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    J4MES OX4D


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    phil bottle


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  4. GazzaGarratt



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Showing content with the highest reputation since 02/13/2025 in all areas

  1. Kohken

    How do!

    How's it going? Tired of bookface so wanted to join a good old fashioned forum, anyone else used to be on the nexgen and digitalhobby forums?
    3 points
  2. phil bottle

    Battlefield 6

    Looks decent enough. It'll take probably them 2 years post launch to get it working properly... but yeah 🤪
    3 points
  3. GazzaGarratt

    Fear FA 98

    @Luseth shown me this the other day as it got annouced in the Steam reveals....what in the crazyland is happening I do not know but could be hilarious! FEAR FA 98 on Steam STORE.STEAMPOWERED.COM FEAR FA 98: Silent Hill mixed with FIFA 98. Use your enemies' heads as the ball, use knives, and summon demons! the very first survival horror soccer simulator!. Play against the computer, or the classic local mode... Demo is available on PC!
    3 points
  4. Modric had all the time in the world to take that shot, if anything that just show's how poor some of the Spanish defending is! Iwata's goal for us in the cup against Newcastle was better I think had someone closing him down at least and didn't have time to control the ball before the shot!
    3 points
  5. What a strike.
    3 points
  6. I have no idea what to think of this. I'm hooked on Sekiro at the moment. But anything extending Elden Rings universe even more, I'm in.
    3 points
  7. Thanks to @LordBaguette for this. Last-16 draw in full Paris St-Germain v Liverpool Real Madrid v Atletico Madrid Feyenoord v Inter Milan Borussia Dortmund v Lille Club Brugge v Aston Villa PSV Eindhoven v Arsenal Bayern Munich v Bayer Leverkusen Benfica v Barcelona Good draw for Arsenal and Villa they'll be confident of making the quarters. The all German and Spain games will be interesting and tough to call. Fancy Liverpool, Inter Barcelona and Dortmund for the others.
    3 points
  8. I jumped back on the original game the other day, which was a mistake as I forgot how much I enjoyed it. I only stopped playing as I'd made a mistake and my most recent save meant I'd lose 2 hours of game. But a few years on those lost hours are meaningless now lol so only Stalker and Tarkov will keep me off it...but its a nice change of pace, and very beautiful too. KCD2 can wait for the next Xmas Steam sale 🤪
    3 points
  9. Greboth

    DnD Night

    Some of this will be a recap of the last session too but I'm just typing up my notes to make sure I cover everything 🙂 For the recap we were given a parchment from Guard Captain Foundry in Slema. The parchment was reports of ghoul, skirge and zombie attacks in St Julians, Pachavil and Mosta all the way to the coast. Guard Captain Foundry suggested we should speak to Father Richards, in Mosta, as he has knowledge of the Skirge that could help us. Barm escaped and has the 3 artifacts; Dryda gland, dragon heart and giant spine. We also knew we needed to speak to Ceryni fo the thieves guild who may have information on how to counter Barm's time stop. We started the session in The Swan where we asked Jeremy if he knew where we could find Ceryni, he did not but knew a man who did - Doug. Jeremy sent Miranda out to find Doug - a particularly rough and odorous local scumbag who deals in information. Miranda returned with Doug and it was clear he was going was going to scam us or rip us off in some way as he knew we need information. Draverum snuck off to charm Doug letting us get the information we needed easily - Ceryni is in St Julians and he most likely will be found in The Occult, a thieves guild tavern that is not welcome to non guild members. There are other Thieves guild taverns in St. Julians and they can be identified by a small skull and cross bones on the sign. Doug also informed us that Ceryni is relatively high up in the guild and reports to 4 masters. Also worth of note is that the Thieves guild have their own language 'Thieves Cant' which is only known by members. To help cover up the spell cast on Doug and the information given to us, Azum ordered the strongest drink Jeremy serves, a Lady Boy, and gave it to Doug so he will be too drunk to be able to recall our conversation. We now had a choice - go to St. Julians to find Ceryni to get information on Barm or Father Richards in Mosta for information on the ghouls, skirge and zombies. We decided Barm is the bigger threat so we should speak to Ceryni first. Nothing of note happened on the journey to Ceryni but we arrived seeing a small bustling city 3x-4x the size of Sleema with stone buildings, a busy markets with a church and large keep in the middle. We got stopped by 2 guards on the gate who questioned our purpose in St Julains. We explained we were sent by Guard Captain Foundry and on showing the parchment, they told us we should speak to Marshall Deniver in the keep. We decided if we are going to see Marshall Deniver and Ceryni, we should probably see if we can find Ceryni first but not knowing St Julians, we chatted to a local market stall holder Azool (who sold some delicious if expensive cherries) who told us about 2 taverns, the Baron hog and The Ship with the later being a Thieves guild tavern. We headed there and found it filled with what appeared to be local business and trades men but Brock noticed that 3 men were speaking a language none of knew - Thieves Cant. We sent some food and drink over the their table to ingratiate ourselves and on being served, they came over to our table asking why. The thieves explained they operate the city and we should be careful but they could get a message to Ceryni that we wanted to meet but would be later. We therefore took the time to go see Marshall Deniver in the keep who we met in his modest and, for his station, small office. He informed us that there had been 7 reports of ghouls, skirge and zombie attacks with the most recent being 2 nights ago. He said we should start at the Scolded Child tavern as that's the last known sighting of some of the missing people. Marshall Deniver then gave us a parchment that would allow us to investigate and be given passage in to the towns Pachavil and Mosta and we should return to him in 2 weeks with what we've found. He also advised that we should speak to one of the Victors at the church before we leave St. Julians. On leaving the keep, we decided we should go back to The Ship as that's where we'd spoken to the Thieves guild. But on leaving, a group of children ran in to us and we quick realised they stole our gold as they did - the Thieves guild! Brock cast a spell, freezing one of the children in place who we questioned him finding out he worked for the thief we had spoken to in the morning in The Ship. We took this as a sign Ceryni was ready to meet and got the child to take us to The Occult where led us to the back door which led in to a tavern - a secret tavern behind the public facing one at the front of the building. We sit down with Ceryni who asks what we want, we say we're there for information on stopping Barm. Ceryni says it will cost a favour but Azum offers the coin he got from Jarlaxl from Bragen D'Erth - Ceryni is impressed and accepts the coin in exchange for information. What we need is a counter charm that will stop us being frozen by Barm time stop spell. He further explained that it's a Bard spell and we would need a bard to cast it or have the bard's teach one of us. There is a catch to the counter charm though - it takes 10 minutes to cast but the counter charm only then lasts 60 seconds! Ceryni then spoke directly with Brock pointing out the that all magic has an opposite, Barm has the Dryda gland that is darkness but Brock can cast radiant spell - the light and counter the dark. With that new knowledge, we ended the session to consider our next steps and how to use our new found knowledge.
    2 points
  10. MrBiron

    Battlefield 6

    That reminds me of BF4. So I'll take it!
    2 points
  11. J4MES OX4D

    Battlefield 6

    Leaked Battlefield 6 gameplay
    2 points
  12. Have completed this on both PS and PC, really enjoyed the game. Only did the dlc on PC though from what I remember. Did mostly solo but i do remember a few sessions with Lee 🙂 If you're struggling for people give me a shout, I'm sure I'd love to play again.
    2 points
  13. Luseth

    How do!

    Hi Kohken, I think I have heard of Nexgen before but can't recall where. I tend to prefer forum's still as I like a good thought out conversation, forum's tend to provide an outlet for that compared to modern day social media. That said some of the cr*p that get's spouted here can be just as bad so I will apologise in advance! There are a friendly bunch here albeit can sometimes be a little quiet as a lot of the group tend to forget the site is more than just the whatsapp groups! But yeah tell us about you and what you are into and such! And welcome!
    2 points
  14. Luseth

    Arma Reforger

    We only really get on once a week at the moment but I am thoroughly enjoying this. It is filling the void that battlefield has left since BFV which is great. Obviously less destruction but that is sort of mitigated by the base building. You can see how many players still do not understand the logistical side of things around the supplies and such, it can be a bit frustrating when someone spawn's in and nicks off with all the supplies by bringing in vehicles, loadouts and such while you are trying to build up a base. We did take a beating last time we were on, similarly I don't think the group I play with fully appreciates a well built up base. A group joined the Soviet side and came in and took half the map rather quickly as they took out the radio beacons to prevent spawns and the bases had no ai and such to defend them. For the first time in a shooter sniping is incredibly satisfying too, but the ai leave room for improvement. Getting one shotted at sniper range by someone holding an AK is absurd. I have had one go in the chopper and for some reason it locked my camera once I took off and I could not turn it round at all which made it particularly difficult, still somehow managed to land it with only 1 guy in my squad dying (but he did jump out before I had landed so his own fault!)
    2 points
  15. Luseth

    Fear FA 98

    I had meant to put up a post and forgot about it! It looks absolutely bonkers but sometimes the bonkers ideas can be the best! I feel it's worth a look when it comes out.
    2 points
  16. J4MES OX4D

    GOG Dreamlist

    I've also just voted for Driver 1 and 2. There is an unofficial port for the sequel on PC called ReDriver with lots of QoL fixes but I'd love to see both games get revived for retail. Played both on the PS1 back in the day and they were both legendary particularly the original but the texture pop-up was pretty horrendous.
    2 points
  17. They use AI to 'help develop' in-game assets on their billion dollar franchise. After over a year of accusations and months of persistent denials, thanks to a Steam Store change requiring developers and publishers to disclose such things, the truth has finally been revealed. Call of Duty admits it's using generative AI to 'help develop some in-game assets', and suddenly all those poorly made calling cards make sense | PC Gamer WWW.PCGAMER.COM "Disappointingly, I just grinded for an AI-generated calling card." So people are further shelling out £25 a season for generic rewards that were made by a machine and not crafted by an art team. Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if we soon found out that the map layouts were done by AI too because no human would've been idiotic enough to design half the maps BO6 has with intent. Also gun camos will probably soon fall under the spotlight as people aren't going to let this go easily without more answers. Calling cards were always a pretty iconic part of the series and I used to love unlocking them through challenges especially from MW2 to BO2. This news for me just taints the franchise even further and you just can't trust what you're playing has been produced legitimately and to the best standard possible.
    2 points
  18. Bloody loved Days Gone but not sure if it warrants a remaster. Thankfully it's only a £10 upgrade but I don't know how much of a 'remaster' it's going to be and if the content included is what you'd expect from a free update rather than a paid upgrade. I had the game on PC and there's no sign of this re-releasing but I can honestly see them replacing the original and then raising the price.
    2 points
  19. Ah thanks for that, going to take a look at that now. I have levelled it up a couple of times so will see how far away from that perk I am! Maybe I will pick all the flowers in the abbey garden 😄
    2 points
  20. I hadn't touched it in a couple of years and I'd only played about 14 hours, so kind of like playing a new game. KCD2 looks excellent and I look forward to buying it in a future sale : ) I'm currently picking flowers and nettles to get the long legs perk, it allows xp to be added to strength when gathering herbs and flowers 🤪
    2 points
  21. I can see Blackburn making it this year especially with all the teams behind being unable to string more than one with together! It'll be tough because there are 4 teams that are probably too good for this league meaning two will be in the playoffs but if Rovers can hold on, anything can happen. Wonder if Eustace will apply for his old job back now🤣
    2 points
  22. "No Eustace, No problem" is the motto that many Blackburn fans have coined since this mess began. 2 wins in a row, 2 clean sheets, and some very winnable games incoming. I think I'd still be staggered if we make the playoffs personally, but with 13 games to go its a chance that many teams would rarely get these days. They've been galvanised massively with all thats gone on and they seem determined to show everyone else they are good enough. Its a funny one, as I'm not really sure who in the world would take our managerial job still! So many unknowns, its going to be surprising, whoever it is!
    2 points
  23. Eustace is currently 4-0 down to QPR in his first game. They could be rock bottom come tomorrow and after those games are finished, other teams in and around will still all have a game in hand over them too. They've even fallen into the drop zone tonight with nobody else playing by virtue of goal difference alone. He's got a monumental task on his hands and if he can't keep them up, he'll have a huge job on his hands trying to craft a League One side out of what he's got and what they'll have to spend.
    2 points
  24. phil bottle

    GOG Dreamlist

    Go back and add GTA2, I wish I had that to play on SteamDeck. Mowing down hare krishnas never felt so good 🤣
    2 points
  25. When you get into all the detail I think its easily both sides being completely unprofessional. Owners wise, should have sold the club years ago and they've not done really anything to make a connection with the fans or the town. Kept the lights on, but literally thats it. We've recouped a serious amount of money from players sales over the past 24 months and that has literally gone nowhere other than to the owners to keep lights on. The 'significant investment' words in the recent statement is actually quite laughable. 5 loans, loads of old, past prime players and now we're left with them to pick up wages when we still have a good chance of being in the playoffs come end of the season. Manager wise - it really is an open secret that the club hasn't been flush for cash and we have to be shrewd and clever. He knew what what he was entering and how far the travel was and arguably it isn't that far for a Manager to travel to see the family whenever he wanted to get back. Reports have said for a while he has been applying for jobs behind the official media's noses and thats really not good when he's been preaching the words togetherness. Eustace has been a great manager and overall I'd put blame slightly more on the owners - but the more you read it still is quite insane to leave a club like ours with our history and extremely good youth setup, to go a club that is one of the favourites to go down. The whole lot is just depressing more than anything. Hopefully, the news of this won't die off and it will cause action on both fronts.
    2 points
  26. phil bottle

    Division 2 Megathread

    Not so bullet spongey any more, much, much less than Density. I reinstalled and found that 10 extra levels have been added. Was 30, now 40 I think. I'm already at 34, I forgot how much fun I have with this game.
    1 point
  27. Bluebear

    S.T.A.L.K.E.R 2

    Been loving my time with STALKER 2, it's exactly what I wanted coming from the base stalker games. Just had a full play through of Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat to refresh my memory on events before starting certain quests in Stalker 2.
    1 point
  28. J4MES OX4D

    Verdansk Returns

    Many are seeing this as Warzone's last chance but the reception hasn't been very favourable as Activision seemingly throw one last ditch attempt at saving the mode. What made the original Verdansk/Warzone so popular was the solid mechanics, BR still somewhat fresh and the global lockdown. The servers were also reliable and there wasn't a culture of cheaters. Warzone has gone downhill ever since with an increase in cheaters, the removal of content and a mishmash of mechanical changes that really affect the core gameplay. With BO6 seen as the worst for authentic movement and Activision still trying (and failing) to create a functional anti-cheat, I think this will flop massively. It may bring a lot of people back initially but I cannot see any longevity and it all seems rather desperate.
    1 point
  29. GazzaGarratt

    EA FC 25 2025 Stats

    @Antpool84 was literally on fire last night!! Couldn't put a foot wrong and they couldn't handle his runs, crosses or shots! Big up to Josh too, played a corker outfield for some games and I recall an incredible stop in goal when it was behind him. Ridiculous.
    1 point
  30. Luseth

    EA FC 25 2025 Stats

    Getting the stats updated early this week. I don't think anyone would disagree when I say that has to have been one of our most successful nights especially with the play off's. We played 11 and won 11 which is brilliant so gg's guys!
    1 point
  31. Apparently the game is also being removed from sale this month so this could be last chance saloon to get it as well at a discount.
    1 point
  32. Football Manager 2024 is on sale at Fanatical for £16.42 which is close to the all time highest discount. May not get a better opportunity anywhere to pick this up at such a low price Football Manager 2024 | PC Mac Steam Game | Fanatical WWW.FANATICAL.COM Progress never stops when you’re pursuing footballing greatness. Gameplay upgrades empower you to develop a blueprint for...
    1 point
  33. GazzaGarratt

    How do!

    Hi @Kohken , nice to meet you! No, not heard about those before. You can leave abit more about yourself if you like - such as games you like/dislike and maybe what you're playing now? Hope you enjoy your stay at FG! 😄
    1 point
  34. phil bottle

    Arma Reforger

    Some more Reforger. I was pretty decent piloting choppers in Arma 2 and 3, but I'm definitely out of practice.
    1 point
  35. J4MES OX4D

    GOG Dreamlist

    GOG have recently released a new voting tool to help them decide what games to hopefully revive and bring to the platform DRM free. If you have an account, you can simply upvote any game you want to see or even submit your own request. We've seen lately the first two Resident Evil games and Dino Crisis 1+2 return and there are so many other classics like the Silent Hill games that could do with making a return. /dreamlist//apple-touch-icon.png GOG Dreamlist | GOG.COM WWW.GOG.COM Explore our Dreamlist, vote for games you hope to see on GOG and contribute to game preservation! I have primarily voted for:- - Black and White - No One Lives Forever - Project IGI - Diablo II - Silent Hill 2 - Silent Hill - Resident Evil Code Veronica X - Halo Combat Evolved - The Simpsons Hit and Run - Grand Theft Auto - Civilization II - The Movies - Dark Souls - Grand Theft Auto London Not every game can be brought back due to intellectual property complexities along with source codes being lost but some PC classics could easily be revived not just to be DRM free, but also be fully functional out of the box thanks to what GOG do with forwarding optimisation. This would also be the original versions and not some remastered garbage.
    1 point
  36. Luseth


    So, I gave it a brief go and played the first few hours. It's better than some of the reviews were suggesting I think. In fact I would go so far as to suggest reviewers are doing the common thing of picking out a game similar or made by the same dev's etc and just comparing the 2 and when a feature is not in the newer game they complain about it, with no consideration as to whether or not it is a design choice or such. I won't be playing the game fully just yet with the other games I have on (I am letting my game pass lapse this month), I need to start completing some games but I will come back to it I think at some point.
    1 point
  37. Pivotal weekend of results - Arsenal were expected to go 5pts behind with a game in hand on Liverpool who were expected to lose today. Instead the gap is 11pts as Liverpool beat city and Arsenal lose to West Ham. You thought the tide was turning with Liverpool dropping 4pts on their travels and barely scraping past Wolves, but Arsenal's lack of recognised strikers and some severe out of form players like Saliba and Odegaard has put them way off the pace and you can see them dropping more points in the weeks to come. Villa managed to sign Rashford and Asensio which is exactly what Arsenal could've done with and they ended up with nothing despite being second in a title race. Could be one of the most fatal mistakes in Premier League history and it's not the first time they've failed to build in January.
    1 point
  38. Looks quite clear cut, would like to see some upsets though.
    1 point
  39. James

    EA FC 25 2025 Stats

    Some proper sweats.
    1 point
  40. Luseth

    EA FC 25 2025 Stats

    Stats updated for this Monday. Our win percentage is actually looking pretty good, so long as we are winning more than we are losing I consider that good. We also got up to division 2 this Monday without realising it until the end!
    1 point
  41. Well received across the board. Looks very Oblivion-esque without the need for special power stuffs. I'm definitely more interested in it as there's some funny clips online showing what you can do on it.
    1 point
  42. phil bottle


    Mixed reviews so far, but drops on Monday and it's on Gamepass so I'll be giving it a go for certain.
    1 point
  43. An Overwatch 2 Spotlight dropped yesterday with lots to unpack in it: I think Marvel Rivals was the kick in the arse OW2 needed to start coming back to the table with a series of updates. Perks are the new way to upgrade a hero through the fight, with minor and major upgrades becoming available as you go through the round. 6v6 is back again, and I think they have a separate Competitive queue for it(?) with the Goats Meta being introduced when 3 tanks and 3 support was key to victory. Hero 44, Freya, comes out and a new one on the horizon too. 'Stadium' is the biggest new mode ever released and is very interesting to say the least. Definitely adds a different dimension on how to play a PvP match and most likely far better to play when you play as a group together given you have buy specialist updates to your heroes out of a pool of funds you receive from the previous round - best of 7 rounds. Oh....and Loot Boxes are BACK! 🤣 All in all, I was pleasantly surprised at the news. Stadium feels like the right way to go, but I do fear you need a serious amount of people to want to jump in and play it with you to make the most of the mode. 6v6 for me is key. Whilst they touch on the long stale matches that could happen and other key issues they had with it, for the majority of OW players it really hit the spot so i'd be interested to see the player pool sizes if they ever released them. It will only get good traction though if it has its own Competitive queue otherwise they still can't compare 5v5 and 6v6 properly. Outside of that, loot boxes back makes me laugh after all the years of drama. Never sure if this is enough to perk people's interest again for the next season (15). A full competitive rank reset comes with it which always helps if people returning to see how it plays. Thoughts anyone?
    1 point
  44. Too late in the day for me. Overwatch was absolutely brilliant years ago and even lootboxes were done well. The level of polish, progression and nature of the gameplay were all top tier and they even proved that you don't need a campaign to deliver an abundance of engaging lore. The developers neglected the hell out of it (and we all know why) and Overwatch 2 was a needless sequel that cancelled the campaign, made progression absolute torture and also performed gameplay changes that people didn't like. They are only doing this now because of Marvel Rivals and not for the community but they can see how much money there still is in this market. The damage is already done for me and it feels that original era is long gone. Now they are just chasing any last shreds they can get their hands on by doing stuff they should've done 7 years ago. None of this makes up for any of the broken promises and that includes the single player campaign which should've also been done instead of trying to save money.
    1 point
  45. I always think with things like this, there was a level of complacency with the launch of Overwatch 2. They knew they dominated that area of the gaming field and because of it there was a half arsed launch of what was let's be honest an update. An update that was not really better than the original game. That level of complacency always has the risk of returning, we complain about Fifa in the same vain and you have to make the decision on whether or not it is worth sinking any more time into these games.
    1 point
  46. I'd rather sometimes these annual games took a year out to make significant updates and changes so it feels more of a reason to buy the next game. Still never good to say you're releasing it and then bin it completely.
    1 point
  47. Loved this multikill feed and won the game too.
    1 point
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