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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Pretty much all those reasons is why we all fell in love with games. Its why when a game comes out now that gets close to certain features of old, then we get a bit giddy and enjoy the nostalgia it reminds us of. Personally, I get we have to be careful of having too much wastage in this planet but I don't see why we couldn't still have Game Instructions and Game Guides for many AAA games. They were amazing to read, didn't blow away the experience, and in fact it made you feel like you'd sit and take it all in more so. I think its why a place Limited Run Games does so well, just a shame they are so expensive with all the additional accessories for the same game. I think the only rose tinted glasses one could easily be the Complete Games one. I agree with all above that I miss Complete Games and patches on Day One and barely full games aren't delivered are a pain. Two things with this one really. First is that we only get disappointed because we are promised a fully fledged game that is around 40 hours at least for most AAA games. A promise usually that is hard to deliver at the best of times. Secondly, we can easily forget that whilst we used to get complete games, it never tricked us that it was more than it was. Many games were just 5-8 levels of pure fun but could be potentially finished very quickly. The difference was it was on the box, so it never rarely missed our expectations by building it up to be something it wasn't.
  2. Great thread @IRaMPaGe . Some greats above. Here's some of my favourites so far. First one has to always be Green Hill Zone from Sonic 1. European Club Soccer have some incredible tunes. Especially made depending on who you or your opponents are. Here's the United Kingdom theme when playing a game. OMG, and how can I nearly forget the amazing intro to Ridge Racer Type 4 (R4). I was in awe how this looked when it first came out too.
  3. I think this is a great first read @Greboth, sounds like I really interesting questline for a Minecraft game. Is there helpful hints and tips for stuff they've added in the game that isn't in the vanilla game? Asking for a friend considering i've never heard of notsogudium before!! And well done Dav @Plumbers Crack for spotting the Enderman, just before he ended your life 😅🤣
  4. This has become my favourite one so far....❤️ I think you'll find there's two types of tiers in my view of handheld consoles - the ones that come from the main players that had their own software lines of games e.g. Gameboy, DS, Game Gear - and then theres the numerous smaller 3rd party handheld consoles that tried to emulate these players but in all honesty without their own software launches and inbuilt games only working for most, they never had a chance. If we're thinking of more the bigger players, then I'd actually say the one that just doesn't set the world alight is the initial Sony PSP. Where the later PS Vita really was something very underrated due to its excellent extra features. I think Sony realised making something for DVDs which was a decent gimmick at the time just gave the handheld console too much weight and the games had to be manufactured at high prices with mini-discs within a plastic casing. Most games weren't the best either and weighs an absolute ton.
  5. Looks like a decent 4 player game. The way it looks is very much like Godzilla style games, especially with how the map layout works on cities in relation to the size of the monsters you can use. Its £29 - I'm with you Chad, may be worth waiting to see if its a PS Plus game.
  6. Still sticking with the Sega Mega Drive. It started me on my journey and I'll always be grateful for that 16-bit machine.
  7. Still struggle to watch anything on there. Would rather watch some of us lot play games for fun than get involved in anything like this.
  8. Happy birthday for yesterday Ryan @ImRyzxn !! Hope you had a super day pal 😎💃
  9. Its all good Loz! Tbh, they are fairly new and whilst it says 'Tournaments', the ones we've done so far are completely all for fun and we're likely to keep them that way too. However, you are completely right, we don't have a guide as there are some limitations of what we can and can't do with it all. I'll try and have a look at creating a Guide for wanting to join a Tournament, and creating a team for it or adding your existing team from previous tournaments to it. Bear with me for now to get this sorted, in the meantime let me know if you are interested in one, and we'll do what i can to help you through to being involved in the one you've noticed 👍
  10. Tony Hawk's? Nice! Was always interested in having a go on this revamped version to see if I can actually pull off some shapes on a skateboard. Little Nightmares is a very decent side scroller. My boy has both games and I got hooked watching him trying to get through levels. Definitely a worthy addition to the back catalogue.
  11. Good review Chad. I think this part is what i'll be waiting for. Its a refreshing simplistic game to see but not something that pulls me in to play at all in all honesty.
  12. If I had the space, I'd grab one. However, my Upscaler isn't as bad as the guy in the video above says. I think what helps is I have a reasonably old flatscreen TV that still RF and AV inputs if I wanted to go directly into it like that. The Upscaler is definitely needed for certain colours, usually the lighter ones so it maintains the clarity. I always think start out buying the cheapest, most affordable to you and work upwards if its not acceptable to your standards. I'm fine with what I have on an LCD TV, and only by paying £20-40 on an Upscaler and a few new wires.
  13. Depends on the game, which also reflects the importance of the console to myself. Example: SNES = Cart Only N64 = Cart Only PS1 = CD and Case. Manual if possible but not the biggest concern. Megadrive = Cart, Manual and Case is always the go to for me. Neo Geo Pocket = Always Complete, may slightly compromise if most parts are there. I think that kind of reflects the packaging of the times. SNES and N64 were just crappy cardboard boxes, so they were and always are susceptible to breaking and disintegrating. MegaDrive cases are the thing of beauty.
  14. Donkey Kong Country 2 is an incredible game to play on the SNES. I've always wanted to get Castlevania myself which should be around £25/30. I'm not very good with N64 purchases as I never played it as a kid. I know Banjo-Kazooie is good though. PlayStation wise, I'd try and find a cheap bundle of a few random games somewhere. Get a Premier Manager game you haven't tried perhaps. Do you play other sports games? Ooo, Command & Conquer games! They're legendary and have multiple campaign missions.
  15. The main thing I can't get my head around is what type of storage to have as its also the space that dictates how much you can collect. Its great that this is all out to see as if all your collection is hidden, you just don't play the games as much.
  16. Yeah, i've always known about Nintendo Playstation because there's only really one been made that still technically works, although it doesn't play Playstation games. These TVs geniunely work....but probably an expensive buy if it was ever to show up on eBay 😅
  17. Immediately Google's "Sharp Nintendo TV" Great watch, also helps if I ever want to do any modding in the future to play Japanese games!
  18. This looks great! Does anyone know what the UI looks like? It seems to be ATB which I love but couldn't see if thats the case, surely its turn based though based on those battle scenarios? I don't mind a remake if its never had a Western release. Its already at 6 in the UK charts for its first week out in the wild.
  19. Happy birthday Kyle!! @MyM777 hope you have cracking day pal 💃😎❤️
  20. Happy birthday Louis @LouisV_86 !! Hope you have a great day mate 😎
  21. Sent you an invite Matt! Hope you're keeping well bud 👍
  22. i'm such a twat 🤣 Thanks mate! Really hope its like the Nintendo stars like Chad said. I did collect them at the start and the offerings on their reward system were pretty cool, nothing major but nice little fun thing to keep you going as you bought Nintendo stuffs.
  23. GazzaGarratt

    FIFA 23

    I know i'll probably have to get it in the end as the FIFA FG nights have been fantastic and kept going strong for over the last 2 FIFAs now. It just pains me that its £70 whereas i'd be happy to be part with 20-30 so i could put the other bit of money towards other games we may want to pick up in the not too distant future. We demand so much of games these days, seeing more new content as a minimum to buy the game...but EA just shows the other developers the hard ball way to do it. "Buy it, or just don't play with everyone else on a football game". These new editions should come with new game modes and significant updates to existing game modes. Thats what trailers should show off. That trailer does nothing other than a slightly different UI for free kicks. Splendid. I can't wait to see the new football games breaking through once again over the next 12 months. We may have to be patient with them but I think they'll deserve some of our attention due to the sheer lack of updates these FIFA games get.
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