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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. An Overwatch 2 Spotlight dropped yesterday with lots to unpack in it: I think Marvel Rivals was the kick in the arse OW2 needed to start coming back to the table with a series of updates. Perks are the new way to upgrade a hero through the fight, with minor and major upgrades becoming available as you go through the round. 6v6 is back again, and I think they have a separate Competitive queue for it(?) with the Goats Meta being introduced when 3 tanks and 3 support was key to victory. Hero 44, Freya, comes out and a new one on the horizon too. 'Stadium' is the biggest new mode ever released and is very interesting to say the least. Definitely adds a different dimension on how to play a PvP match and most likely far better to play when you play as a group together given you have buy specialist updates to your heroes out of a pool of funds you receive from the previous round - best of 7 rounds. Oh....and Loot Boxes are BACK! 🤣 All in all, I was pleasantly surprised at the news. Stadium feels like the right way to go, but I do fear you need a serious amount of people to want to jump in and play it with you to make the most of the mode. 6v6 for me is key. Whilst they touch on the long stale matches that could happen and other key issues they had with it, for the majority of OW players it really hit the spot so i'd be interested to see the player pool sizes if they ever released them. It will only get good traction though if it has its own Competitive queue otherwise they still can't compare 5v5 and 6v6 properly. Outside of that, loot boxes back makes me laugh after all the years of drama. Never sure if this is enough to perk people's interest again for the next season (15). A full competitive rank reset comes with it which always helps if people returning to see how it plays. Thoughts anyone?
  2. When you get into all the detail I think its easily both sides being completely unprofessional. Owners wise, should have sold the club years ago and they've not done really anything to make a connection with the fans or the town. Kept the lights on, but literally thats it. We've recouped a serious amount of money from players sales over the past 24 months and that has literally gone nowhere other than to the owners to keep lights on. The 'significant investment' words in the recent statement is actually quite laughable. 5 loans, loads of old, past prime players and now we're left with them to pick up wages when we still have a good chance of being in the playoffs come end of the season. Manager wise - it really is an open secret that the club hasn't been flush for cash and we have to be shrewd and clever. He knew what what he was entering and how far the travel was and arguably it isn't that far for a Manager to travel to see the family whenever he wanted to get back. Reports have said for a while he has been applying for jobs behind the official media's noses and thats really not good when he's been preaching the words togetherness. Eustace has been a great manager and overall I'd put blame slightly more on the owners - but the more you read it still is quite insane to leave a club like ours with our history and extremely good youth setup, to go a club that is one of the favourites to go down. The whole lot is just depressing more than anything. Hopefully, the news of this won't die off and it will cause action on both fronts.
  3. I'd rather sometimes these annual games took a year out to make significant updates and changes so it feels more of a reason to buy the next game. Still never good to say you're releasing it and then bin it completely.
  4. Absolute disastrous times at Blackburn. Sitting in the playoffs and the owners have never really been forgiven for our downfall for the past 10 years and now John Eustace wants to leave us to go to relegation favourites, Derby. Its not left him in a great light either tbh but overall picture is just an absolute circus. Good owners are hard to come by these days, but boy I'd love it if we could find some that want to see our club flourish once again.
  5. I think we all believe its the best way for a game to evolve for a consumer - but in reality gamers end up getting pulled in by a new release. Too many games are actually falling by the wayside because they have just evolved the same game and gamers perceive this to be more boring. It sounds insane on the face of it but there is too many examples now that the gaming public work in a specific way and need new game releases to get energised about games these days. Shame really.
  6. Luckily only night missed of gaming and I wasn't on personally anyway so I didn't feel the impact tbh. I always think these moments are because hackers took them down rather than their infrastructure got screwed. Obviously we'll probably never know but seems more feasible this can be happen in this day and age.
  7. Fantastic session guys! Felt like a really productive one, with a super hard fight that we had to work hard to win and our info collection this time round was much better I felt. Starting to slowly get it (well, I am finally! 😅) Awesome write up Jordie!
  8. Didn't think the meta was ever a Huracan! Horrendous handling. I do think it would be great to see something like a 2.0 update that brings 3-4 new tracks. I actually wouldn't say no to a bunch more Cafe Menus as I think they've been an added edition to help the game flow nicely.
  9. Perfect! Payday 3 was going to be one of our games this year to get into as a group so everyone best get it downloaded!! Cross play too 😄 And High on Life was well received and i've been wanting to try it out since @Riff Machine said it was awesome to play some months ago.
  10. Patience is the one thing most video game drivers haven't got! So if you nail that, then you'll make that way more overtakes I'm sure. I thought you've done pretty well around our 'inconsistent' driving 😅 I think you'll find we'll have more crashes together than online play. Not because we love smashing each other, as we shouldn't on this, but more because of our poor driving skills! Still would love to get a few more back on GT7 so we can get some races in before we try and do another small league series. If you know anyone that would, get them to post in here.
  11. More and more I'm noticing in every game that Penny will always seem to get high numbers as her bombs are pretty OP and are really hard to spot on the map. Coupled with her large health bar, isn't many tanks that give us as many problems, attacking wise. Oh my, I'm not Punisher often but I was on last night in a game before bed with @Stretch616 and I switched to Punisher and he absolutely wrecks with Rockets boost. Huge buff, at super speed with less reload. Mental stuff and can help the team on a convoy mode where you seem to be stuck moving the convoy/payload.
  12. I've recommended the post with the stats in it so it'll be at the top of every page as a quick link for anyone looking. Thanks for updating Matt @Luseth and yes, it was another great night of football for us! Great to see George AKA Mulletov @G_dub52 back in action...and bagging an incredible hatrick on his debut for this game, all with D-Pad too!! 🤯
  13. Good point mate, never really researched it tbh. They look more like Atari Lynx games and quite cool boxes wise. They all go for at least £40 though and higher which is mental given there won't be many classic albums redone in that period these were going. Remastering old albums feel like something thats happened way more in the last 10 years.
  14. This is the key for me and probably derails the thread so may start a new one for this! House of the Dead was always a favourite of mine, like Time Crisis @phil bottle. I have some light guns for Time Crisis and House of the Dead 3 they were super cool to use and made it for gun fun running through the levels. My Xbox ones were Madcatz I believe, not something I'd usually get but they were green and specifically made with House of the Dead in mind. Arcade ports to consoles still have a market out there, possibly more so now due to the way they were designed to have a quick go and quick turnaround time to restart.
  15. Done. If we can get latest hot topics and other FG stuff to the front then thats the plan, but I think it will always require people to help with this to make that happen.
  16. I reduced it from 10, mainly because we get no feedback either way if its good or bad 🤣 This is the best news now we have some! What catches the eye? Back to 10? Or anything latest specific feeds? I may remove all time top 5/10 because again, not sure it adds value on homepage. We have to keep testing and learning.
  17. That's the one!! Haha, just had a look and they were supposed to be the next gen thing. Mad how they crashed, burned and removed within about 10 years. Kind of a cool idea now I look back at them.
  18. Delta Force - 1998. I recall that within the box it also had a help card that would fit seamlessly over your keyboard to help you work out what each button was back then, which was so cool. Loads of multiplayer on this too back on the old dial up connection with NTL. Before this - and I'm cheating a little here because it was made in 1988 for PC but I played it in the 90s - F19 Stealth Fighter. Man, I was crap at it, but when I lucked out and completed a mission, it felt like I'd won the lottery.
  19. The Game Console 2.0 is a great book with lots of visuals of all the consoles ever made across the years. Some interesting facts too about how the video game industry has had a few crashes over time.
  20. Now I have had more time with him, I really enjoy playing with Moon Knight! Definitely not a player to be at the front of a battle but his damage output with a perfectly placed Ankh beforehand can destroy a team in seconds.
  21. I think in the 1990s to 2000s, I recall going into HMV and similar places and they used to sell music on these specific players that played music on like a square shaped disk? Does anybody remember what they were called? The talk back then was it would take over CDs but it never did, but i can't remember for the life of me what the format was called! Any help?
  22. Thanks for the lovely awesome messages all! Not sure what I'd do without the FG family ❤️
  23. To be released in 3 months time, the brand new Nintendo Switch 2 looks like they've initially mproved on the biggest issues from the Switch 1 (for me anyway). Controllers are a nightmare, so it looks a much better way to click and connect them. Not seen the specs anywhere just yet but nice to get a slightly bigger screen and best news is Switch 1 games are compatible with NS2 devices. Thoughts?
  24. It will cost you the astronomical amount of zero pounds and zero pence. Its Free to Play. In short, yes, very similar to Overwatch. Different but samey. 6v6 though which is way better and all the heroes have landed very well so far.
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