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Riff Machine

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Everything posted by Riff Machine

  1. I haven’t noticed any input lag on anything. They work perfectly. I didn’t know you could get alternate paddles? I don’t mind the stock ones though.
  2. I had bought a Nacon rev pro 2 controller in October. It lasted 2 months before the L3 and R2 stopped working. Needless to say, I was pissed. I really liked having buttons on the back of the controller for remapping. FYI, DONT BUY NACON! In any event, I was on Amazon and came across this strikepack from Collective Minds. It basically gives you 2 remappable padels on the back of a stock DS4 controller. There’s also mods you can get for certain games, but I haven’t nor plan on using them. I’ll recommend this this to anyone that doesn’t want to drop a shitload of money on a SCUF or custom controller. It was $50 CDN, $40 US. And to have the extra paddles on the back of a stock controller made my friggin day.
  3. I’ll be down for that. Either or works for me.
  4. I’m done work at 415, so around 5 or some where’s around there
  5. It’s RNG though. Killing kalli is guaranteed
  6. I just completed this quiz. My Score 80/100 My Time 69 seconds
  7. If anyone’s around this evening (EST) is like to kill Kalli so I can get my last seed of light for my warlock. Any help would be great.
  8. Heroic Adventures Fixed an issue where Barons were providing Legendary rewards outside of Heroic adventures Barons in Heroic adventures now reward one guaranteed Legendary per day Subsequent kills grant Legendary rewards at a reduced rate Weapons/Items Fixed an issue where players can get stuck with the Origin Story or the Last Dance weapons if they use the character level boost after obtaining them in Homecoming Fixed an issue where BrayTech Legendary Scout Rifle dismantled into Mod Components Dreaming City The Offering to the Oracle now sorts to the Pursuits bucket, rather than Consumables Removed the weekly bounty that required players to redeem an Offering for the Oracle The Dreaming City weekly challenge now requires only two weekly bounty completions Fixed an issue where some enemies would improperly spawn chests after being killed Players can no longer obtain Dreaming City rewards when repeating the mission “Awakening” Fixed an issue where Telesto could be used to accelerate progression of objectives in the Blind Well Gambit Players may now progress the “Cayde’s Will” quest step by defeating either invaders or general enemies with Hand Cannons Turned off rejoin functionality in Gambit
  9. I played a couple matches of gambit yesterday and other then myself, no one was using the sleeper. Yea, it sucks getting shredded by it but I expect that from an exotic. I’ll still drop an “F-ing Sleeper!” And carry on. Maybe be a few more F bombs though.
  10. IB hasn’t been good since D1. At least then, it was a viable means to increase your light level. Post match rewards would be gradually better etc.. D2 banner just doesn’t appeal to me personally. The armor is meh and I don’t really care for any of the weapons.
  11. And I solo’d it the next day. Needed one more knight kill for a queen bounty. 😁
  12. I picked up Volume 1 and have been playing the shit out of it. A general FYI... Mega Man X3 can FUCK RIGHT OFF!! I swear, out of all the X series, this one has to be the most frustrating and unfair piece of fucking shit! Fire up up the game and IMMEDIATLEY, every enemy in the game can kill you in 4 hits. Now, compare that to X1 and 2, you at least have a fighting chance. But this crap, I’m talking last stage of Castlevania bullshit. Even when you get the armor upgrades, you’re still getting your ass kicked! So, after many failed attempts, I pushed on and got to the final boss.. Un-fucking-real... If you don’t get Zeros Beam Sabre, you’re pretty much screwed. This bastard will drain your life so fast you won’t know what hit you. So, I finallly... FINALLY kill the bastard... does the game end???? OH HELL NO!! Now, you have to vertically jump up a fucking tube with lava chasing you (insta-kill) and a Mode 7 version of Sigma knocking you off the wall!!! To be honest, I’m surprised I kept playing. But fair warning to you all friends... STAY AWAY FROM X3! 🖕🖕🖕
  13. @Horrible_Hector @RLPK and I got this today. The mission itself is tough as fuck. Matching the weapon burns with enemy shields is vital as well as max light. The weapon itself is great. I can’t wait to use this sucker on calus or argos.
  14. There is NO WAY this mode is “optimized” for 3 max level players. NONE. I’ll argue to the death with anyone that says otherwise. If you load into a public space and you’ve got at least 5-6 players at 360+ you should be able to clear this.
  15. @Diddums speechless and chuckling his ass off was priceless. 😘😁
  16. He doesn’t. It’s a 360 run of the worm mission. No modifiers. Wasn’t too bad
  17. I finally got this beast tonight. My Brother @Synnith helped me out with the last stage.
  18. I’ve been trying to finish 2 more level 1 EPs to finish the sleeper quest. A public event will happen, there’s 6 there including myself. Finish the public event and start up and EP and half the people leave. If if anyone is on tonight or over the weekend and want to tackle this let me know.
  19. I’m damn near always on after 430 pm EST
  20. Theres 5 tier worlds depending on your gear score (kinda like light level from destiny). The best gear is in tier 5 but can be played in all
  21. I played through both assault and strike. Both were fun to rip around in. I also like that you can match make EVERYTHING. Most normal enemies aren’t bullet sponges anymore and headshots actually do major damage and/or kill enemies out right. I forgot got how much fun I had with this game. Glad to be rocking this again.
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