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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. 1 million percent this dude, totally agreeing with all of that! At the end of the day all of the additional stuff we do is for fun and cant ever feel like work. Yes, how I tackle quite few bits in FG is similar ways to my work mentality but if I can see a few people that are happy with it in the end then its worth it. FG has always been skewed in terms of effort in to how much benefit you get out of it...I think that's why we're unique cos some of us love just making one person happy for all the fancy fluff 😄 I think when we're in the moment of loving games and in that sweet spot many love that we get the extra stuff...but equally I know they'd rather not do it too! 🤣 I think we'll see what easy things I can come up with then and how easy/quick it is to create and share things which always add to our gaming sessions. I'd be lying if I wasn't proud that if I had a great night I could go back and see my name and stats in the team all shiny and shit - its kinda those moments that make us remember those games and laughs. One thing you've said to me before is some of our mini moments are great and we should share on things like TikTok...so definitely gonna give that a whirl for us! Cheers for responding so quickly Jordie ❤
  2. I know when its written in black and white in can always sound stronger than it is so don't get me wrong, happy to crack on and continue! But to keep it fresh we should definitely ramp up some ideas to start in the future. We can do at the same time surely. I want to get into a place where a quick match report and pre-buzz can go out to everyone as sometimes when you can't play its still great to get insight to what went on and what lolz we had. Using social media to push it out, etc. But clearly its another ask for help from my side. We all love it when its all happening but one person can't do it on their own for a sustained period of time. I'd also say we need to really remember not to get too sweaty on the game too. Always a fine balance but we need to encourage everyone playing regardless of skill as that's why we're getting enjoyment out of it to see everyone progress.
  3. Maybe this is a good thing. We've been saying for ages we need to get away from yearly purchases for very little gain between games.
  4. So at the moment, kit 3 has one more vote than kit 1 so looking to pick this up again. What do we all think about having a kit bought in bulk if we can create the one that wins? Do we think that we want to change the kit into something different or even into different colours e.g. switch the main colours around so it looks like an Away kit perhaps, etc? Respond if you think you'd want to get one so its worthwhile me taking the next step and push it out for other FGers that may want a fun FGFC football styled top even they don't play FIFA.
  5. Stop you say?! Now?! But whyyyyyyeeeee? This doesn't mean to stop fully nor am I suggesting ad-hoc FIFA carries on whenever you guys wanna play. My thoughts are that we've managed to keep Monday Night Football going for at least 7-9 months now with massive success at getting many FGers involved with everyone, including @jordie1892 's great idea of having a mini tournament in honor of the Euros this year. I'd hate for it to get stale in any way and considering some of us will be going on holiday in August as most people do, alongside the upgrading and updates we've got to do on FG across the next 4 weeks. So, with all that being said a few questions. Shall we have formal extended break from Monday Night Football over August (not stopping any ad-hoc events or catch up we all wanna do)? And what stuff shall we do to make us come back and really enjoy it next time round? On the second question, a few things i can start with is we should remember to keep having the fun regardles of what Division we're in. The best moments have come from huge cock-ups or when we're already having a laugh. We can't lose that. I'm also thinking if we prep beforehand we could do alot more, for instance creating a mock up of a teamsheet like @Lurch tried once before and we can make better use of time for capturing stats, etc. Obviously you could request we start again but which i'm on the fence about cos i'm not sure that adds anything if people play in more than one Pro Clubs team in FIFA. So, over to you! Really want to keep the interest going and keeping everything exciting and fun so we're all looking forward to Monday's (or even Super Sundays too). Cheers all. P.S. If you haven't seen the Achievements topic in Site Info recently, I also intend to add some medals/badges we can all earn by playing FIFA with FGFC moving forward too 😄
  6. Kinetic air battles? @Lurch one for you that is and your tall builds. Looking online it seems to have a few extra bits: New explosive sprint feature - high risk and reward when it comes to shooting if mistimed new attacking tactics - for when you enter the attacking half 4 new skill moves this year: the scoop turn fake the four touch skill (important for when you're on the sideline) the skilled bridge the first time spin c. 90% First time skill moves can be used to control the ball More stats Goalkeeper refresh - possibly harder to score goals No new news on game modes I can find so far.
  7. Okay. Well, breaking the annual mould of releases is what we all wanted i'm sure, but I didn't expect it to go this far. I'm not sure how to feel at the moment considering PES has given me so many great moments when I was a kid. Free 2 Play, and its starting to gradually roll out content over the course of the year. Frustratingly, they need to review the game modes as they really could take the mantle off FIFA if they put a version Pro Clubs in there. I also feel like it removes any pressure off of FIFA making their product the best it can be. The game might feel completely different when we try it out but I can't deny that trailer looked a little shite if i'm honest. Roadmap is below: I suppose we can all at least try it out when it becomes available so we can fully say if it is the right path to go down or not.
  8. GazzaGarratt

    VoG run

    If it stays on Wednesday, I can make it. I'm pretty sure Nick @Bluebear can do only Weds too
  9. I really didn't think of it that way when I saw the handheld being announced. Its now making me think it could be a good investment at some point, as some PC games I would rather play on my holidays as to when i'm at home. Is 720p that much of a downgrade from 1080p on a screen that size?
  10. Accidentally read this a while back so missed it. Would be awesome to have them still whenever you get chance. I think it also helps people add abit of FG variety to their own twitch channels if they want them.
  11. Monday Night Football is back once again, so lets see if we can return to be double Div 1 champions over the next few weeks. RSVP as soon as you can so we knows who's coming. 👍
  12. I used my xbox one controller but kept it wired to the PC. Worked really well tbh, the worst part of this was having 4 frames per 30 minutes of game time 😅 Great run everyone, felt like we would've nailed it far quicker if I could sort my PC performance out! Some right giggles along the way too. First PC raid done and great to run with you on this finally, John! 😄
  13. I'm planning to jump in but just bear with me as I've not connected my controller before and as long as the kids are preoccupied we're good to go!!
  14. Happy birthday Elliott @Middle Class Caveman and George @G_dub52 !!! Hope its a cracker! 🥳❤
  15. Happy Birthday Hector! @Horrible_Hector Hope you have a great day pal 🎂💃🤘
  16. After reading what you have wrote @LordBaguette i'm hoping to really enjoy his character as he grows into different versions of himself. I know I might be the minority about the whole of the Loki series but I just couldn't get into it like any other ones. I loved looking forward to it but my feeling after every episode was "is that it?" and "i'm hoping for more next week" but it kinda of didn't come, albeit there was still moments where it shown great moments. I think Tom Huddlestone and surprisingly for me Owen Wilson with a cameo from Richard E Grant was the most enjoyable experiences from it. I didn't find 'He who remains' any way impactful like you did, just can't explain why it didn't hit me as it did you. Maybe because he just looked normal and I possibly hyped myself up to see a random MCU Villian...I suppose I did but didn't know I did! 🤣 I agree with you, Sylvie was lifeless and one dimensional. I think that's also why it probably impacted me more in a disappointing way rather than a hyped way. It also helps now that you explained what the main antagonist is all about - in these TV shows it really means you have to have some extensive knowledge on most of Marvel's history before you head into them. We said similar things with WandaVision as I missed so many references. Once you know those extra elements you've kindly shared before, I then had an extra appreciation for some of the episodes. I think if we had different topics on some backstory that would be useful to Phase 4, I think many of us folk would really appreciate these mini TV series more.
  17. @RenFengge watched The Tomorrow War two nights ago after we spoke here and I'm so glad I did. @jordie1892 nailed it when he said online that its a good, decent, traditional blockbuster movies, that most people would enjoy. Not incredible, but definitely a great watch - and Chris Pratt totally makes the film work, he's so bloody good getting these films to shine. And I agree with you that it felt like it kept going for another section, which was great!
  18. I think that isn't a bad price tbh. I mean, it could go up again when the PS5 version is out even though it should be an upgrade to what we have already....I think? Played about 3 hours but not got far as i end up doing everything and picking up everything I saw 😄 The training with the guns and being 'sneaky' took me ages to do. It felt strange so bearing in mind what you've said i'll have to give it more time. Not at Keanu yet, as it doesn't push me through the story quick enough. I might end up just pushing past some dialogue to see if the overall game feels better later on.
  19. Too right John @Tar-Eruntalion , i'm balancing many games atm so want to keep fresh on Valheim as its such a great game but I really should just hop back in cos even just going for a stroll around our world and picking up resources is very relaxing I do find. I may need an updated map soon La, so I can come and visit all the Wolves....Ihope they've all got names!! 😄
  20. lolz, well if you want seasonal medals and challenges then you can help us out creating some! That's the hope from a fun point of view - we all love to see stuff Level Up these days! Who knows...one day if we nail it right we could give away special extras based on certain criteria. Let's not get ahead of ourselves though! 😄
  21. We're alive....and free hopefully!! The last few months has been hopefully more uplifting for you all as we enter many places nearing the end of some/most social distancing rules and also with the fantastic run the English side were on throughout the whole of Euro 2020 (in 2021, still can't get over the name not changing!). We're also entering holiday season for many of us across the world too and I think it'll be good to get some fresh air and experience some of the places we haven't been able to the past 18 months. That being said, there's a few things upcoming at FG to keep an eye out for as we go under some significant changes I've wanted for many years. Achievements/Ranks/Gamerscore I've wanted some form of an FG Gamerscore for a while as an incentive to make things fun and interesting when you come back to the Home of FG, as well as having fun online in FG Games. With the next software update, we'll imminently have a new ranking system that links to points. Some might remember I tried a while back but didn't quite work as there wasn't enough resources at the time. Now, we can take advantage of some cool updates that are all integrated with the Home of FG. A sneak peak of how things will start to look are below. This is something that will help us all realise there's always been way more to FG than just a few forum posts. 'Levelling Up' with FG can actually be a real possibility which i'm super hyped for! Medals/Badges With brand new ranks and levels to chase, come Medals to earn. You could argue its similar to Triumphs on many games we play mentioning no names *Desti..cough cough*. These will be things that you can earn that will give bonus points that goes towards your overall FG Gamerscore. Some will be very basic, like opening post, creating topics, and just by visiting FG everyday but some might make you look across FG, creating interesting stuff for all to see, maybe in Videos, Quizzes, Polls, etc. Equally, I want to create Medals to earn that are a part of the joy we bring online with us all. We have some featured FG Games already and would love to expand on this over time. For example, we could have some that relate to our GT Sport league races, FIFA Monday Night Football, Destiny Raid Nights and of course, any games we play on FG Fridays. These are supposed to be cool things to chase for fun and show off between us all and the more we can make, the more exciting it will be to interact and get around all the games we play together. These will also show on your profile and I intend to have a page where you can find descriptions of Medals you can earn. Please be aware though....there will be hidden ones you'll have to find! Maybe checking other people's profiles over time will help you work out what's achievable! Push Notifications to Mobile devices This one makes me happy beyond belief. I think one thing is noticeable that many like to be nudged by a pop up on their phone if they've been tagged or quoted somewhere or maybe even if they've received a reaction. It reminds us that FG is around as it can slip people's minds sometimes as we have our normal lives to deal with. Notifications can be switched on so you'll need to accept to receive push notifications for your mobile, once live. The only restriction i've been made aware of is (as usual) is Safari on Apple devices. I mean, you should be downloading Chrome anyway these days, even on Apple devices because Safari kills souls over time. More details to follow on how to make sure you get all the notifications! Homepage link for mobile devices In conjunction with the notifications, you should get opportunity to add FG as a homepage on your phone. This will make FG look and feel exactly like an App would and far better than the Tapatalk one we had in the past. You can then also see notifications linked to it, like your apps do. I really want as many of us to take up these so you don't miss out on any FG action and it helps me not have to nag/nudge/annoy the crap out of you on other platforms! In other news..... We also have some amazing FGFGF news we can now share as some of you already know, which will highlight how important you all are to continuing to donate to the cause of making people smile and feel good. We have GT Sport Summer Season starting this week and want as many to turn up each week to enjoy the fun and learn where we can FG Fridays will be back up in advance on the Event Calendar so we can all make sure to nudge your best FGer and get them to get online where we can - the aim has to be a huge 20-30 plus lobby of all of us on the games we now have to offer (Fall Guys, Bomberman, Among Us, Battlefield 5, Wreckfest, GTA Races, CoD MW Remastered) Raids every week on Destiny for anyone that wants help and just all round general fun running more and more of them More regular Quizzes to play! There's probably more (there always is!) but i've probably worn you out with the essay as usual 😄 All i'll ask is to be patient with us over the next 4 weeks as you see things subtely changing and there may be some down time as we update many of the applications and software we have behind the scenes. It'll be all worth the wait i'm sure! Let me know what you think of the updates, and if there are any medals/badges you wanna see we could give out drop the ideas below, you never know as we have LOADS to make!! GGFG ❤️
  22. Yep, Phil is right, @Antpool84 however I have been trying out the PS4 version on the PS5. It runs smoothly, even though there are parts it has to still load. If i'm brutally honest, the story and start of the game just doesn't grip me one bit. So when the story doesn't grip you, you hope to fall back on good gameplay and solid basic features, but the gunplay I find is one of the worst i've tried in a FPS - granted, i'm spoilt by things like Halo and Overwatch for good FOS movement and shooting but still, I didn't expect it to be as poor as it was. The one thing that kept me going was the Cyberpunk world. Its absolutely gorgeous and stunning. Probably in the top 3 sandboxes I've ever seen in a game. I wanted to love it and get engrossed in it in readiness for the PS5 version but I don't think its worth it i'm afraid. Better to get a cheap second hand PS4 version from wherever you can.
  23. Shall we rename it the DLZ? Dog Lag Zone 😄
  24. GazzaGarratt

    VoG run

    I've added him to the roster for you mate.
  25. What days/evenings/afternoons work best for you? Its likely it'll be on the Calendar a few weeks in advance so as you're in America give us some days and approx timings you're most likely around and we'll make it happen.
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