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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. I’ve downloaded the demo but haven’t tried it out yet. It’s going to take a lot to give me a reason to buy this day 1.
  2. Same here. I never played 2 and I bought inquisitions but never started it.
  3. I imagine a year or two from now, we’ll hear about the studio closing down.
  4. I’m on the fence with this one. I mean I’ve been there, done that and really enjoyed the ride but it is something I want to invest all that time into again? It kinda sucks they’re not including the MP or at least some kind of Co-op mode similar to the ME3 MP. I don’t know. It was a great series. 2 rules. Decisions decisions.
  5. Not even touching this until I see and read a lot of feedback/reviews. Too many times these games suck people in with pretty visuals and promises only to come up extremely short.
  6. I've dumped over 100 hours into this so far and I'm not even close to finishing the story. I'm finding the combat is just terrible. Whatever you think you knew about "parrying" in games, throw it out the window. For some reason, instead of hitting a button jst slightly before an enemy attacks, you have to hit it just as the enemy is starting its attack. Its really bizarre and frustrating at times due to the windows constantly shifting. Stealth is garbage. There is literally no reason to be stealthy as there aren't really any concequences. The graphics (Especially in 4K!!) sound and exploration are al top notch but i feel the game is too big. After 100 hours, I should've been done and waiting for DLC. A lot of the different areas all succomb to the same mundane activities like destroy cursed symbol, gather wealth, complete/solve mysteries etc. etc. I suppose if i enjoyed the combat more, i'd be more inclined to grind it out. But as it stands, I really need to stop and take a break here and there.
  7. Cyberpunk 2077 Pulled From PlayStation Store, Refunds Offered WWW.GAMEINFORMER.COM The troubled PlayStation 4 version of Cyberpunk 2077 didn't hit Sony's bar for customer satisfaction.
  8. Both @Rumelylady and myself have one. Mostly got it for first party games but I’ve bought a lot of indie titles as of late too. I wasn’t big on botw. One of the worst ones I played personally. Octopath is a cool game. It gave me the FF6 vibe big time. Hades, the messenger, Mario party, Mario tennis, the new and snes online are decent but missing a lot.
  9. I wonder if the battle system from the FF7 remake is now the default battle system for future FF games? I'll wait and see on this. As usual, the trailer looks great but i'll need to see more.
  10. The first ones layout is completely different to the sequels. It's more open world for the most part. The sequels were more mission based. All that said, 2 was my fav but i did enjoy the first one.
  11. To be fair, ES, Fallout and Doom are all better on PC anyways. Considering there will be only one ES game in the coming generation, I don't see it being that big of a loss for sony. I'm waiting to see how they counter this move though. You've got to figure something is coming.
  12. I picked this up mid week. The graphics, gameplay, story and audio are all top notch. The gameplay is giving me that Children of Morta kinda vibe. I’ve been really enjoying the game so far. But, I can see it becoming boring as it’s basically the same thing over and over. The rooms are randomly generated after each death. Boons and bonuses are rewarded here and there to enhance your abilities. if you liked Children of Morta or any of the developers previous games, definitely give this one a go.
  13. I just bought this. I’m looking forward to jumping back into the world. I hope they do the same with the other crysis games. It would’ve been nice to see a trilogy remaster.
  14. The only console I ever bought day one was the Dreamcast. At the time, that looked like a significant upgrade compared to the other consoles available. Since then, there hasn’t been that “Oh my god! I need it” feel for other consoles. I’m fine with waiting a bit. Plus, you know, global pandemic and that kinda stuff.
  15. I played the hell out of this on 360. I’m looking forward to diving back into this world again. Really fun game.
  16. Ok, so I finally got this used for around $30. It’s more of the same if you’ve played the RE2 remake only everything about it feels rushed. The new environments aren’t really that impressive and it’s all extremely linear. I finished the campaign in 3 1/2 hours. On my first play through... damn. Im not going to bother with the MP side of it mostly because it doesn’t interest me. But $30 for less then 4 hours still feels like a rip off.
  17. I’m down
  18. Beyond Light Release Window Update > News | Bungie.net WWW.BUNGIE.NET November 10th.
  19. Damn shame I didn’t have my share settings on for my 1K reaction. Lol
  20. I’ve got the same roll on my gnawing that you’ve got on your false promise. It’s a beast in either or.
  21. I just finished this game (and platinum trophy) and it’s a hell of a ride. The gameplay is very souls like but not as brutal in my opinion. Story was excellent and the locations, lore and creatures were all well done.
  22. Considering that a ton of players already left or stopped playing, this sunsetting crap will make more people leave. ”Power creep” is a constructed excuse created by bungie to justify it. If people want to use certain weapons and upgrade them, then let them do so. Maybe if there was some creativity and new weapons were actually decent, you’d see more peeps rocking new shit.
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