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[SPOILERS] Destiny 2 Beta


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So, I'm enjoying this so far - However, I think I had a arcstrider cancelled out my Sentinel super as soon as I popped it and then killed me afterwards. Not sure if glitch. If it isn't that's a bitch of a super.

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Countdown is amazeballs. I even doubted 4v4 competitive wasn't sounding the way to go but this absolutely opens up PvP to a new dimension. My favourite game mode as well - Search and Destroy. It is such good fun.


Titan's also have the Titan exclusive exotic Minigun 'Sweet Business'. Great gun, top precision with it and one of my favourite guns. Also, if people were worried about Hand Cannons not packing a punch, they still do. You still have to be decent to shoot one though and it isn't full of them currently which is nice to see.

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Liked the look of the game, and so far 4v4 PvP isn't too bad but if maps get bigger it may be a problem. Played titan and hunter, enjoyed titan subclasses and powers but the hunter not so much comparing the wall of the titan to the hunter getting one shadestep also golden gun gets six shots but is 2 shot kill what's the point?

Hunter got an exotic hand cannon with explosive rounds where titan got that mini gun.

Really wish there was a little more to the beta though.

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I main a Titan so these are my thoughts on them:


Shotguns as heavies. WTF. This pissed me off immensely at first but I think it'll work out. 


Shoulder charge now has a cooldown and is no longer a OHK. That's a massive problem for me.


The little shield thingy as a Striker is ace, really throws off enemy teams.


The new competitive 4v4 is fantastic, and a million miles better than that shitty Trials. Needs supers removed though, whichever team has their supers first wins that round and that's the end of it.


The strike seems decent enough, we aced it in one go but some other teams took a few goes. The difficulty is much higher than D1 but then we're still rolling in noob gear so when we've got loads of fancy stuff it might be a different story.


Overall I'm enjoying it so far and am looking forward to the launch. It's just different enough from D1 to be called a new game rather than an xpac which was a huge factor for me.


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Played through the first story mission and a few games of pvp. 



The game looks amazing and sounds even better. 


Weapoms all feel different. I love that. Plus the sound each make is nice. 


I like the skill tree. Simpler. No bullshit to max armor/agility/recovery. 


The 4v4 in crucible really works. Only played the control but it felt good. 


In the first mission alone there were more cut scenes than vanilla 




The jumps are way to slow. You feel sluggish in the air. And can't use a jump to get out of trouble any more. 


I dont one like the heavy/energy shit. I liked the old way better. 


It takes for ever to gain your super in pvp. 


My my biggest gripe is NO FUCKING NIGHTSTALKER.  Not yet at least. 


That's all for now 

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So if you go back to the start in the Strike after a certain amount, you can find new portals that have triggered.


They fire you across to other sections that have another one where enemies spawn. It has the same feel like a warp race when they had them in Patrols on the Dreadnought.


The one on the strike though has a Lost Sector symbol so may be linked to these new events.

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I really enjoyed the multiplayer. 4 v 4 worked really well, at least with this map. We shall see how it goes with the other after launch,but I'm optimistic.

Via the FG App


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Played Strike with a couple of randoms who spent half the time dancing in front of each other. Enjoyable mode though, think I may prefer coop missions to PVP.


The graphics are a bit too busy, trying too hard to make the game look flashy.


Shooting mechanics are decent.


Agree with Chris regarding the boost jumps, very sluggish.


I like to explore maps for hidden stuff to collect, no sign of that in this game but I can't stop myself searching.


I'll give PVP ago tomorrow if I see anyone about[emoji5]


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Played a bit as both warlock and hunter, and will probably try Titan if I get time.


Enjoyable, same slick gun play. Quite liked the pole dancer hunter, although seemed very much bladedance with a pole so not a massive change . Warlock jump seemed a bit better ( I have a theory that D1 warlocks got self res because bungee realised the jump would kill them so often)


Running and jumping seem slow to me, this is probably a cunning Destiny ploy, slow the game down = content takes longer = more content (not)


Game seems a bit dumbed down to me. I did notice weapons still have some customisation, and armour looks like it will, but the inability to fiddle around with subclasses is a bit meh, 


I didn't think I would like the new weapon system, but actually quite did, nice to have two primaries effectively. Although sidearm in crucible is my weapon with most kills I think. Like the new game mode, although maybe a bit more time and a bomb countdown would help, seemed just a bit too manic. And too many rounds, if you are going  to copy a classic, just copy it!


new strike, ugh. Never been a great fan of strikes , especially bullet sponge bosses, first strike we see, bug bullet sponge boss . 


Oh and the whole loss of the Tower, clearly Zavalas fault. Titan pops bubble, but doesn't then dance, WTF, noob.





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16 minutes ago, Baabcat said:


Oh and the whole loss of the Tower, clearly Zavalas fault. Titan pops bubble, but doesn't then dance, WTF, noob.


And, just for today Bob, you have won the entire Internet! :lol::lol::lol:


Thanks to Capn_Underpants for the artwork

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Graphics and sound are great. Gun play is also superb.

I enjoyed the strike. Even though I got disconnected 4 fucking times :angry:

Really don't understand the logic of having snipers and shotguns as heavies. Maybe it makes sense in PvP but it doesn't in PvE.

Also, can't even be bothered with PvP. Saw some videos and it looks just like the first game. Plus I can't stand games where I need to put 60 bullets into somebody to kill them.


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21 minutes ago, MrBiron said:

Graphics and sound are great. Gun play is also superb.

I enjoyed the strike. Even though I got disconnected 4 fucking times :angry:

Really don't understand the logic of having snipers and shotguns as heavies. Maybe it makes sense in PvP but it doesn't in PvE.

Also, can't even be bothered with PvP. Saw some videos and it looks just like the first game. Plus I can't stand games where I need to put 60 bullets into somebody to kill them.


PvP feels completely different and ALL for the better. The only thing that is shit so far is we can't party up with 6 peeps. That's not a slight on the game modes though, they are really do work with 4v4.


Also, I geniunely think you'll see lots of guns not even used now in the last slot because they've grouped them together. Sounds obvious but when playing you don't get much ammo and in PvP you still lose Heavy when killed which is ridiculous. You might as well find 2 great primary guns and practice those. They'll need to consider other guns finding their way back into the energy slot personally.


@Baabcat sounds like you're not impressed overall? Didn't expect that tbh, maybe because I feel the exact opposite.

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1 hour ago, Baabcat said:

Lee, slightly unimpressed in that ' fully expect to put thousands of hours into this game' kinda way


Just the bullet sponge boss was a disappointment is all. My comments on countdown don't outweigh my joy on having SnD in D2


Oh god! We're going to have Lee going off with GGFGSnDD2 :lol: 


I didn't make it on last night to try the strike but hopefully tonight I will.  It's a shame to hear that they're sticking with bullet sponge boss' but on the other hand I can't think of a different way for them to do it.


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