of the best communities in the fucking world. It's good to see you're getting to know someone. The new dance will take time but you'll know when you've found the one. Just keep on doing your thing and never forget you have Friends here to support you through thick and thin. 🤘🏻
  17. UPDATE: I actually connected... and it asked for my phone number, which involved me having to restart the game, which put me right at the end of the line again. FUCK BLIZZARD!!!!!!!!!
  18. Yea, skip this one. I'm glad it's on GP. I would've been pissed off had I spent money on it. Just felt awful to control. I initially thought it'd be like Blasphemous as it borrowed heavily from that games graphical style. Sadly, It's dogshit. SKIP
  19. Finished the near future chapter finally. It felt like an old Japanese anime with psychic powers and a big ass robot to pilot. Pretty neat chapter. Now, on to the last one. The Future.
  20. I'm so undecided on this one... (Batman is accepting bribes.)
  21. I was almost near the end of my queue... and they took the servers offline. FFS! I wanna see what all the fuss is about.
  22. I'm tempted to give it a go. The price is right. 😏
  23. I think I'll be checking this one out. I love the team fortress team fortress 2 visual style it has. Is it a fast paced shooter like quake or new doom?
  24. Valhalla literally destroyed any remaining interest I had in this series. The game was just too long and so repetitive that I said "oh hell no" to all the dlc for it. If I go back to an AC game, I think I'll just replay 2 or Origins, mbut I don't see that happening anytime soon.
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