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MW2 beta starts this weekend.


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3 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

Its definitely quieter than MW2019 and thats never a problem in that game


It's a massive problem in that game, when properly sound whoring I can hear people from miles away and the direction they're in.


Fucking ace when you want to be a little bitch tho.


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Yes @GazzaGarrattthey said they'd tone it down so I need to see what's in the full release. The footsteps audio is something I just don't like to hear not necessarily for the aid it gives you in game. Also as said it does have a counter or even put it in same perk slot as ghost or some other powerful perk and make people choose. Maybe also it wouldn't be as necessary of an issue if the maps weren't as " complex" not only can I be heard coming but I can be shot from a million different places I can't possibly check. It all slows the game down, which is fine if you want rainbow six cod siege. 


I get that your not allowed to criticize anything these days because you'll offend someone as it's seen as a micro aggression and if you are fine with the game that's ok they can't cater to everyone. 

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@GazzaGarratt MW19 footsteps are the loudest of any COD without question.

The MW2 beta footsteps are the 2nd place. 

All the older Cods, Cold War and Vanguard have the counters in perk form for the footsteps. 


I understand full blown tactical sprinting should be louder. Also the variation of different surfaces should change the volume. E.G running up or down metal stairs or the likes. 


I don't find the MW2 Beta footsteps unbearable, but there is advantages with good headphones and bass boost turned on. Veterans can pinpoint directions and abuse it. 


Another point I would like to make is campers triumph with louder footsteps. It's very hard to counter or sneak up on them if they are in a corner and they can hear you in advance before you reach them and they can ADS and prepare or turn round to catch you coming. 


It's more magnified in game modes like SnD when it's a 1 life deal and every decision is crucial. 


I would rather get destroyed by someone rushing with great gun skill and silent footsteps, than some dweeb in a dark corner that heard me long before I arrive to their dwelling. 


All and all there should be a balance and the option to track enemies audibally and visually, but not too over the top. 


If everyone has quiet footsteps and you get decimated, you weren't aware of your surroundings visually and that's on you. Unless by exception there is a heavy spawn trap in place.


Now if a perk like ninja exists it will be used excessively. 

If none such thing exists, dead silence as a field upgrade will be used by most and then all the other field upgrades will not be looked at or utilised in any way. 

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Another thing about the footsteps in the MW2 beta is that they are very loud on a map which is a good test environment; the hotel one basically. This combines interiors with some wood or carpet flooring, stairs and upper levels. Some people are saying they aren't an issue when playing the farm or market map and this is probably the case, but only by virtue of the amount of exterior and quieter surfaces. The more indoor maps they have in the final game with upper areas or non-concrete surfaces, the bigger this problem will be.  Personally I didn't have many issues with footsteps when I played but that was only because I played on the hotel map about 3 times but if you have 4-5 maps with this problem then it will turn into something more significant. This has already caused huge problems in Warzone 1 where you could literally hear people on the top floor whilst the other side of a 10 storey building for instance.  


There are also very smart players who can literally configure their headphones to only pick up on certain elements or enhance others so if they want to soundwhore to the maximum potential then they will to a devastating degree. The dead silence perk is very OP but a staple of the series and it could've been blended in a tier where users could have chosen that or the ability for their gunfire to not show on the minimap - either perk representing an advanced ghost-type one in a competitive slot but instead they've protected people loud with their guns and punished those that move around the map with their feet!

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One more thing on footsteps it's not like it hasn't been mentioned by everyone on every review I've watched so it is a big issue. 

Anyway this you could say is Nsfw



And here's one on the perk system, I do like that if people have an issue they are giving suggestions 



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The second weekend of the beta starts tomorrow (probably 6pm). This is open to everybody on Playstation and anybody that has pre-oredered on Xbox and PC. I'll jump on again and see how it plays after the changes they've made. 


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I was thinking last night how there is 15 years of community feedback, a new COD game every year and probably close to 50,000 lines of patch notes on record, and yet here we are with mini-map and perk controversies less than a month before a game that has to last two years. 


Some things should just be set in stone or left to be expanded upon. All these edgy changes to make the game feel more fresh is actually doing people are disservice because it's removing staples we are used to and expect.

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51 minutes ago, Diddums said:

So can I download it today then? Goes live at 6pm right?


Should be able to download anytime, I did mine last Sunday. Biron said there is an update or patch as well. 


Easiest way to find the MW2 Beta. 

Go to PlayStation store and look at the tab on the left hand side it's on there. 


Pretty sure it's 6pm GMT yeah. 

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3 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I was thinking last night how there is 15 years of community feedback, a new COD game every year and probably close to 50,000 lines of patch notes on record, and yet here we are with mini-map and perk controversies less than a month before a game that has to last two years. 


Some things should just be set in stone or left to be expanded upon. All these edgy changes to make the game feel more fresh is actually doing people are disservice because it's removing staples we are used to and expect.


How i'm seeing the news and feedback across the places I look, i'm not actually hearing much at all, so I do believe they are more onto a winner than not with this one. We'll never hear about the good things in CoD, always the bad and I get that but I would say its been nice to hear and read the footsteps debate above. I wish others on the world wide webz could have some structured convo like this because I understand where many of you come from now.


I still feel like sound is a huge thing that is now used in all PvP games as a tool to 'Get Better'. It should be toned down somewhat come tonight so lets see how it plays. I do think though that Tom @LordBaguette  was right last night online when he said that really, these issues should only impact the super top players (maybe even Euan @Chookes  if he realised where his PS4 was) rather than ourselves. The footsteps issue won't stop me charging through so we'll see how many games we win tonight! 😅

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53 minutes ago, techno said:





Seeing this been passed round twitter. Also see way more hate for the game this week than last, I guess it's because it's now on multiple platforms. 



It's hilarious because Activision invited a load of cheaters for their shitty online reveal event last week and they were all absolute shit when they couldn't cheat. The number 1 female COD Warzone player who gets 20 kills a game there couldn't even get 4 kills in TDM and the other night her Twitch viewer/chat bot expired so she plunged down 3500 viewers live on stream. Activision know about the cheating and Twitch know about the botting but they don't do fuck all about it. This is all brushed under the carpet despite a huge amount of cheaters under the radar and many of them are actually affiliated streamers!

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I see they are adding bots into some multiplayer modes and Warzone 2. Nothing worse than shooting recruit difficulty AI fodder. Unlike Battlefield 2042, this decision can't be based on expected lower player counts/mass lobby fills so they are probably doing it to give crap players the illusion that they can do well and go on streaks. No regard to how this will impact experienced players on a annual brand that's been mainstream for 15 years. I watched a couple of Invasion steams last night and the mode just looked so bland especially with enemies that just stood around doing nothing or posed no threat whatsoever.


This will probably play a big psychological part in Warzone 2 as Activision aims to hook players into spending money by increasing retention by convincing players they are doing well. 

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Something is way off in this game, it’s mental how many shots i put into people and they don’t die, yet i die instantly to people not even on my screen

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6 hours ago, J4MES OX4D said:

I see they are adding bots into some multiplayer modes and Warzone 2. Nothing worse than shooting recruit difficulty AI fodder. Unlike Battlefield 2042, this decision can't be based on expected lower player counts/mass lobby fills so they are probably doing it to give crap players the illusion that they can do well and go on streaks. No regard to how this will impact experienced players on a annual brand that's been mainstream for 15 years. I watched a couple of Invasion steams last night and the mode just looked so bland especially with enemies that just stood around doing nothing or posed no threat whatsoever.


This will probably play a big psychological part in Warzone 2 as Activision aims to hook players into spending money by increasing retention by convincing players they are doing well. 

Also it seems in invasion mode it doesn't show kills or deaths 🤣

I played more of the beta last night with people off fg and it was better mainly because of having alcohol, the banter, using my headset, though trying to to sound whore while playing with @LordBaguette is pretty much impossible 😁 I also had access to the dead silence field upgrade which made me feel that dead silence as a perk is absolutely necessary or they really need to quieten down footsteps instead of lying that they had. The maps lol. The weapon progression, perk system and UI is awful.

Is this game worth a purchase simply to play with others on a drink Friday night because that would be the only reason but I would still begrudge giving these development studios any of my money. How is crouch walking round Ads constantly for less than 10 kills a game fun. Tdm sucks due to being able to win with no real movements at least dom has some value as a  game mode in an the beta.

Also why do so many people defend this franchise? Why has it become so seemingly necessary to buy into this? Looking back I have only bought 1 cod game since 2017 out of my own money and the only one I was happy I got bought for me was blops 4 the last real cod , the last fun cod. 


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A few more games later and boy I had to turn it off, this is a very enjoyable game ruined by things that cannot be changed, the people that play it. It’s just become too hyper aggressive and people with nano second reactions snapping to you instantly and you die without chance to shoot back.


the SBMM (I can’t believe they even have this in a beta FFS) is waaaay to strong nowadays you are punished for even any semblance of doing well.


i can’t believe they’ve taken a franchise I would gladly spend 7+ hours playing and made it into something you are sick of playing after 1 hour.


When the game works (connection wise) it’s joyous, but sadly, with this beta, that time seems like every 2/10 games, the other 8 are all horrific and I’m up against people that kill me instantly and are seemingly CDL level opponents 


I am still buying it because I hope in my heart that it’s like MW19 and Ground War is the saviour of the game, that mode was amazing and I enjoyed it a lot in MW19, I just want them to add the damn mode to the beta like they said they would 

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I don’t know if my experience is due to SBMM or the fact it’s a beta and limited player numbers but this tweet is it



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57 minutes ago, techno said:

I played more of the beta last night with people off fg and it was better mainly because of having alcohol, the banter, using my headset, though trying to to sound whore while playing with @LordBaguette is pretty much impossible 😁


Well, we do make literally any game playable and fun because of this - and I would agree that Tom's probably going to inhibit your sound whoring for life 😅


57 minutes ago, techno said:

Tdm sucks


I'd agree with this so far. I saw something and I agree completely that I think the TTK is slightly too fast and that doesn't help TDM at all.


22 minutes ago, anticonscience said:

I don’t know if my experience is due to SBMM or the fact it’s a beta and limited player numbers but this tweet is it




Well, I'm glad that means you are enjoying a ton of it though before the SBMM?! 😅 I'm actually finding i'm doing really well with a positive KD more so every other game at the least which surprises me. I think TDM needs way more co-ordination in a team to take on the sweats already that take the top quality head glitch spots. It does feel really solid, one of the best Beta experiences I've had - and i'm not trying to defend it either ( @techno 😉), its just been a decent experience for me and it feels like it could easily keep in the game wanting to level up guns and get attachments.


The 74U Assault Rifle probably helps me make that call so far, as its unreal without any attachments at all.

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@GazzaGarratt. When you talk about the sweats taking the top quality head glitch spots, I hope your on about the infamous "Marble Desk" 😂


OMG that guy was an absolute wanker, he got me at least twice. I forgot he was still there after the first death to him! It was a good 2 minutes after I went back and wiped out 2 of his teamates, and he was still there ffs! 


The AK74u is bitching even without attachments. The gun is probably OP with attachments. 

Still confuses me that it's an Assault Rifle, I always thought it was an SMG. 


I tried the Fennec as well. It's pretty good up close, but you can't equip attachments on it either making it not very viable unless you overkill and have another gun ready. 


I really enjoyed playing some of this Beta with FG'ers, even if I got wrecked and Lee kept getting all the best plays. 

Not a fan of that Musuem map, it's still better than MW19's Picadily and Azhir Caves. 🤢

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