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Modern Warfare Beta 2


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One thing I would like to see improved is the outdoor to indoor transitioning - so many times I've gone into a building and then been killed by somebody I can't see due to the darkness. The game has this weird, almost real life effect where it takes a second or two for your character to adjust to the change of light. Trouble is, it's a nightmare especially on the likes of HQ. I'd rather there were no brightness changes and when you go inside from outside, the lighting remains consistent. 

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39 minutes ago, Plumbers Crack said:

I thought people wanted more realism, like drag effect of lifting  a heavier gun etc...surely if the effect is almost real life that’s a good thing?

I like the realism but the light transitioning as well as all the other post-processing effects are very OTT and impact the gameplay negatively for me. Some aspects they just need to tone down as they are too cinematic. A lot of devs make mistakes in this department i.e POV lens flares.  If they want to go all out and implement things like transitioning adjustments then they at least have to ensure the light sourcing is correct and in a lot of rooms, this isn't the case so it just feels more cinematic than realistic. 

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So @Nutcuttlit was talking about this while we played last night and I can see that it seems to be dividing opinion, which can only be a good thing.


The bit that stuck with me is that CoD has always been arcadey. People have been saying it needed to go more simulation, similar to what Rainbow 6 has but not that far. In reality we really have the best of both worlds.


I actually think the maps look very authentic. Granted, there are a few black spots that can be dificult to pinpoint an enemy that is hiding in there but I'm defnitely feeling the map design that it works so well for different kinds of players. There wasn't a map where you were overrun by Snipers, or by dashing, in your face style shotgun tactics. Shotguns will get a buff as they aren't successful at many ranges atm. M4 and MP5 is such a good loadout its difficult to switch to anything else.


As its a Beta, I really do expect them to sort the spawns. But hey, its a PvP game. What PvP game has spawns working 100% correctly?


The feel of the play was really good imo. I honestly think that because most of us commenting here are 30+ that we aren't used to change much these days, although the irony is that we wanted CoD to change so we could play one together that is way more enjoyable than all the rest.


You have to keep persisting at this game. You could see our big parties win a ton of games together because most of you know strategies to combat all the different types of annoying CoD players that we'll be up against.


This CoD clearly is different but only for the right reasons. I'm still sold on it - and for many FG party nights too (if it lets you put more than 6 of us in a party, stupid beta).

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12 hours ago, techno said:

It won't be much different on launch, it's a beta yeah they're going redesign the cluster fuck maps  😂. Blops 3 was way better than this shit stain cod and the last fun cod imo.


BO3 was the last really good COD. Everything since then has been shit.


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The movement feels great, the shooting feels great, the sound is top notch.

I like that it's still fast but just a little more nuanced and realistic, so you have to think about how you want to run around that corner. COD needed this so badly.

There are some issues but from what I've played I think I may enjoy my first COD for years.

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@GazzaGarratt Cod has always been a twitch shooter battlefield was the more realistic I've never heard anyone want a hybrid version of either that's why the respective communities have always had the "our game is the best argument" People have actually been asking for a return back to the old style cods, the ones that made the series great, but the community won't allow that to happen as they all feel they can end up becoming pro, betas are always going to full of the sweatiest players so it may get better on release.

Personally  I also think im just not that interested in cod these days, I found myself getting bored really quickly. I will still say the for me the map design is probably the biggest issue.

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Spawn. Die. Spawn. Run a meter. Die. Spawn. Die. I had zero chance last night, it was so obvious, when people are in point blank shotgun range and manage to ads and kill me withvan assault rifle before I can even raise my shotgun, the game is fucked.


Cod has always been a case of he-who-is-host-wins but it was just too much last night. I had literally zero chance. Fuck that.


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Played for a hit today, not sure what it is but the game feels much better in this second beta than last week. Movement crisper and just all round smoother experience. Seemed to be less campers too [emoji23]

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Played a few of Ground War matches - 4 out of 5 crashed and the performance was sub 40fps most of the time. Easily one of the worst experiences I have had in a MP game. The map is woefully designed and the action is just a clusterfuck of a mess. 16v16 may be tolerable to some extent but 32v32 is a horrible experience so I dread to think what 50v50 will be like. 


This doesn't come close to emulating Conquest on Battlefield. That franchise may have gone to shit but DICE know how to develop a map on that game and how to get action flowing without it becoming a mess. Feels like Infinity Ward have just made a larger map, planted a few capture points and hope for the best.  There's people crouch walking and camping in their own spawn and most of the time you can just plant yourself on a darkened wall and tear people apart. 


So that's NVG mode, 2v2 and Ground War I wont be participating in by the look of things. Just hope the 6v6 options aren't too thin on the ground.

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I had fun in 32 v 32 and it ran like a champ on my ps4, oddly enough.  


A few lag spots here and there, but I  think it’s great they’re trying to branch out.  It was a clusterfuck and definitely won’t be for everyone, that’s for sure. It’s definitely hectic. 


I found the sniper shotgun combo effective or running a hybrid sight in my ar and using semi auto for long range worked well. 


The vehicles are a little clunky control wise, I haven’t got to try a helicopter yet to see how it works. 


Spawns aren’t all that much different from BF, you can spawn on a teammate and you may get immediately melted so that’s on you. You can also spawn at “owned” flags. 


As as far as the rest of the game, I’m still enjoying myself. Definitely looking forward to seeing some new maps, guns and shit like that. Partying up with friends again has been nice. Games running really well, love the ttk and the powerful feel on the weapons and explosives. 


I’m glad they’re taking some risks with these new game modes and trying to make cod have something for everyone. Hopefully they don’t spread themselves to thin and end up pleasing no one. The gaming community is awfully fickle after all. 


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4 hours ago, techno said:

@GazzaGarratt Cod has always been a twitch shooter battlefield was the more realistic I've never heard anyone want a hybrid version of either that's why the respective communities have always had the "our game is the best argument" People have actually been asking for a return back to the old style cods, the ones that made the series great, but the community won't allow that to happen as they all feel they can end up becoming pro, betas are always going to full of the sweatiest players so it may get better on release.

Personally  I also think im just not that interested in cod these days, I found myself getting bored really quickly. I will still say the for me the map design is probably the biggest issue.


You hit 2 points here Gaz. The people that want the old days will never be happy. They've remade games and after a nostalgia run, they would be bored shitless. That runs into your second point. Sometimes games just run out of life for people.


I felt that last night out of a few peeps. They could see the good bits, but for them they feel like they wont get those gaming moments back. That's fine if they feel that way, but I think they need to give it a chance and make new lolz and new memories.


3 hours ago, Diddums said:

Spawn. Die. Spawn. Run a meter. Die. Spawn. Die. I had zero chance last night, it was so obvious, when people are in point blank shotgun range and manage to ads and kill me withvan assault rifle before I can even raise my shotgun, the game is fucked.


Cod has always been a case of he-who-is-host-wins but it was just too much last night. I had literally zero chance. Fuck that.


You gave up after one game Didds but I'll let you off as you said you felt ill. Equally though that means I'll ignore your comments as Shotguns right now are in a bad place so that won't help you. Like @phil bottle said earlier you can still run around but just with a little more awareness than usual so maybe it's short bursts and then holding a section down.


You can't deny we'll have tons of fun with this.

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PC open beta is active and I've played a few games just now. If you link you COD account with your PS4/Xbox and Battlenet, you can continue with your stats which is good. 


PC version so far seems solid - 120fps maxed out smooth as butter, looks incredible and it feels amazing with a mouse and keyboard. Dark areas don't seem as prominent either so I'm wondering if its like that on console because the rendering is slower and it's a good way to cover shit up. Great ultrawide support for me too😎

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Gotten maybe 10 games of groundwar in and so far here’s my thoughts: 


1. Snipers. Snipers everywhere. Windows, rooftops, back of spawn and on the cliffs. They are everywhere, you only need a few competent counter snipers to deal with them though.


2. What in the fuck, where the fuck, who the fuck? My exact thoughts whenever I ran into the open, you will almost always run into a bunch of dudes as soon as you leave a bulding. Going for any of the flags mid-map ends with you dying unless you’re the 10th guy to walk around the corner or through the door. And it’s impossible to tell who shot you or from where as there’s just too many options.


3. Vehicles. Getting from point a to point b the atv is fine, same with the littlebird, hell if you wanna punish some fuckers with a sniper from a hard to reach spot, jump in the littlebird and fly right up there. The apc/tank is a fucking pain in the ass. Aside from grenading one that just blew up a friendly tank I don’t think I managed much against these things. Tank v tank or run the fuck away, you aren’t winning that fight.


4. Remember that one spot in a rock on mw2? It’s back. If you go up on the cliffs and get to the rather bendy bit to either go uphill or downhill to the cliffs? In that bend there’s a rock you can lie down in and shoot out of without being seen. Grenades and tankshells will still kill you though. I had 1 dude do it to me and did it to 2 dudes myself as I was completely pinned down. Will try to get some footage of it later today or tomorrow so you guys know about it and are aware of it.

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Just had another session and it was better than the first. The gunplay, ttk, the way the game looks the modern setting all fine, great infact but the maps spoil it just like in cod ghosts. CoD is an arcade shooter, I don't want to play rainbow six cod or battlefield cod I just want to run around have fun, fun solo and maybe more fun in a group. Apart from Dom the gamemodes in the beta aren't ones I'd normally choose so hopefully kill confirmed will be in the game. The players need to be more distinguishable, I've never shot at my own team so much. They were close they really were but why and how and why these maps, maybe at launch there will be some better ones because there seems to be only 1 map in the beta that I've had any semblance of enjoyment on.

I also wonder about how the cod name may bias our opinion good or bad. 

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6 hours ago, Diddums said:

Spawn. Die. Spawn. Run a meter. Die. Spawn. Die. I had zero chance last night, it was so obvious, when people are in point blank shotgun range and manage to ads and kill me withvan assault rifle before I can even raise my shotgun, the game is fucked.


Cod has always been a case of he-who-is-host-wins but it was just too much last night. I had literally zero chance. Fuck that.

You know it’s running on dedicated servers right 

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I downloaded the beta to try ot out. Same shit different wrapping. Campers, quickscoping, poor bullet detection, crappy maps. 

Can't think of one thing I liked about it, well maybe the gun sound. 

I will not buy Camp of Duty. 

On the positive side, I will save 60 bucks 😄




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19 hours ago, Dan94 said:

Played for a hit today, not sure what it is but the game feels much better in this second beta than last week. Movement crisper and just all round smoother experience. Seemed to be less campers too emoji23.png

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I'd love to know which game you're playing as that's the complete opposite to how it was for me.


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6 minutes ago, MrBiron said:


I'd love to know which game you're playing as that's the complete opposite to how it was for me.


Dan isn't on his own you know. This game seems to have divided opinions for once and that's great. The pace clearly wont suit some people which I think is the main issue here. Some like it fast and ultimate twitch focused, others don't.


Not gonna lie though, how you cant feel that it feels smooth I'll never know.


6 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

I downloaded the beta to try ot out. Same shit different wrapping. Campers, quickscoping, poor bullet detection, crappy maps. 

Can't think of one thing I liked about it, well maybe the gun sound. 

I will not buy Camp of Duty. 

On the positive side, I will save 60 bucks 😄


Yeah, I personally think you're done on CoD. Plus, every game PvP game along the way gets campers and I didnt notice that many. Granted, the Ground War will obviously have more but that's because its Ground War!


I can't think of many PvP games out there that are miles better than this right now. So if this is shit, I ain't got a clue what those people are gonna play for an FPS PvP shooter? I imagine sticking to different styles games such as Rainbow 6 and Overwatch.

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23 minutes ago, GazzaGarratt said:


 The pace clearly wont suit some people which I think is the main issue here. Some like it fast and ultimate twitch focused, others don't.


Not gonna lie though, how you cant feel that it feels smooth I'll never know.





I like a fast paced COD. 


And I was referring to him saying it feels better than the first week. The second week felt exactly the same to me. Nothing has changed.


My issue with this game are the awful spawns and the constant UAV spam. Maybe the UAV spam won't be an issue once Ghost is unlocked.


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As it's a beta, I hope they get plenty of data, so they can get a better balance on launch.

The killstreaks, weapon balance, spawns etc all need looking at. Its COD, what's new.

Ground War is not comparable to Battlefield in any shape or form, so I hope they have another look at it. Maybe turn the killstreaks off.

I also hope they have a good anti cheat, because the attempts to hack this will be legendary. And hackers ruin COD.

For me, theres no shooter anywhere as good as a game like Tarkov for a slow paced, thoughtful and realistic experience but for the other side of the coin, more fast paced fun, less sim, COD will be my go-to.... until they fix the Battlefield series.

As a game, I'm looking forward to it. There are far more positives than negatives for me.

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4 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:





Yeah, I personally think you're done on CoD. Plus, every game PvP game along the way gets campers and I didnt notice that many. Granted, the Ground War will obviously have more but that's because its Ground War!


I can't think of many PvP games out there that are miles better than this right now. So if this is shit, I ain't got a clue what those people are gonna play for an FPS PvP shooter? I imagine sticking to different styles games such as Rainbow 6 and Overwatch.

I guess we just have to stay away from fps pvp shooters. 

Maybe I'm just too old for this shit, but it's no point when the overall feeling while playing is rage. 

I might give it another try tonight though but I think my biggest gripe is the community. 





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