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Everything posted by Greboth

  1. I like the idea of an endurance race (or races) though I'm not sure how it would work in practicality due to, as Crispy pointed out, GT not offering driver swaps that some other racing games offer. As for Jordie's idea of teaming up, I think it's a good idea and one I'd be down to do. I think we should do it like touring cars set up, all the regulars get teamed up but any of the more sporadic attendees can enter as "independents" - it kinda rules them out of the constructors championship but means they can still rank up the drivers to see how they do. As for deciding team, maybe something like based on the final table of this championship so 1st teams with 8th, 2nd with 7th, 3rd with 6th and 4th with 5th. I'm not sure that's the best way to do it but manually picking the team like this should be better balanced than a random names from a hat. Saying about a constructors championship, I did like your original ideas suggestion @phil bottle of doing it like the manufacturers cup where we pick a manufacturer and have to use them for all races. It limits the car choices a little but if we're mostly sticking to Gr3 and Gr4 there's still quite a choice. Though maybe we'd still have to have free choice for Gr2 being there's only a handful of cars in that class. Maybe something to consider for the Autumn championship?
  2. I’m quite proud of my recovery as I didn’t think I’d get back to second but my massive fuck up to need a recovery rules me out of DOTW. Crispy had a great race and is a close second but I think DOTW has to be James who had a good race while everyone else was making mistakes and kept pushing to bag a podium right at the end.
  3. Damn that looks awesome and has me looking forward to Phase 4. Though on a side note, I didn't realise Gemma Chan was going to be in the Eternals - Can't be many actors who play 2 different characters in the MCU.
  4. Greboth

    F1 2021

    Yeah, yesterday was an alright race. I think the DRS was a little too strong so it made overtaking in to T1 a little too easy but it was good to see Hamilton, Verstappen and Bottas going wheel to wheel for the win. One thing I couldn't work out for the fastest lap was why Mercedes didn't do it a lap later - it would have only given Bottas 1 lap to go for it but it would have prevented Red Bull and Verstappen going for it. I agree about Norris too, he's doing very well in that McLaren though his 3rd in the WDC is bolstered by Bottas' and Perez's current lack of points. So sadly, I don't think Norris will hold on to it but I can see him managing to bag 5th in the WDC behind the 2 Merc's and Red Bull's. Ricciardo had a mare of qualifying but he made up for it the race and I think he could help McLaren get 3rd in the WCC again. I don't think Ferrari will pull out though, they do GT racing but their big selling point is F1. I think the world and markets would need to change drastically for them to actually pull out. It is somewhat a shame to see them struggling but it's the nature of F1; pre Schumacher reign during the early 00's it was all McLaren and Williams for about 20 years. Which does handily segway to Williams, I do find it a shame that they are struggling at the back and continue to do so. Russell is qualifying so well but for one thing or another doesn't manage to convert that to race finishes. Quali'd 11th I was really hoping he'd manage to sneak a place and score his first points but that car was horrible to drive for some reason. I really hope that will the with the investment from Dorliton they can start to move forward. I never thought I'd be happy that Williams are a midfield team but if they can get more in the mix with Alpha Tauri, Alpine and Aston Martin it would be great.
  5. I mean tea and coffee are 99% water anyway sooooo...... I do drink more water than anything, in an attempt to drink less coffee I started having a glass of water between cups. It just turned out my glass is a 1l beer stein so definitely larger than my coffee mug. Though tea and coffee, I don’t really have a preference and go for convenience. By myself, it’s quick to make coffee but with others a pot of tea is easier.
  6. Interesting, I took that line as further showing Karli's naivety rather than bad writing as consistently she took the simple stance of Avengers = bad rather than considering what Sam or Bucky have been through and experienced. Though I suppose you could argue Karli being quite 1 dimensional in this respect was bad writing.
  7. It was decided that we are all massive members already so there was nothing to be done. Though the thread necro has reminded me it's been a while since I donated.
  8. I keep seeing adverts for it at the moment which is weird as it came out a few months ago. I’d agree with you though I can see if you don’t like Andy Samberg it wouldn’t be so good. If you liked Palm Springs, have you watched Brooklyn 99?
  9. Race 1 - Round 6 of the Spring League Fuji Gr2 15 laps Fuel usage x 4 Tyre wear x 3 Qualifying Kiwi has always been fast at this track so for the first lap of qualifying it was a surprise to have provisional pole with Mike, Lee, Phil, Paul, Crispy and James completing the top 8. Mike nails his second flying lap though and managed to take provisional pole by a tenth of a second. However Kiwi, about half a lap behind, sets a blistering lap to take provisional pole from mike by over 4 tenths. James constantly improves through qualifying and moves himself up to fifth place making the top 8 Kiwi, Mike, Me, Lee, James, Phil, Crispy and Paul. After several failed laps, I get a lap together to move myself ahead of Mike though still some way behind Kiwi who only further improved his lap time. Race At the front, I get a good start to edge a lead going in to turn 1 however Paul, starting 7th, got an even better start and got himself up to 3rd and in the pack with Kiwi, Mike and Lee challenging for 2nd place. Over the first lap, Paul drops back as the fight continues for second place which Lee briefly holds but a bit of contact at turn 6 sadly sees him run off track and lose a lot of places. Mike and Kiwi continue their battle for 2nd place with Mike managing to make the pass through the final corner though Kiwi uses the tow down the long start finish straight to retake the position in to turn 1 as Mike runs wide. Phil, who had a clean opening lap, takes the opportunity of Mike's mistakes to make a pass in to turn 2 though Phil's podium position is short lived as Mike re-passes Phil at turn 7 of the same lap. The fighting for position had given me a clean break out front however by the end of lap 2 everyone had mostly settled in to their positions and Kiwi began closing the gap down. At the end of lap 2 my lead was 3 seconds but by lap 7, this was down to just 1 second though a mistake on lap 7 gave me respite at the lead opened back up to 2 seconds. At the end of lap 8, halfway through the 15 laps, strategy started to come in to play with Mike and Phil both making a stop swapping their super softs for another set of the same and taking a splash of fuel to see them to the end. Crispy, who started on mediums, didn't stop as he attempted do a no stopper as Kiwi and myself, on super softs, were trying the same. Crispy, who hasn't stopped, gets to turn 1 and meets Mike who has just exited the pits and causing Crispy to get distracted and make a mistake and spin on to the grass. This mistake drops Crispy back and a further mistake at the final corner of lap 10 allows Phil to look at a move in to turn 1. Phil runs a little deep allowing Crispy to hold on to the place though Phil makes the move stick through the complex at the end of the lap. While this was going on, the battle for the lead had become tense as Kiwi had managed to close the gap down to 0.8 seconds by the end of lap 12. I had saved enough fuel that I could run flat out to the end and had a good start to lap 13, opening the gap back over 1 second; an important marker as around 0.9-1 second is where the tow starts to take effect. In pushing, I make a mistake through turn 8 of lap 13 costing me too much time and giving Kiwi an easy tow down the start finish straight. Kiwi takes the inside line in to turn 1 and takes the lead as we begin lap 14. Knowing turn 1 is the best overtaking spot on the circuit, it's my aim to re-pass at T1 on lap 15, the final lap, but a bad exit out of the final corner sees me drop too far behind to even attempt a dive in to T1. The only other real opportunity is turn 6 but again I don't manage to keep it close enough to attempt a pass. A different line, or a mistake maybe, from Kiwi allows me to unexpectedly close up in to turn 8, the penultimate corner, so I dive to the inside and manage to retake the lead. Some hard defending of the inside line of the final corner sees me get a small nudge in the rear and knocks me wide on the exit of the final corner. There's tarmac out there though so it all comes down to a drag race to the line - I'm initially ahead but Kiwi drops back in to my tow and starts gaining but the line comes a few metres too early as I cross the line to win by just 0.05 seconds; by far the closest finish we've had in all the races so far. Results Race 2 - Alsace Village Gr3 5 laps Fuel usage x 0 Tyre wear x 0 As common practice now with these races, Race 2 sees the grid being the reverse of the results of the previous race. Race The getaway from the grid and turn 1 is clean as we all try to make some space through turn 2. Phil and Mike out front have a small bit of contact at turn 3 which Paul also gets involved with. Kiwi and myself commit to the corner and unfortunately it's unavoidable to hit Paul which spins him out. I follow over the rest of the opening lap and through a better exit out of the hairpin get my nose alongside which gets squeezed in to the barrier much to Crispy's amusement. Turn 3 is again the point of contention on lap 2 as Crispy makes a move on Phil but Kiwi, Phil and myself all get it wrong and run wide on the exit. Kiwi and Phil get away with a small time loss though in an attempt to hold on to the car, I spin out. This promotes Crispy to second place though a recovering Kiwi makes quick work of overtaking to re-take the position. I catch Crispy going in to the long banked right hander and somehow get a far better exit meaning I have to take some avoiding action and end up running over the grass giving Crispy the place back until he runs wide at the next corner. The positions hold steady then until the end of the race though Mike has a scare at the end of the final lap as he runs wide on to the grass but by this point he had built up enough of a lead to be able to cross the line for another win. Results
  10. Not a mini? 🀯 πŸ˜† I’m working on a McLaren Artura at the moment. All the models posted above are done from blueprints so fancied a challenge of doing a new car without blueprints. The 300SL is a classic though so could give it a go next. Interiors are a bit of a pain but I’ve not done a doors open model so that would be a new challenge. I’ll see how long it takes to finish the Macca as having to mode a lot of detail at the rear so it’s taking a while.
  11. Beggars can’t be choosers springs to mind. If someone needs a transplant and refuses a transplant for a stupid reason like that, take them off the transplant waiting list; simple.
  12. Whether by design or accident, I think the strategies were pretty balanced. I only made a couple small mistakes of missing a couple of apex’s so nothing major and we were about even. Though happy to go either way. The easiest would be fuel as if you have to make a stop for fue why wouldn’t you also change tyres.
  13. Oooooo it’s getting tight in the fight for 4th and between me and Kiwi for first. Mike seems to have 3rd sown up in a bit of no mans land.
  14. Greboth

    F1 2021

    He ran into the back of someone and knocked off his front wing so dropped back getting a new one. It was a shame as he qualified well and was on for a good result. A lot to take away from this race Tsunoda in the other Alpha Tauri had a strong race for his first ever race in F1. Early days but a driver to keep an eye on. Vettel....It was a shame he got penalised but didn’t really drop him back to many places. It was starting to look like he got his mojo back with his fight with Alonso then he goes full retard and hitting Ocon especially as he tried to blame Ocon too. Haas - oh God they look bad! They’ve said this year is a write off as they’re focusing on next year but if they’re this bad at the opening race it’s going to be a tough season. Mazepin, or Haasaspin as he’s now known, really showed why he’s a pay driver. Perez smashed it and if he can keep it up he’ll be a solid second driver which could put Bottas under some pressure. Bottas had a hard time keeing ahead of the Red Bulls at times so without Merc’s advantage it could be difficult. It looks like it’s going to be a tight season up front. You’d have to say Hamilton has the advantage as he’s got less pressure of winning his first title and knows better how to deal with the pressure of fighting for a championship. The technical side of the development fight is always interesting too. Lots to look forward too, just a shame the next race is 3 weeks away 😞
  15. Race 1 - Round 4 of the Spring League Monza Gr3 14 laps Fuel usage x 4 Tyre wear x 4 Qualifying As a sign of things to come, we all exit the pits at the start of qualifying shortly followed by most of us out braking ourselves at the first chicane and having to cut it. Tom decides he might as well cut all the chicanes as it's only the out lap but get such a large time penalty he has to stop to take a picnic to get rid of it. Everyone else gets round though a small pack is still bunched up which costs Mike his first flying lap at the first chicane. It all goes wrong through the Lesmo's too as Lee, Mike, Phil and Crispy all get mixed up together. I get a clean lap and cross the line to take provisional pole with Kiwi second, Clive third and Crispy 4th as everyone else had made mistakes. Tom, now significantly behind everyone, finally sets a lap to move himself up to 4th. Until Crispy briefly takes 3rd until Mike and Phil get their laps together to take 2nd and 4th respectively dropping Crispy to 5th. Kiwi suffers with a penalty on his third flying lap but gets a good run on lap 4 to take pole position as Clive also nails his lap to start 5th. Race I get a good launch and break away at the front giving me a clean turn 1 chicane while everyone else is bunched up which obviously goes wrong as Tom hits Paul who knocks Clive and in recovering Clive crashes in to Phil. Lee recovering from the turn 1 shenanigans attempts a pass on Clive at the first chicane of lap 2 but runs a little deep giving Clive a chance to come back at him. Clive overtakes and the fight continues to the second chicane where he out brakes himself running wide through the plastic barriers. Clive manages to hold on to his lead over Lee to the Lesmo's where he runs wide and Lee follows in to the gravel. Lee spins out but Clive manages to keep it going and tries to rejoin the track but misjudges and spins back on to the grass until getting reset to the track. Kiwi who held on to 2nd through the first lap chicane had been chased down by Mike who had deduced that Kiwi was on the hard tyre contrary to everyone else so save time overall Kiwi lets Mike passed rather than fighting him unnecessarily. Phil on a recovery drive, catches up to Crispy and due to a mistake from Crispy through Ascari, Phil managed to draft passed on the run down to Parabolica. Cripsy attempts to follow Phil's braking point and corner positioning but massively out brakes himself running wide through the gravel but recovering it well. Over laps 6 through to 9 everyone goes for their mandatory pitstop with the order remaining unchanged however Kiwi had changed his racing hards for mediums while everyone else had done the opposite. On lap 11, Kiwi's faster tyres had allowed him to catch up to Mike as he makes a pass for 2nd place in to the Ascari chicane. Kiwi runs wide through giving Mike a chance to retake the position which he briefly does on the straight but on the slower tyres Mike can't manage to hold the position on the outside of the Parabolica. Kiwi then begins chasing me down in the lead and manages to catch me through Ascari on the final lap with only the Parabolica to go to decide the winner. I keep to the right to ensure I hold the inside line for the final corner so Kiwi will have to take the long way round. A bit of door to door rubbing and pushing see me miss my braking point and run wide squeezing Kiwi who runs off the track and this gives me enough exit speed to cross the line for the win. Results Race 2 Willow Springs Gr4 8 laps Fuel usage x 0 Tyre wear x 0 Race As the second race of the night the grid for this race is set by the reverse of the finishing positions of the last. This was a fantastic race with overtakes happening amongst us all at various corners and over all 8 laps. Unlike the above, there's no real nuance or clips not worth including for this race. So rather than type up exactly what happens, I'm going to let the video do all the talking for this one. Results
  16. Greboth

    F1 2021

    It's a tricky one, the mistake certainly didn't help though Verstappen set 3 purple sectors so I don't think Hamilton would have gotten pole even without the mistake. Especially as he's sector 3 time was slower than his PB too.
  17. Great news, it has been renewed for a second season πŸ˜„ There's been a few unexpected things happen in recent eps but it continues to be funny. Also Giorgio Tsoukalis gets a cameo so that's always a win (the 'I'm not saying it's aliens but aliens' meme guy).
  18. Greboth

    F1 2021

    Well that was an interest qualification yesterday, Mercedes looked more stable than in testing but it would appear slower than Red Bull. It's going to be fun finding out if Red Bull have the race pace too or will Mercedes overhaul them. Then there's the question of how Red Bull have done this, is it the changes to the aero regulations or has Honda, with their new engine, finally come good? If it's the engine, then with an engine freeze until 2025 this could make an interesting 4 years.
  19. Greboth

    F1 2021

    So the FIA is going perform additional checks to "routinely and randomly select one car at each Event...for deeper disassembly, conformity checks and checks of software and systems" So who do we think the FIA are suspicious of to implement such a thing? As by the sound of it, these inspections will be both more thorough and more often than normal. Currently McLaren have their fancy floor but this surely would have been (mostly) agreed as legal leading up to the season. There's a rumour that Mercedes have something up their sleeves to do with cooling and allowing them to run a higher power so maybe Merc given engine modes have been banned.
  20. Ahhhh Mike will be happy to hear that you're not trying to steal his job 🀣
  21. I think most people know who it is at the end....clearly it's Mephisto πŸ˜† While it's Marvel so I had faith in it, the trailer did make it look a bit generic action so the first episode surprised me. Without saying too much, it was good to see Bucky on a redemption arc and you've got to give him credit for his method of apologising for his actions as the Winter Soldier. It's also good to see more detail on how the blip effected normal people and the wider world through Falcon's interaction with his sister. A solid opening episode and I'm looking forward to the next.
  22. Greboth

    F1 2021

    For all the questions I posed in the OP it is going to be an interesting opening weekend this year especially finding out the true pace of Mercedes and Red Bull. I can't decide between predicting Mercedes having sorted their car and being 0.5-1 second ahead or a Red Bull 1 - 2 come the chequered flag.
  23. Greboth

    F1 2021

    Race 1/23 Bahrain - Sakhir When was the track built? Ground was broken for the Bahrain International Circuit in December 2002. Like the Yas Marina Circuit in Abu Dhabi, the developers had a blank, sandy canvas to work with, and with that fashioned the technical, 5.4km track designed by Hermann Tilke. When was its first Grand Prix? It was 2004 when the drivers first lined up under an unusually cloudy sky for the inaugural Bahrain Grand Prix. The race was dominated (like many in 2004) by the two Ferraris, with Michael Schumacher winning out from Rubens Barrichello, while the crowds were also treated to a fantastic dog-fight between the Jaguar of Mark Webber and the Renault of Fernando Alonso. What’s the circuit like? You can usually expect great racing and decent amounts of overtaking in Bahrain, while the drivers have to contend with wind, racing under floodlights and the difficulty of finding a decent set-up with the wide temperature fluctuations between sessions. The track’s most challenging point is the tight, downhill, off-camber Turn 10 left-hander, while the fast run through Turn 12 is another highlight, allowing the racers to really feel their cars coming alive.
  24. Greboth

    F1 2021

    Formula 1 in 2021 is the year that shouldn't have happened, this was supposed to be the first year of the new regulations but due to the pandemic, it was decided to carry over last years cars with a few changes. The 2 most note worthy changes are the introduction of the cost cap in an attempt to stop the big teams out spending and out developing the independents. The second, is a restriction on the size and shape of the floor - this has been introduced in an to reduce some of the cars downforce, estimated to be about 10%, in an attempt to have the tyres last as some failures last year were due to excessive loading. 2021 Calendar 28 March – Bahrain (Sakhir) 18 April - Italy (Imola*) 2 May - Portugal (Algarve) 9 May – Spain (Barcelona) 23 May – Monaco (Monaco) 6 June – Azerbaijan (Baku) 13 June – Canada (Montreal) 27 June – France (Le Castellet) 4 July – Austria (Spielberg) 18 July – United Kingdom (Silverstone) 1 August – Hungary (Budapest) 29 August – Belgium (Spa) 5 September – Netherlands (Zandvoort) 12 September – Italy (Monza) 26 September – Russia (Sochi) 3 October – Singapore (Singapore) 10 October – Japan (Suzuka) 24 October – USA (Austin) 31 October – Mexico (Mexico City) 7 November – Brazil (Sao Paulo) 21 November - Australia (Melbourne) 5 December - Saudi Arabia (Jeddah) 12 December - Abu Dhabi (Yas Island) So 2021, can Hamilton break further records and become an 8 times champion? Can Mercedes win an 8th constructors championship in a row? Pre-season testing looked a bit shaky for Mercedes, is this the year Red Bull finally challenge? How will Perez cope at Red Bull; will he be a good second driver for them? How good, and reliable, are the Honda engine upgrades? Will Ferrari recover any pace after their dismal year in 2020? How will Sainz cope with the pressure and how will he rank against LeClerc? Will Vettel now out of Ferrari and in to an Aston Martin regain his mojo? Will McLaren manage 3rd in the constructors again? Is Ricciardo and Norris going to be one of the best driver pairing in years? The Schumacher name returns to F1 but how will he fare in the Haas? Will Haas or Williams score any points this year? So many questions and 23 races to find out the answers.
  25. Greboth

    Ahoy :)

    Welcome aboard. Always nice to have new people and might catch you on Valheim ....... if I ever actually start playing it.
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