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Posts posted by Greboth

  1. I think it’s more points for Haas than the last 2 years combined!  Magnussen was definitely the stand out for me, I don’t know how he didn’t get driver of the day.


    Overall though some terrible luck for Red Bull and brilliant luck for Merc.  Merc were way off the pace though, being 40 seconds or so off the leader at the safety car.  I hope they can get on top of the car and make it a 3 way battle but that’s a lot of time to gain.


    It was great seeing Ferrari on the podium again.  All those years watching Schumacher I can still hum along to the Italian national anthem 😄 

  2. They didn’t universally slash prize money but they did rebalance it.  Prior to the update a number of 1 and 2 lap races paid higher than 5 or 10 lap races.  So they reduced the short races and buffed the higher.  It does mean a reduction in how much you could earn per hour so while the rebalancing I agree the payouts are still low.


    I also agree with Yamauchi about not  playing the same race over and over to farm credits.  The problem comes that after the cafe books the amount of credits you can earn does reduce.  So with the FOMO with the limited offers, or having a £20mill car so early in the games life, it is going to push people towards micro transactions.


    On the balance though, the games has been out 2 weeks so I find moaning they can’t buy all the most expensive cars already ridiculous.  There should be an element of earning credits and having to think about what cars you buy, especially the exotic and legendary ones.


    This is on top of that the numbered GT series have always been about the grind.  Buying some second hand shitbox, racing it until you can modify it to do some more races and afford a slightly less shitbox.  Rinse and repeat until you can eventually buy a shiny new car.


    Forza Horizon is a perfect example of going to far the other way.  You get given so many free cars and money that you can get gifted the best cars almost instantly.  GT sport also fell in to this somewhat with the gift car for the daily marathon.


    There’s also the element that people seem to focus on the game is complete when they finish the cafe books.  Ignoring all the additional races the are available at the tracks.


    So in summary, the payouts are a little low and there isn’t as many races as I thought there would be.  But I think they’re a knock off a point or 2 off the rating rather than the bombing it’s had and overall I’d still recommend the game to anyone that’s a fan of the series.

  3. Well that’s always good news 🤣


    I am finding the difficulty variance jarring in this though.  I know some people in this thread have found it with licences.  But I’ve been knocking out the circuit experiences and some are easy to get gold by over a second yet others take hours to scrape gold by only hundreths of a second.


    Not to mention dodgy ones like LeMans.  The demonstration is at a different time of day so the demo has more grip.  The demo takes the corners at full throttle yet all that leads to is snap oversteer and spinning off to fail the sector.

  4. 7 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:

    Picked it up for the first time over a week...I can't believe the second one. I'll take the screenshot so I can say 'I woz there!' whilst no one is under 18 seconds!








    Sorry does not compute.  Must be a glitch in the matrix.

  5. Finally finished all the cafe books tonight and, with the exception of 2;1 with the tyre bug and the other using a car I don't own yet, all the challenges are done too 🙂  Now on to all the circuit experiences, I've done a handful so lots still to go.  Not that the rally ones are possible currently either due to the tyre bug but oh well.


    On to some good new bad news for me, the bad news I am now broke in the game 😢 the good new though? I am the proud owner of a Ferrari F40 😄



  6. 2 hours ago, TurboR56Mini said:

    I got you guys on a few others in IB. I cannot for the life of me get dirt down. I'm absolutely trash. 


    There’s quite a few bugged dirt ones at the minute as the game incorrectly puts you on road tyres rather dirt ones.  On the screen select for world map/music rally you can select the known issues at the bottom for a full list of bugged tests/missions.


    2 hours ago, TurboR56Mini said:


    @GazzaGarratt, can we make beating @Greboth a medal for GT7? Make a nice glowing pic of his avatar!!! I need acknowledgement of my probably short lived achievement!


    Well now you see, I wasn’t really going to go back to those missions but gotta say, now I’m tempted to 😄 

  7. 4 hours ago, TurboR56Mini said:

    My crowing achievement for this evening!





    That sound you hear totally isn’t me turning my playstation on right now 😆


    A nice time though 🙂 I look forward to some wheel to wheel action if you join one of our lobbies.

  8. @Shucker  If you retry you get the same weather but if you exit out the race fully, so back to the menu, you get different weather when you back to the race.


    I was doing the Touring Car 700 race last night at the Nord and rained while I was on slicks.  I quit to buy intermediates, did the race again but this time instead of heavy rain, the rain clouds got close to the circuit but it never actually rained.


    I assume the weather settings are the same when you reload a mission so there will still be rain around but it might be a way to get slightly more favourable weather.

  9. 5 hours ago, Mikepjbell said:

    Actually great idea, and potentially stream so those in the party chat can watch if they'd like?


    Do you like to watch? Do you sir?


    But yes, it could be a good idea if people need help with a licence or something.

  10. I think a wheel will always be better simply by the fact of the range you have in pedal and steering input over a controller.  However from an enjoyment perspective, having a full rig is far more enjoyable than desk mounted.


    By the time I went Fanatec and a full rig I’d been sim racing about 20 years and had a wheel for 15 years of that.  So for me it was a relatively easy purschase but I do find it harder to recommend to others because it is a big investment.


    However feel, and a sense of speed, is something you’ll always miss but good ffb does help.  It’s a different feeling as it’s all through your hands than your ass.  But you get attuned to the feeling what the car is doing still.  Oversteer is always the obvious one as it forces the wheel to countersteer. But you also get to feel understeer, the floaty feeling when you’re right on the edge of grip etc.


    It is the one area I’m struggling with GT7 is getting attuned to the cars and the ffb.  Most of the time I’m alright but occasionally I get a snap of oversteer which catches me off guard and I can’t react to it.  That isn’t to say it’s bad, it’s just not great.


    A bit off topic really but Live for Speed still shines for me as fantastic force feedback.  Getting the feeling and judging the balance as you get just the right amount of lift off oversteer to help turn in your fwd car.  Or turning in your rwd and then almost holding the wheel straight as you play with the throttle to keep the car rotating.  Raceroom is supposed to have fantastic ffb too but I’ve yet to try it.

  11. 32 minutes ago, TurboR56Mini said:

    Anyone have try this yet? I like the new controller feedback as I think it's a spectacular new feature. However, I'm at my limit with a controller I think.




    I’ve got a full Fanatec setup though different wheel and pedals but I would recommend them.  I’ve got the CSL Elite, the belt driven predecessor to the CSL DD, so I’ve been keeping an eye on reviews of the CSL DD.  In short, if you’re buying for your first wheel it’s a fantastic bit of kit.


    To come across maybe a little snobbish, GT is good with a wheel but if you go for it I’d recommend trying some ‘proper’ PC sims to see what it can really do.

  12. Just wait until you get to the licence in the AMG GT at the Nordschlieffe.  It must have taken me 20 attempts and even then I only squeaked gold by a couple of tenths.


    On that note, I am finding the licences inconsistent.  I smashed one earlier by over a second on my second attempt yet the next one took 10 to get gold by a tenth.


    I’m still not used to the handling of this, I still feel every car is too tail happy.  A bit of power oversteer or even some lift off oversteer I can live with but when you get lift off oversteer in a 1960 Fiat 500 at 25mph it starts to seem a bit much.

  13. An FYI in case people don’t know, if you preordered digitally you can download it in preparation for release.


    I had it preordered with Amazon but realised I had some psn credit for Christmas so might as well switch to digital as it isn’t a game I’ll be getting rid of.


    Enjoy your week off with it Phil, I expect a full review and dialy videos 😄 as I doubt I’ll have much time to play before the 9th 😞 


    Early reviews from those who got their amazon orders early are positive.  Though seems licence test may be on the easier side again like GT Sport as seems people are getting mosty golds on their first attempts.  They are the lower end licences though so maybe the higher end ones will be harder, fingers crossed.

  14. Yup, definitely was the mission I picked up but thankfully it worked for me so seems it's a temperamental bug.  Though if it means anything, I did collected the relics and all the other steps before returning to the Oseram woman.


    Sadly this concludes my week off with the game but still managed to get 30 hours in and hit level 29 so not bad.  The only annoying thing for me is the only purgewater I have is traps and I have nothing that deals plasma damage.  I know there's a few merchants who sell weapons though so think I need to check them out.  Plus I'm not far along the main story line as, without spoilers, I still haven't collected the first of the 3 things you need to collect for the base.


    Turns out, I also suck at machine strike 😞 

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