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  1. Venom



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  2. phil bottle

    phil bottle


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  3. J4MES OX4D

    J4MES OX4D


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  4. Spacedeck



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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/12/2022 in all areas

  1. Save 90% on INSIDE on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM Hunted and alone, a boy finds himself drawn into the center of a dark project. INSIDE is a dark, narrative-driven platformer combining intense action with challenging puzzles. It has been critically acclaimed for its... Inside is pretty cheap right now at 90% off! It comes down to £1.49 or £1.34 if you already own Limbo!
    4 points
  2. JM-725

    Crusader Kings 3

    Oh fair enough hahaha, that's still pretty fun though! Nice! If we could get a few more people playing it we could do a multiplayer world? 👀
    3 points
  3. Venom

    Dark Souls 3

    Ahh the dlc. In these games the dlc is usually a big step up in quality than the base game. Artorious of the abyss gave ds1 good bosses and difficulty. The crowns gave ds2 amazing bosses and very good and unique level design. The old hunters added difficulty and variety to bb. Ds3 does not continue this tradition. The ds3 dlc is still amazing but it’s more like the best of ds3 as opposed to a step beyond. It contains two bosses in my top 5 and one of witch is my favourite of all time. The level design is of the quality of cathedral in terms of difficulty and uniqueness. I would highly recommend it if you enjoyed the base game. Now onto specifics. Dlc 1 is on the shorter end contains 1 very large area and 2 bosses. The first of which is an okay fight with a small guy and a large wolf. It’s relatively easy and not that original but it’s okay. The level is quite challenging and unique. Probably my favourite snowy level. The final boss of the dlc sister friede and farther ariandel is my faviourte fight to date. It’s a long 3 phase fight but each phase you can master individually. The first phase using invisibility well while introducing some tells and timings that will be useful in a later phase. The second phase is one of the best duo fights that has been done by from. Both this a demon princes make me wonder why people look back to the shit show of a fight that is Onstein and Smough as an example of a good duo fight when ds3 has much better (and actually good examples). The final phase is a fight that dose long combos well without being boring. There are lots of possible moves all of which are punishable. Love the fight it’s a masterpiece. Dlc 2 is a longer dlc that dosent quite reach the same highs. Dreg keep is a cool use of verticality and the ringed city revel looks awesome rivalling anor londo. The ring city itself is quite challenging and long. The boss in this dlc the gets into my top 5 is demon princes. It’s an easier fight but it’s an example of a duo fight done really well. The cycling agro is really cool and you can learn to types of play to speed up the fight. (Targeting the aggressive one and targeting the passive one) then you can keep damage on the same prince the whole fight. Then the second phase is a impressive fight and the switching moves based on kill order is a cool mechanic. The other main bosses in this dlc are midir and gael. I’ll start with midir. He’s a large dragon which when you learn the fight is awesome to play against. There can be a lot of trial and error to learn the fight though. This is fine for a boss and can be fun. However he is placed weirdly at the end of a long boss run which is not good for a trail and error fight. Also it’s clear both him and gael are fights designed with max healing (or close to) in mind. This my skew my opinion on them as my fights were on a much lower amount of healing. Gael phase 1 is amazing and then each of his next to phase look cooler than the last. Unfortunately they also get more and more boring each phase. Phase 2 can be okay if you play very aggressive but your almost guaranteed to take chip damage doing this and this took away from my limited healing. Phase 3 is just baiting out the same 3 combos over and over and waiting for the small punish window. Overall for me it was like an 8-9 min fight playing aggressively and I could only take 8-9 hits which meant a minute of flawless play for each hit taken. The fight was clearly not designed for this and so aswell as being boring In the later phases it took quite a few attempts before I could do them flawlessly aswell. Despite the sour note they are still both nice challenges and a decent finale to the trilogy. Though I do think doing friede last would be better.
    3 points
  4. Venom

    Dark Souls 3

    The levels is where I can start to pick up on some problems with the game. After ds2 these levels were very easy to go through. Which isn’t a good or bad thing just different. Most of the levels in this game are well designed with there paths and interconnectivity. But most of them felt unoriginal. They felt like some of the better levels in the earlier games just without providing anything new. The exceptions being irrethyll dungeons which was a new setting but not to interesting level design wise. And the cathedral. The cathedral is the hardest level in the base game. It’s very long and loops back to the same bonfire like 4/5 times. The enemy’s are challenging and the setting is unique. Unfortunately this area is capped with the worst boss in the game. I would have loved to see more varied levels but what is here is pretty good gameplay and looks amazing. Just more originality would have been better. Importantly however there is nothing offensively bad here which is more than can be said for any of the other games I’ve played.
    3 points
  5. Venom

    Dark Souls 3

    First of the base game is of a higher standard then any of the other games I’ve played so far (ds1,ds2,bb,er). There are some amazing fights in here. Gundyr is a interesting opening boss compared to the other games which are usually quite simple. And Vordt is really unique as a fight and a lot of fun. Abyss watchers is very cool and a nice early spike in difficulty. Pontiff at the time was one of my fav fights in the series. He is very well designed with a truly unique concept for phase 2. Took a while to learn the timings but very satisfying when I did. The rematch against gundyr is in my top 5 bosses still. I love the aggression in the fight and it constantly feels active either in punishes or dodges. Princes is again a difficult but awesome fight with a really cool teleport concept. The nameless king is one of the coolest boss arenas ever. The first phase is easy whilst unique and the second is a fun duel. Another great boss. The final boss is by far the best finale in the series. Soul is a really cool fight and quite challenging. Most of these games either have a disappointing finale or in the case of ds2 a neutral one. Even the worse boss in this game are still better than the average boss in ds1,ds2 and bb. The gimmick fights are less good but still not bad or annoying. I’ve heard this boss quality continues in sekiro and I know from playing it that Elden ring matches it in some fights. I find it hard to believe that from will ever top this level of consistent good boss design. When I was playing the later fights I was doing so with about 1/3 the amount of total healing you can have. This provided a good level of difficulty for me. With full healing I would say these fights would be on the easier side and so would recommend to anyone who enjoys the challenge to play with less than max healing.
    3 points
  6. Venom

    Dark Souls 3

    Just finished this game with a playtime of 22 hours. Loved it. It’s my favourite of the series. The boss quality in this game in amazing and is consistently of the quality that the others only occasionally reach. The level design is generally good and never frustrating. Highly recommended.
    3 points
  7. phil bottle

    Retro Revists

    Funnily enough GTA IV was one of the first games I installed. It's fantastic on the deck 🤗
    3 points
  8. Luseth

    Retro Revists

    I have put my name down for one, say's quarter 4 of this year Oct-Dec so hopefully will have one in time for christmas 🙂 I have quite a steam library that I have not really gotten through so between that and my current Switch backlog I could probably get through this cost of living crisis 😄 I may try some emulation with it, just because it would be good to play some of the games I have at home on the go (I.e. I just bought shining force 3 on the saturn which I am excited to try). But yeah, it does mean I have been watching steam and picking up the odd cheap game here and there which is probably not a good idea 😄 Like I never completed GTA IV so bought that for about £4-5 the other day.
    3 points
  9. It's one of the games in this month's humble bundle if anyone wants it cheap on PC.
    3 points
    2 points
  11. I never Pre-ordererd, but most likely will get it. There never seems to be a shortage of copies for COD games even on release day.
    2 points
  12. But if you don't pre-order then it's 5 button presses less that you have to do 😉
    2 points
  13. TigerBurge

    Kings Fall

    @Riff Machine let me know when you get another raid going. I’m in if I am off.
    2 points
  14. Greboth

    Cobra Kai

    I know how that goes! Cobra Kai is definitely a bingeable show. I've not watched S5 yet but shall be catch up on it later this week.
    2 points
  15. Have we seen any new ropadmaps or future significant updates to come to it? I need to check on the other football game too to see where thats heading.
    2 points
  16. techno

    Cobra Kai

    Well I burned through season 5 this weekend, as usual once I started watching I needed to see where it was going. Johnny is great, by far my favourite character and then there is chozen 😁 It seems odd to wait for a series then it's done in no time.
    2 points
  17. J4MES OX4D

    Retro Revists

    So I managed to chalk off Mafia: City of Lost Heaven the other week and then instantly went through it again start to finish with the community mod pack. Almost unheard of that I do the same game back to back but this one is particularly enjoyable and especially as the mod makes such a significant overhaul to the games initial weaknesses. Remarkable game if you can get over the slow-ish start and some jank. Vanilla Modded
    2 points
  18. I'll probably play the beta on Steam and dust off the PS5 and try it on there too. No way am I preordering though.
    2 points
  19. Pokémon Yellow Version: Special Pikachu Edition (Game Boy) https://nintendo.fandom.com/wiki/Pokémon_Yellow:_Special_Pikachu_Edition Everyone knows Pokémon, so it needs no introduction. You are tasked with becoming the Pokémon Champion, travelling through varies towns while defeating the Gym leaders, eventually gong on to defeat the Elite 4 and finally the Champion. Shamefully this is the first time I can say I've ever completed the main story of a Pokémon game. I have some good memories growing up of playing Pokémon Fire Red, getting to the Elite 4 but never getting past that grind to be able to beat them. With this being Yellow, it contains all the wonderful Pokémon we will have grown up remembering. As a bonus on this special edition, you start your journey off with Pikachu (just like the TV series!), who also doesn't like Poké balls and will follow you on foot throughout your journey. Some areas can be a pain if you don't have the right type of Pokémon, especially when you first come up against Ghost type Pokémon. You won't have to grind much early on and you will just defeat the Gym leaders as you pass them. The elite four might require a little bit of grinding, although that too is easy but time consuming. You can simply just keep fighting the Elite four over and over until you blackout to level up quickly, they provide some juicy exp. Mostly they use Ice type moves, which is another type that is really annoying to fight against. So many times I was getting 1 hit KO. The Elite four was easily taken down with some extra levels, and pretty much only used my main two Pokémon for the entire fights, then the actual Champion fight was laughable. Hardest of them all was definitely Elite no. 4. Once the game is finished, you can continue to play your save and even go for that full Pokédex if you are so willing! I will now be moving on to Pokémon Gold or Silver, or maybe even Crystal! So my winning team?
    2 points
  20. Cheers guys. Sadly was in work all day and evening got home went out for a run why I have not idea 😅
    2 points
  21. techno

    Kings Fall

    Hey class armour you say you can have one of mine I've got 2 🙄 Warpriest was a ballache but did feel a sense of achievement getting that done the other week.
    2 points
  22. happy birthday @slamminbones hope you have a nice birthday!!
    2 points
  23. Oi! Oi! Happy birthday @slamminbones hope you're getting wrecked 🥳🍻🤗
    2 points
  24. The DayZ server is £15.99 a month. I haven't been on in a while but now summer's pretty much over I'll likely be back on, so I'll keep it up and finally add some mods.
    2 points
  25. Shall we start with Thursdays and see how it goes? Would be one league race and a couple of casual races starting at say 8pm uk time. I can start on the calendar and race schedule. Ideally each week the event details would be ready the Sunday before each race. Looking at October but again let us have any info from anyone that can't do a Thursday ASAP
    2 points
  26. J4MES OX4D

    Crusader Kings 3

    It's been such a long time I can barely remember. I think I spent most of my time in tutorial island of Ireland😎
    2 points
  27. Welcome to my Retro Adventures! I do more retro gaming of late than anything else and over the past week, I've recently got in to playing MAME (Arcade machines for those who are unaware). As I don't have the room to accommodate loads of different systems or arcade machines, emulation is the only way I can keep retro alive. I do have an arcade/fight stick which gives playing these games a really nice touch. Due to the nature of arcades, I can't play everything as some games requires special equipment to play, but I will try play those that can be played on an 8 way stick and buttons. My aim with this thread is to just post games I've recently played, maybe with some screenshots (hidden in spoiler tags to save room) and I'm going to create a spreadsheet to track my High Scores in the games. Maybe when you see the games I'm playing, you might recommend me a game you think I might like, or even remember one of the games I've played. I'm not purely concentrating on arcade machines as their is older systems and even handhelds that still deserve to be played. So I'm going to kick this off with a game I tried this morning: Bucky O'Hare This is a game which I find looks very decent for an arcade game, it supports 4 players and upon death, even if you continue, your score is wiped. Some of the bosses can be a little tricky but if you die a lot, you get a lot of bombs to use 😂. You get a good amount of enemies on the screen and the game features different types of levels. You will be running n gunning through a handful of enemies, on an elevator scene which reminded me of the ones in Streets of Rage and riding and shooting from a vehicle. I'm now going to move on to a classic. One which everyone will have played at one point: Frogger Simple gameplay, just get the frog across the hazards and fill up the empty spaces at the top of the screen. As you progress you will face faster and more traffic, everything seems to start flowing more faster like the logs and turtles you jump on. There's alligators swimming and these pesky creatures will try block your goal area and on the logs can sometimes contain Spiders. It's a classic game, which has been released on many different systems and it's an easy to pick up and play game, requiring only the movement of the stick.
    1 point
  28. J4MES OX4D

    Victoria 3

    Out later next month and should be a good one Paradox also ran a near-4 hour stream recently which covers a hell of a lot
    1 point
  29. So when it comes to gaming news, where do you get it from? Like where do you hear about new games etc. i used to watch digital foundry on youtube for reviews but moved away because i spent more time watching vids than gaming
    1 point
  30. I don't tend to follow news since I don't have a PC that would work well with new games. I do visit at least 2 other forums where gaming is discussed though, so most news comes from them. For Nintendo on YouTube, I only watch SwitchUp but mostly for the sales videos about the eShop. I do use Reddit daily mind, so do come across a lot of news there.
    1 point
  31. until

    @GazzaGarrattsaid we had to start commenting on our sessions and not wait for stats for the evening. So here is my comment (just getting it on here so when i forget later it does not matter cuz i have already posted 😁 )
    1 point
  32. Dr Diamond

    Dark Souls 3

    So i picked this game up on steam on sale and my god, it is one of the best games i have played. Im getting destroyed regularly, its frustratingly hard at times and yet i keep playing it for hours and hours. the depth is incredible, the enemy variety is amazing and the options are endless. Currently traipsing through farron keep and getting pissed off with the poison mud.
    1 point
  33. Riff Machine

    Kings Fall

    Never ran in a circle once. Best. Raid. Ever.
    1 point
  34. Venom

    Kings Fall

    If your referring to the bomb dropped in oryx fight. You still have running around in circles.
    1 point
  35. Yeah cause those 5 button presses to cancel an Amazon order are so arduous. I'll still cancel it if it's shit but it costs me literally nothing to get a couple extra days with the beta so why wouldn't I?
    1 point
  36. Still absolute wank by the look of things Pitch looks like 2D carpet.
    1 point
  37. I hadn’t pre-oredered so thanks for the reminder. It’s a bit late but hopefully I can still get the early access beta.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. techno

    The Queen 1926-2022

    Have to say I'm not a royalist but did have a weird feeling when I heard she'd passed. Tbh wide had said she thought she'd gone earlier that afternoon. Its definitely weird still and only today I said prince Charles and my daughter immediately said king...now that's gonna take some getting used to. Don't know why but thought I might keep some money with the queen on it.
    1 point
  40. Yep, can have a rotation or simply focus on one game mode and map.
    1 point
  41. phil bottle

    Retro Revists

    Steam deck has surprised me, I'm really enjoying the array of different games I can play on it. It's not for shooters without kb&m as peripherals, but it has made me playing games I haven't touched. For example, I'd never gotten around to playing Call of Cthulhu but I'm loving it on the deck, particularly late at night before bed. The sound is amazing too btw.
    1 point
  42. J4MES OX4D

    Crusader Kings 3

    I have CK3 but haven't played it for quite a long time. Really good game though and may have to jump on it again. Probably the second most accessible Paradox game behind Stellaris.
    1 point
  43. Greboth

    Cobra Kai

    Cobra Kai is terrible; it's cheesy, cringey, ludicrous at times beyond belief, some of the actors are meh and there's only a couple of characters I like (Eli/Hawk and Miguel) but I can't stop watching it 😄 I think I've watched every season within a few days of them being released. My only complaint about S4 is Sam, I just found her too whingey but in fairness, along with some of LaRussos actions, you're supposed to somewhat go off supporting them. Definitely an interesting ending with Silver and I am looking forward to S5.
    1 point
  44. Antpool84

    Cobra Kai

    Got a strong feeling he will, which would be amazing!! Yeah, its really helpful that way i think.
    1 point
  45. techno

    Cobra Kai

    I didn't re-watch the films and I've found it really wasn't necessary as said the flash backs work. I'm half way through this last season and I've found it a little bit lacking tbh compared to previous series, it's hard to explain without spoilers hopefully it picks up and leaves enough at the end to want more because it is cleverly done.
    1 point
  46. Tar-Eruntalion

    Cobra Kai

    well as of the send of this season the series has referenced all the movies except the one with hilary swank and the reboot, although i wouldn't find it impossible if they brought hilary back, still many events that are referenced or characters have flashbacks from the movies so we know/remember who is who and what they did
    1 point
  47. Jason

    Cobra Kai

    Well said. I can’t wait for season 5, gonna be interesting where it goes from here. I don’t want to type spoilers here for people that haven’t seen it yet, but I’m excited for sure.
    1 point
  48. Tar-Eruntalion

    Cobra Kai

    i started it way back when it first aired and while i was a fan of the movies i wasn't a diehard too, now having almost finished the 4th season i can say that this is one of the best if not the best sequel of anything visual in a long time if ever and it came out almost 40 years later, yes it's not groundbreaking, it won't be praised by scorcese etc by it's good and faithful to the characters and respects both old and new fans, johhny lawrence's arc has been great so far
    1 point
  49. Jason

    Cobra Kai

    I unapologetically watched the entire season in 1 day. I loved it. I should mention that I am a super fan of the original movies growing up in the 80s and know them by heart. So all the little call backs and Easter eggs they throw in for the fans are great. One of my favorite series ever. Watching Terry Silver come back to form was incredible. Hope Mike Barnes makes an appearance in season 5. Nothing ground breaking, but just a lot of fun.
    1 point
  50. Drifter

    Cobra Kai

    Awesome I didn't know Season was was out yet. I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to watch much lately. Now I have Cobra Kai as well as Season 2 of the Witcher to catch up on 🙂
    1 point
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