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5 hours ago, GazzaGarratt said:

I think the links arent well explained imo. Essentially, this season allows you to do activities to get specific loot from each obelisk. 2 ways to do it - 1, do timelost bounties for said specific weapon (bought from each obelisk) or 2, link the obelisk you want a weapon from. I'm not sure if it gives you all timelost weapons too or if it's what you've unlocked/obtained already.


I think they wanted to see what people would do and how they would go for the weapons available.

So really no point in activating obelisks then, as it's easier to do the bounties. Thought it  might be more to them. 

Still unsure what happens if you reset the obelisks though. 

Annoying if it means you have to do them all over again. 




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Honestly Brede, The Sundial bit confuses me. Haven't took much time to figure it out as I like the Obelisk bounties better.

6 hours ago, Riff Machine said:

I didn’t get anarchy.  I got a threat level.  🤘

Ah my bad...but still awesome 😎 Sorry Kempy 😂😂


Clive, @Teenwolf25  do you think we can try a CoS end boss fight on Thursday?

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Honestly Brede, The Sundial bit confuses me. Haven't took much time to figure it out as I like the Obelisk bounties better.
Ah my bad...but still awesome [emoji41] Sorry Kempy [emoji23][emoji23]
Clive, [mention=1763]Teenwolf25 [/mention] do you think we can try a CoS end boss fight on Thursday?

Yes mate, get it planned and we’ll run it.

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11 hours ago, NCA-Paendrag said:

So really no point in activating obelisks then, as it's easier to do the bounties. Thought it  might be more to them. 

Still unsure what happens if you reset the obelisks though. 

Annoying if it means you have to do them all over again. 

Actually if you've upgraded the obelisks enough you get more than 1 weapon, im droppin 3 per run. Also if you reset links it just means you can link a different obelisk to obtain a choice of those weapons after running sundial. I've also got 2 obelisks linked now so I get to pick 3 weapons out of the 4, I think kempy said he gets 4 picks per run so it must depend on how upgraded each one is. 

It is a bit confusing and while up until this past weekend I was just doing bounties. Also you don't spend fractaline on bounties running sundial and there's 100 for completing 3 runs per week per character.

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Good run on Thursday night to get to the boss phase of Crown of Sorrow raid @GazzaGarratt @Teenwolf25  @Kemp210  @reaper-2201  @Capn_Underpants  @Riff Machine . Definitely feels alot smoother understanding the parts now. Although I do know we're at the tricky bit of it all with the boss fight. I'll try be around later tonight to give it an attempt. May look up a video.


Just a thought for all FGers, do we need to do that Legend Sundial together? Haven't attempted it yet and didn't know if it was easier with teammates rather than randoms?

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Good weekend overall for raids etc. We managed to run Ajay through SOTP 3times yesterday and 1phased Riven with swords. 
The main challenge was getting people to defeat the mean fucker Ghalran, after a few wipes and a few mishaps we managed to pull together and finally do it as a complete FG Fireteam. 
Myself and Ghost town worked together well, Rob and Chad also but the main hats off goes to Leigh for managing to keep Kempy alive long enough to finally complete the Raid. 😂😂

congrats on your first completion guys. 
Next runs will be a lot faster and easier now👍🍻👌🏻
our new weekly reset runs will now more than likely be 3x SOTP, 3xDungeon and 3xCOS and 3x Rivens for keys 😂😂

And to top it off I finally got my Randys scout rifle that I’ll never use 👍

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10 hours ago, Teenwolf25 said:

Good weekend overall for raids etc. We managed to run Ajay through SOTP 3times yesterday and 1phased Riven with swords. 
The main challenge was getting people to defeat the mean fucker Ghalran, after a few wipes and a few mishaps we managed to pull together and finally do it as a complete FG Fireteam. 
Myself and Ghost town worked together well, Rob and Chad also but the main hats off goes to Leigh for managing to keep Kempy alive long enough to finally complete the Raid. 😂😂

congrats on your first completion guys. 
Next runs will be a lot faster and easier now👍🍻👌🏻
our new weekly reset runs will now more than likely be 3x SOTP, 3xDungeon and 3xCOS and 3x Rivens for keys 😂😂

And to top it off I finally got my Randys scout rifle that I’ll never use 👍

What a raid clearance that was! Honestly, beating Gahlran on Crown of Sorrows is right up there with the best raid nights. Fuck me, its so much to remember and you have so much more responsibility on yourself as there 3 groups of 2 so it massively matters to keep each other alive. We 3 phased it just before he enraged. We wiped many MANY times but honestly I am so glad everyone kept their patience with each other and kept at it. We didn't give up.


My hands were literally cupping water after we finished I was sweating that much. And my daughter randomly tried to pull me off it just at the critical moment too.


GGFG everyone. @Riff Machine  @Teenwolf25  @reaper-2201  @Kemp210  @Ghost_town_535


Next time I think for this one, i'd suggest taking one new person at a time to nail this sucker.

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Had a great day with everyone on Destiny yesterday. A ton of power levelling through Iron Banner and Crucible bounties. Suros Regime catalyst nearly done too.


Really glad we've managed to get a few dungeon runs in with people (cheers @AceBoogie239  and Forty) and then an FG raid at the end of the night topped it off. Scourge with 5 of us through each phase until the end was fun and challenging to say the least. The change to Inzanagi's makes it a little longer and you have to be more consistent in your shots with Whisper of the Worm sniper but definitely still a fun raid, if you can nail the CAP movement! Justin @FallenDark200  and Forty got the Anarchy on their first run for their rewards! Ryan @ImRyzxn  didn't get the look unfortunately.


Thanks for the runs @reaper-2201  @ImRyzxn  @FallenDark200  @Teenwolf25  @Forty_N_Two


Will look to get some more runs on the Calendar everyone.

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  • GazzaGarratt changed the title to Forever Gaming - Destiny Clan Updates

We've finally got back in the groove again with raids 2 or 3 Scourge of the Past runs were done - no anarchy for Chad @Riff Machine  or Ajay. Very slick now so i'd say its one of those raids to definitely try out once anyone wants to. A Last Wish riven boss phase and heart run got done earlier in the week too. I think its been far too long to run this raid as its a bloody good one, albeit slightly longer than expected.


PvP wise, wrecking the comp with Chad and Forty. You see Chad, you spent all this time shouting donkeydick at Crucible and actually when you're put into the fire, you aced it 😎 I managed to get my Mountaintop last night, keeps my triumph score ahead of Clive @Teenwolf25 , just to make him feel he still has some form of competition 😎


Heroic Menagerie is now on the menu too everyone - great to help Clive get his Shadow seal. Maybe we can help a few people get some triumphs done on there if anyone needs them?


Whilst the main seasonal stuff has died down, we should use this time to practice raids when we can. Shout up if theres specific ones we want to try. I'm sure Justin @FallenDark200  can help our sorry asses learn it if Renegade Raider, Clive isn't about 👍

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If anyone in FG wants THE challenge then its Niobe Labs for you! Pleased to report @Teenwolf25  and @FallenDark200  took my sorry ass through it and we finally nailed it after 4 or 5 attempts.


With 7 rounds of complex combinations of shooting certain symbols in different places, waves of enemies and bombs to disarm, it was super intense, especially with how quick you have to shoot the symbols.


For a 10 minute activity, we kept on failing at the end part, mainly we believe down to the symbols not activating (mainly the fish one on the floor), and then followed by Clive getting kicked out of the party by PSN and Justin on the next run sent to orbit. When it felt like it wasnt our night, we managed to get the job done on level 7 - a great challenge done for the exotic ghost shell and a pretty sweet emblem. Not all challenges need amazing loot, although they do look sweet.


Forty ran it after I got off too so 4 of us now have it done - if anyone else wants to try it be sure to say here.


I'll try and get a guide up and potentially the video of our views at each section.



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I certainly didn't expect to see a weekend full of raids but here we are! It was great to see so many people get involved on some raids as an FG crew. I think there must've been around 7-10 raid completions take place, something that also helps towards the Moments of Triumphs Seal and rewards.


I finally finished my first Spire of Stars and i think others popped their cherry too on the same run @Teenwolf25  @FallenDark200  @Riff Machine  @Forty6_N_two  @reaper-2201 . It was such a smooth run on a challenging raid boss, one of the best raids in the game in fact, so it was well worth trying it before it gets vaulted in September. If we can rotate one person in each time, more people can start to learn the mechanics and get confident at doing multiple runs for everyone.


We then completed a Last Wish boss and Heart run. Chad absolutely hit gold when he dropped One Thousand Voices and subsequently went mental to the point we were worried for Sarah's @Rumelylady  sanity 😂 Nick @Bluebear  also dropped 1K which I totally weren't envious about... 😤 Also, after a few more clears of Scourge of the Past raid to get some much needed Triumphs and no luck for Chad getting Anarchy, he ran it again after Last Wish and dropped it! Waiting that long for one raid exotic to drop and you get two at once BOSH. Great to hear Troy @wh1skeyactual  and Ryan (GhostProteus) in on the act with some Scourge clears - did you guys get anything? Oh, and I heard @Kemp210  was on awesome Guardian Down form proving his point why he is one of the winners of Guardian Down FG Award in days gone by in another Spire of Stars clear. His jumping skills really showing below.



GG's everyone, lets try and get more in this week and one for Thursday's Raid night. I'm also thinking of putting up a whole day events for doing Dungeons and special missions, where we can all help each other. I think they would go down really well and help everyone meet up again. Shout up any views or desires below!

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Can't believe we've finally completed a Prestige Leviathan! Intense last boss which you have to have patience for to get the rhythm down on what you have to because of the constant teleporting but so so sweet and wortrh it when you nail him in the end! 4 of us finally compleetd the Quest for the Acrius Shotgun and Justin and myself even got the Acrius catalyst to drop. Theres masses of top loot with high Armour scores so well worth doing if any others are on the fence about it.


I'll get a video up shortly although 4 of you guys need to sort your voice sharing out on PS4! Absolute top effort @Riff Machine  @FallenDark200  @GhostProteus @reaper-2201  @Teenwolf25 , especially with Ryan (Ghost) being a new FGer and absolutley nailing it!


This was also after the same crew with @Forty6_N_two  minus myself, nailed Crown of Sorrow Raid just before Forty had to get to work so such a good job. If we can keep getting some raid teams together to get the newer raids down too, more people can get on and learn the newer raids aswell Prestige runs.


GGFG all!



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Saturday was a decent few runs, especially getting new guy Carl @TurboR56Mini  through a Leviathan for his Emperor Seals and then completing a Last Wish full run too - something we haven't done for a while and i think it showed! 😂 I'm super glad people had lots of patience though. Its the longest raid in the whole of the game and its obviously completed far less than others. I for one, want to keep going at it and get better at the raid itself as its the only way get better and quicker at each phase. Its great helping others get some completions done and we should continue to do so, always where possible.


Thoughts for what bits didn't go to plan:


  1. 1st phase - we hadn't done it in ages and it was a slightly diff strategy to what we've done in the past
  2. 2nd phase - we seemed to struggle the phone keypad more than i would've expected - but were far too loud as a team and too hectic at times
  3. heart run - not enough practice. Like at all! 😂

Thanks for sticking with it though everyone and i'm really hoping everyone is enjoying doing more raids than we've done in ages. I love the fact we have variety in it too. Far better than just doing Crota every few days back in D1. GGFG all @Forty6_N_two  @FallenDark200  @Teenwolf25  @TurboR56Mini  @Riff Machine  @reaper-2201

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I'm down to do whatever whenever I need to do more raids myself just to get into that six man habit of working as a good solid group I think we have that started and we are chipping away at making it great guys!👌🙌

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A great raid last night people. Great to see Bob finally get in on the act with Charlie in the same squad too! We took a few extra attempts that we may have hoped for on the first section of Crown of Sorrow, however the entire itself was only 1 hour 20 minutes (my fastest full Crown clear) and I thought comms was so on point with everyone playing their part. Ryan was a great help on my side with the final boss phase as we know it can be very hectic at times.


GGs everyone @FallenDark200  @Baabcat  @Venom  @ImRyzxn  @Bluebear


Seemed to pump everyone up to do some more! Keep checking the events Calendar as it looks like a number of raids have gone up. Would be great to see people continue to use it where we can. Its only a few clicks to RSVP and there's starting to be a large number of us capable of raiding and holding down specific roles, which is ace to see.


32 days until Beyond Light so lets get those previous raids going whilst we still can everyone!

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Right, its been a while in the FG Destiny clan thread so lets rev it back up again!


I actually think lots has been happening and its been great to see so many of us be so active, especially in the Deep Stone Crypt raid. The DSC raid was probably the best thing to happen for us all since D1 as the raid is such a fun raid to complete and allows more of us to get used to how the mechanics work as it isn't the most complicated to learn either. Many thanks to La @RenFengge  and Bob @Baabcat  for setting lots of sessions and opportunity for us all to get some key objectives completed.


Charlie @Venom  coming more into the fold and helping out set up some goals and objective monitoring so we don't miss out on stuff has been amazeballs too. I really think this was a great time to get back into the game with out any FOMO or worry about grinding, since it is basically been completely watered down now.


I think it would be ideal to start looking at the other raids now alongside keeping DSC runs going, as well as looking at a few other activities that Bob has noticed - especially GMs if people have had the time to rack up extra season levels which gives you extra power but also i'd like to see who wants/needs to look at Dungeons and the connected triumps, weapons, armour thats connected to all of these.


Btw, i'm not expecting huge hours and this game only to be played by everyone. In fact, I think i only get a few times on it each week at max, especiallyas the season goes on and thats absolutely fine in my book. I'm definitely enjoying chilling in it more for the love of just doing a few bits and bobs as it keeps it fresh and lots of stuff to do. I'm gearing up for next season too, thats in a few weeks which i'm hoping i'll then get more time back on it, with more new stuff to play and also the reintroduction of Vault of Glass with its own updates. Looking forward to grabbing the Kabr Titan Armour again, one of the best sets in the whole game!


If people have somethoughts on more stuff, sound off below and we can see what we can all do together. I know some of the new ones definitely could do with a helping hand 👍

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Regarding D2, I would like to get some of shy lurkers out and into the fun. DSC is great because it's not crazy difficult, and even if there is someone who just plays solo all the time and isn't sure how they would fair in the raid, DSC is a great way for them to get their feet wet and hang out with others in our group.


I would like to keep DSC going as a great intro into raids. Maybe if some others would like to take a stab at leading a team, that would be good too (not me. I just organize things, and you're lucky if I pay attention long enough to do things well).


It's also been noticeable that I haven't spent much, if any, time in the D2 world this season. Just going through ebbs and flows. Have a few things I'm pre-occupied with.


Maybe on the smaller team things, we may want to consider designating a weekly time and day for it. Like Nightfalls and GM Nightfalls. Sometimes, @TurboR56Mini  and I would hop on and hope to do some harder Nightfalls, and no one would be around. We have a nice cadence for Raids, maybe we should add 1 night per week to run Nightfalls? Just thinking out loud.


Not a huge fan of scheduling every event out, but having a dependable time to do something may help others just jump into playing group activities. because things like Gambit are really wretched when you try doing it on your own... and it's vastly different when you can communicate with your whole team. Same for Crucible... and especially Trials.

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