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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Yeah, reaction on Twitter from many people is just weird. Game probably won't be out for another 2 years anyway. Funnily enough I though what I did see of it (thanks @J4MES OX4D for sharing it all) was pretty decent. Very positive signs that we'll get something far better to work with.
  2. I don't have that but its on cdkeys for 14.99👀
  3. Hmmm, its a slow burner of a game and it was made to make you think. I don't think it make you depressed but you said you want an experience that is fun and I think this is more one of those thinking deeper games with some unique ways on how it interacts and plays. I haven't played it longer than a few hours as it was pretty sluggish for me too and not enough to hold me from the start. I'm sure there was abit that would be grips to you play more - the only person that really loved this as far as I can remember was @JsinOwl .
  4. Personally, you could recreate this using your idea for way less cost. Either 1) use a 3D printer to create the Sega Mega Drive with a space to fit the components for the Raspberry PI, or 2) buy an old faulty Mega Drive for next to nothing on eBay. Open it up and stick the Raspberry PI in it. If you can get that working in the same way, you have access to way more games too with some nostalgia. Its all about the effort really vs handing over money for a ready made one.
  5. I'll pop this Tweet here then which is a copy of that YouTube video if it gets taken down quickly [DEAD LINK REMOVED - DIDDS] I mean, this games just has to happen. They've built up a huge following that the cash cow of GTA will be ridiculously huge whatever they release on the 74 consoles available today.
  6. Nooooooo 😭 Sega all the way baby 😎 None of that weird Plumber guy (Sorry Dave! @Plumbers Crack 🤣). I mean, the titles look pretty decent for a change. They've focused on some titles that are actually pretty hard to get at a reasonable price if you want the original - Streets of Rage 3 is over £100 on its own if you want the original. Still feels weird though as its emulated so you could just download them on your PC for virtually naff all if you wanted to play the game. For people that can't get into buying the old kit and just want a quick easy bit of nostalgia, I can see why they'd go for it. Do you think its a own goal that they couldn't make the cartridge slot to work with the original games?
  7. Nah, its all for fun and it reminds people we actually have quite a lot of quizzes that people haven't tried or gone back to! And its always good seeing if you can beat others too for a little slice of FG pride 🤣🤣
  8. Its early days Gaz, you'll always get some views from either side that'll be way off. When you start out, I alwasy find I struggle until I work out map design, where people usually run into, good cover spots and finding the most common campers like @MrBiron so you can grab an easy kill 😎 I'll be looking to see if the Open Beta is available to download now, its got to be worth having a few tries on it - and we all know if we were joined up rather than solo you always get a better experience initially.
  9. Happy birthday to our Rachel! @tronic44 Hope you have a great day Richyboi and hope Wills lets you sleep just a little longer this weekend 😎❤️💃
  10. Love it @Spacedeck , thats awesome to hear you finally now passed Elite 4 years later. Must have felt pretty good to get it done. Which one out of the final team did you enjoy using the most? The Charizard looks like its levelled alot more than others, always makes me think of a T-Rex if it as the equivalent terms in Jurassic Park type games!
  11. I think this will be better MW2019 as that means it should get received better than many CoDs that have come for many years imo. We've been playing MW2019 for months now in MP and I can't say the footsteps really bother me at all. Its something that you adapt to and use to your advantage when needed. I don't find it breaks many games but i'm sure one in every 5 or 6 games we'll get rolled over easily by that uber sweaty camper, that plays on his own, and never, ever completes the objective just so he can soundwhore you coming. If it was a massive problem we wouldn't win so many games on Core and Hardcore of late.Teamwork over footsteps and you'll be fine. Theres way better field upgrades to use instead of Dead Silence too.
  12. Agreed with this take @techno so it was good to see them already reverse the decision to do so. The concept of making good people playing badly stop quitting didn't really work as it hurt more the casual player so they'll have to think of other ways stopping people wanting to quit. I mean, if they really overhauled PvP Comp, which they won't, that would be the only way to make you feel like there are enough gamemodes where people aren't quitting. It happens in most casual PvP modes on other games all the time.
  13. Its all good now @Greboth, we worked it out last night that it just gets you both versions of the came (PS4 and PS5) mainly for people that have PS4 now but soon to have a PS5 and want to save money with the upgraded game (although Activision shouldn't be charging for the upgrade imo like others haven't). Hi James @anticonscience , I don't think i'll be on tonight as I haven't pre-ordered and then need to download the beta although i'm keen on trying Sunday hopefully on the Open Beta. I suspect most of us will get this one though given our playtime on MW2019 over the past few months. Looking forward to what people see!
  14. @Docwagon , if its December then @phil bottle is spot on so maybe finding a nice place where the England fans will be would be truly an experience! Also, you must go to the Harry Potter Studios which isn't far from London at all. An unbelievable day out and nowhere else quite like it. Maybe watch some films and then come to see it for the full effect and experience? Imo though, you should come around Noember 11th, specifically Wales. You know, so you can be with all the FGers meeting up for our biggest ever meet. 😎 But yeah, if you can't, I think @Plumbers Crack 's thought of catching is definitely worth mentioning when you've nailed down dates. 👍
  15. Thanks Chris. On Sunday, @SWAINEY84 , @Teenwolf25 , @techno , @Riff Machine , @Bubblybrooko - I'll be first sub for Chris if he can still make it, but obviously any last minute problems on the weekend just keep us all informed 👍🙂
  16. Thats a great intro @Bubblybrooko !! Its been great to get to you know you abit more and I enjoyed our first raid together the other day too. I've tried to get into Fallout but I really struggle with that world, maybe because its a whole world of grinding i know i'd lose myself in! Have you played Fallout 76 much? Was thinking about back to that and creating some form of server if it felt like it had longevity in it. Please feel free to have a look around, not just the forum parts but videos, quizzes and whatnot and get involved where you can. Great have you here Bubbly and hope you enjoy your stay at FG 😎❤️
  17. I've declined tomorrow as i'm likely with the FGers on Gran Turismo 7 event but if it finishes early and you need someone then I'll try and make it. No promises though! 😅
  18. Brill stuff, I didn't add @TigerBurge 's name on it and I didn't add a restriction of names so at least we know who would be around at this time. Chris @TigerBurge , can you still make it? We can work out one of us to be sub if you still can 👍
  19. I think @Jason called it earlier in this thread that it sounds just good fun rather than groundbreaking new TV. Arguably its what most people like these days, rather than a really profound film. Not everything needs to make you think. Your body just needs happy fun endorphins 99% of the time but we get tricked by our 1% inquisitive side of the brain 😅
  20. Am I the only one here quite disappointed on the basis it is just looking like a Port in 4k? I'm totally with @J4MES OX4D here that outside the nostalgia of playing it a few hours, I can't ever see the appeal in it at all. If you wanted that feeling, then I understand playing it on an original N64. It looks like it hasn't aged well and the 4k sharpness of the graphics makes me feel slightly on edge if I tried to play it too. If it was just a port, this is all it needed to be for about £2.50. I'm sure many people asking for its return were hoping for much more like a Remastered version? I'm glad I never had the hype of this game at the time as I don't feel sad about the release of this.
  21. Let's start getting back into it in September, a few time trials or a few races ahead of giving another FG League a go starting in October. RSVP and we'll see in the GT chat room - if you're not in it, we'll get you added if you RSVP to this 👍
  22. @TigerBurge mentioned to me he'll likely be awake by 8am in the US so let's see if we can find enough of us here to be around for an afternoon raid.
  23. A little while ago they release Phase 5 and Phase 6 for where the MCU was heading. Marvel Phase 5 Marvel Phase 6 (currently) I think its been a hard run to follow everything that ended Phase 3 for the MCU. The Avengers Infinity War and Endgame was quite the culmination of an era and we've all probably felt that downward slope in emotions with Phase 4 at certain points - Not sure what everyone else thinks? I do have faith though it will pick up again but expectations are set that it won't happen for quite some time. Maybe even until Phase 6 starts perhaps but I hope some of the films in Phase 5 can bring back the excitement I felt watching nearly every film in Phase 2 and 3. Blade is the one I hope that will return some good feelings, although I don't expect it to tie in to the major MCU story going on. Just not sure at the moment that some of the series shows are working for me. I really struggled with Wandavision, Loki was slightly better but didn't excite me as I first hoped. The others like Ms Marvel just feel like they have a different audience to what I want to watch which is totally understandable; just brings more of what I say to the forefront of my mind. Lets hope Wakanda Forever will seal off Phase 4 nicely and leave us with some exciting feelings for the future. Whats everyone's thoughts?
  24. Can someone tell me if this is cross-gen at all? Do we have to get the PS4 version to play with everyone or does it matter if its the PS5 version or not? I'd like to get a bunch of us playing it this weekend but a little annoyed that Open Beta starts Sunday rather than Friday.
  25. Tbh, its already started to do the job for me as it was to help me get more into the NFL game in general and i was really interested over the weekend. So much so, I think i'll find a game to put on in the background next time and try and follow some of my players. It probably also helped as I maaaaay have had a little help from @TigerBurge for who to look out for 😅😎 @Findmartin , looking forward to playing your 3 kickers next week 🤣
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