An Overwatch 2 Spotlight dropped yesterday with lots to unpack in it:
I think Marvel Rivals was the kick in the arse OW2 needed to start coming back to the table with a series of updates. Perks are the new way to upgrade a hero through the fight, with minor and major upgrades becoming available as you go through the round. 6v6 is back again, and I think they have a separate Competitive queue for it(?) with the Goats Meta being introduced when 3 tanks and 3 support was key to victory.
Hero 44, Freya, comes out and a new one on the horizon too.
'Stadium' is the biggest new mode ever released and is very interesting to say the least. Definitely adds a different dimension on how to play a PvP match and most likely far better to play when you play as a group together given you have buy specialist updates to your heroes out of a pool of funds you receive from the previous round - best of 7 rounds.
Oh....and Loot Boxes are BACK! 🤣
All in all, I was pleasantly surprised at the news. Stadium feels like the right way to go, but I do fear you need a serious amount of people to want to jump in and play it with you to make the most of the mode. 6v6 for me is key. Whilst they touch on the long stale matches that could happen and other key issues they had with it, for the majority of OW players it really hit the spot so i'd be interested to see the player pool sizes if they ever released them. It will only get good traction though if it has its own Competitive queue otherwise they still can't compare 5v5 and 6v6 properly. Outside of that, loot boxes back makes me laugh after all the years of drama.
Never sure if this is enough to perk people's interest again for the next season (15). A full competitive rank reset comes with it which always helps if people returning to see how it plays. Thoughts anyone?