I just didn't hear it personally and I sound whore to hell on these games. Its definitely quieter than MW2019 and thats never a problem in that game. Sounds like they are changing it though, so you'll be happy 😄
Footstep audio in week one of the MP Beta was very high, giving players long distance directional information about enemies. For Weekend Two we have some changes coming in. We are reducing the range of footstep audio for the various player movement states (jog, sprint and tactical sprint). This will help soften the cost of moving around the map. The second change is that enemy and friendly footsteps are now distinct. This should help players better understand what's going on as things move around on the battlefield. More details to follow."
We really have to get over the Dead Silence issue though. I mean, back in the day I see why we people are wedded to it as it would be soooo OP to have it. Games evolve and so do Gamers. For the better of any PvP game, you have to a level of sensory awareness and a random person running around a map on silent skates popping everyone in the head as you can't react to where they are coming from. Campers you can't ever get rid of as its a playstyle, but i'd rather take on them alone than deal with campers and then Dead Silence veterans running around silently killing you the entire game. Theres no defence to that at all.