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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. It should be on the right hand side of the main page, underneath the twitter bit.
  2. I just checked, I have 8.5 hours played total 🤣 so think I need to get on and have some practise before being the lamb to the slaughter of La and/or Carl.
  3. I think you mentioned something around the time I picked Civ up. I just never really played it but maybe I’ll have to give it another go to figure out controls and whatnot and we can have an FG multiplay.
  4. I missed this thread before and the games looks interesting. I bought Civ 5 while heavily into Stellaris so never gave Civ a proper go. Though some of my issue with Civ was I had to make decisions on things with no real idea of what it meant or impact it was going to have. I always meant to go back to Civ but maybe I should try this instead.
  5. Looking good squire. There's a limited number of tracks so will always be hard to avoid repeats. Though I think all tracks can be run in reverse which could spice things up - Mount Panorama or Le Mans in reverse would be ........ interesting.
  6. To take a leaf out my work book, I can neither confirm nor deny as to do either would in itself potentially reveal the information you're after and may be unfairly prejudicial to myself and Paul.
  7. I said before that I think it should run similar to touring car/gt racing. The manufacturers race their cars but privateers can buy cars from whichever manufacturer they want and then race themselves. This does rule out people out of the team championship but realistically they are anyway if they’re only making a handful of races. So we in teams will pick different manufacturers in the order Jordie randomised. Everyone else still has to pick a manufacturer but has free reign to pick whichevrr one they want.
  8. Brilliant, Thanks Jordie. I know which manufacturer I’d like but will have to check with Paul. Now Kiwi and Macca, if you can be kind enough to not pick it that would be great.
  9. I thought it was going to be around the end of June we started the summer league? Though it would be good to sort what manufacturers we’re using soon as I imagine each team is going to want a chance to discuss which to choose. @jordie1892 are you still doing the random draw to decide the order or would you like me to do it?
  10. I’m with Leigh, I’m happy to swap to Thursday whenever.
  11. @RenFenggeI’m with you in that, I’m still bitter about Dark Matter getting canned. Sadly though this merger won’t change the fact that a sci-fi show with CGI will cost significantly more than some garbage reality show while also not getting more viewers. I only hope that they can see how many people joined Prime for things like The Expanse to realise it is worth producing them still. Still, on topic; it’s not a surprise as Amazon seem to want to buy all the things and sell all the things. I also appreciate your pun game even if was accidental.
  12. Greboth

    F1 2021

    That's a good point, Aston did do better this weekend, especially Vettel who looks like he might have found some pace in his new team. My opinion of Vettel varies constantly but he is a 4 times WDC so it would be a shame to see him stuck in mediocrity. Ricciardo disappointed again though, after Spain I'd hoped he was on an upward trajectory as I think McLaren have the strongest driver pairing on the grid, only really challenged by Ferrari's pairing. I suppose though, Monaco is a track where "you have to be one with the car" and if you're not then you are really going to struggle.
  13. Greboth

    F1 2021

    I know how sleeping beauty felt after that race....well maybe not the beautiful part. Monaco continues to always be about the Saturday and is the most interesting and exciting part as the drivers push in qualifying. It was strange seeing Hamilton so far down given that Bottas wasn't really too far off his normal qualifying position. Though his DNF and Hamilton being unable to make any advancement up the order has really swung both championships. Though I think Monaco is a one off, Merc have rarely been strong there even when they've dominated the rest of the season. So I think next race normal order will be resumed with them fighting for the front with Red Bull. Ferrari were the surprise though, previous races it's been McLaren who've looked more like the third team. I wonder if Ferrari were the reverse of Mercedes, and they'll drop down the order again when we go back to more 'normal' circuits.
  14. Talking to Lee last night about the OG VoG, I ran through it many times with the below loadout. Hopefully knowing what worked before can help make a good base of what to start with this time. Primary; AR, mostly used for general add clearing. Secondary; Depending on the encounter I used Found verdict (arc shotgun), Vision of confluence (solar scout rifle) or Icebreaker (Sniper). I don’t remember there being any arc shields though, Found Verdict was just a goof shotgun. If it’s the same as before, maybe a void shotgun? Heavy: Corrective measure (void lmg with 99 round magazine). I imagine a good void LMG will be a good shout though, as mentioned above, swords could be very useful. I can see Falling Guillotine getting a work out.
  15. I just came across this, I’m not sure on the specific version and guess because it’s ftp there will be microtransactions. But fir free still worth checking out. Depending how people can party up / play together it could be good for a FG Friday too. SUPER BOMBERMAN R ONLINE Official Website WWW.KONAMI.COM Blast it out in a 64-player battle royale with SUPER BOMBERMAN R ONLINE! Now with the unique...
  16. In the, I think 4, races you both finished you did beat Lee in 1 race. So in those 4 races, Lee has a better average than you but his average gets dragged down through all the other races as he had some shockers. That probably does mean Lee should rank above you as he beat you in 75% of races you both entered. But without doing some horrendously complex comparison of how often each of us beat everyone else that I've got no idea how to do - I can't think of a better way than the way I did it.
  17. The full list https://www.gran-turismo.com/gb/products/gtsport/carlist/ In the 2 minutes I tried, I couldn't get it to paste in to Excel correctly. I did find a list I could but it only covers 280 of the 320 cars in the game. This gives the below Edit: Whoops didn't realise there was a page 3 and this had already been answered - derp!
  18. I believe that’s the plan. I think Jordie’s idea is that each team has a different manufacturer. With the teams being drawn from a hat to decide the order we get to choose a manufacturer.
  19. Dammit, both Team Grebones and Team Slamminboth are such good names too 😞
  20. I’m 1260 something but will be on the grind to get as close to 1300 as I can but I’ll be up for a run at the new VoG.
  21. So I've updated the rankings to include the last 2 league races. It's calculated on the last 20 races as this pretty much covers the whole Spring league but I'm open to change this number if people have a better idea. Where people haven't done 20 races, I've counted all the races they did enter. This gives the following ranking 1. Kiwi 2. Greboth 3. @Mikepjbell 4. Agent_gsv 5. James 6. @phil bottle 7. @Shucker 8. Jordie 9. Tom @LordBaguette 10. Rich @tronic44 11. Clive @Teenwolf25 12. Lee @GazzaGarratt 13. @Stretch616 14. Matt 15. @TonyAE86 16. @crispymorgan 17. Paul @slamminbones 18. Macca @Macca89 19. @Spacedeck 20. Gary @techno 21. Cal @TheMuggySpud I've tagged everyone so hopefully people will say if they will be making more races going forward but removing those who haven't done many races, running the teams as first & last, 2nd and 2nd last etc. It makes the preliminary teams; Team 1: Kiwi and Macca Team 2: Greboth and Paul Team 3: Mike and Crispy Team 4: James and Lee Team 5: Phil and Jordie This does depend on a few things like if Matt @Misneach_ is planning to make more races after his move? @jordie1892 are you still planning to make more races if we're doing teams? James @Lurch You've made quite a few races but not all of them so not sure if you want to commit to a team championship or not, and @JBR Kiwi You've mentioned a couple times about not being around for races going forward for obvious reason so unsure whether I should be including you. FG League Average(1).xlsx
  22. If you practise in the single player time trial then you need to make sure that in the settings menu, you enable BoP (Balance of Power) for the circuit. The main problem with testing in a time trial is you can't specify fuel or tyre wear so if you want to figure out strategy you need to do it in a lobby. I also prefer to do any practise in a lobby as it's much easier to try different cars out rather than having to reload the track over and over.
  23. So I mentioned this in the whatsapp group that I was going to post it here after the season is over. However I thought it was a good idea to post it now as statistical analysis is not something I've done so there might be (probably is) a better way to analyse everyone's performance. So what's included now is; 'Finishing positions' - pretty self explanatory though worth noting that the dates at the top are mostly when I made the race results images rather than the actual date of the race. It was mostly just for me to keep track as I went through them all but it does ensure the races are in order. 'Weight positions' - I realised that, for example, a 5th place when there's only 5 finishes is last place however finishing 5th in a race of 10 is a midpack finish. Therefore finishing 5th of 10 should rank you better than finishing 5th of 5. So to factor this is, all I've done is divide the position we all finished by the total number of finishers. 5th of 5 then gives you a weighted position of 1 whereas 5th of 1o gives 0.5. 'Rankings' - This simply sums up the total weighted positions and divides by the total races finished to work out everyone's average. It's the weighted positions and then averaging them that I'm not so sure on so if anyone can think of or knows a better way to do this then happy to change it. I've also left the average in over all the races though I think we should only take an average of the last 10-20 races as this should give a better representation of how things stand now. Obviously for those who haven't been around a lot and don't have 10-20 races total we'll just have to average however many they've done. FG League Average.xlsx WWW.DROPBOX.COM Dropbox is a free service that lets you bring your photos, docs, and videos anywhere and share them easily. Never email yourself a file...
  24. Oh God what have I done? I'd assume the manufacturer would be free choice not that everyone has to pick different ones 😅
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