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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. There is narrative. They give an explanation of whatever you’re looking at etc etc.
  2. Its really cool. One of the tours Sarah and I did last night was on the different steps of mummification.
  3. The latest update just dropped yesterday for Origins and it’s introduced a Discovery Mode as well as New Game +. the discovery mode removes all hostile npcs and takes you on virtual tours of ancient egypt. You can also free roam around the map to take in sights for the hell of it using different characters from the game. Sarah and I went through a few of these last night and it was really informative. Pretty cool feature IMO. The new game + is pretty self explanatory. It will bump up the difficulty one step, so if you’ve completed the game on normal, NG+ will be on hard etc. Looking forward to running through this again. 👍
  4. My first encounter with a phylakes in alexandria was probably the hardest for me. I think i was only at level 14 at the time and he was 18. After that, i tried to just stay on my horse and attack/retreat/repeat.
  5. After high praise from @TigerBurge @Sennex And @jSyn66, I’ve been playing the hell out of this over the past 3 weeks. This game is what the AC series needed. I fell in love with the location, time period, characters, story and game play. I liked that you didn’t have to constantly buy new armor too. The upgrade system was really cool and hunting for materials was really fun. Senu was also a nice addition to the gameplay. Much better then the eagle vision from previous games. I completed the main quest and all other side missions but I took my time. Again, loved the story and how it ties into the AC mythos. FYI, this is an easy platinum trophy. I’ve also just finished “The Hidden Ones” DLC. It adds roughly 6 main quest missions and around 6-7 side quests. The new location is decent. Not having any new tombs to explore was a let down. Im looking forward to the next DLC come March.
  6. https://www.bungie.net/en/Explore/Detail/News/46567
  7. Merry Christmas Folks!!! Hope you all have a great holiday!!!
  8. What’s your personnel GOTY for 2017? At the moment, mine is Horizon Zero Dawn. Share, debate and let’s settle the GOTY 2017 for FG.
  9. There is honestly no point to do the prestige raid. the drops are pretty much the same with a different shader.
  10. https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/236116321
  11. I’ve got the AR, pulse, HC, sidearm and chest piece
  12. She’s going to be the new Oryx... THE TAKEN QUEEN!!!!!!!! 😱
  13. “Guardian down..” @Diddums “shit, I’m down..” classic sounds. 😂😘
  14. until

    Yea.. yea.. yea... bastard. Good run though. We really nailed most of that. The final encounter is a real bitch, but communication is key for that one. I dropped the pulse rifle and a shit load of tokens. I really wanna kill that Calus fuck!
  15. i could probably help. Sarah and I are going away sometime late Friday afternoon. If you see me on, Shoot me a msg or invite.
  16. D2 will be just as fun of a ride bro! 🤘 I'm gonna have to come up with some new voices.
  17. Yea man. Flying choppers is the preferred way of travel. It's the driving gameplay that sucks.
  18. Same here. I wish I got into this when it first came out. It's so fun rolling with a group and running side missions or random enemy encounters.
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