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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. I really like the way this map looks. Its also slightly smaller which may also be useful, given the fact I used to spend many nights just running from one point to another.
  2. GazzaGarratt

    Nfl 2021

    Over the years i've aksed FGers to help me understand what team I should follow but as there's never much buzz here I kind of miss when everything starts until I hear Superbowl is coming around again! How is the Fantasy Football league work? Is it quite difficult to do and do you need to start it soon at all? Could've been a good thing to help people here keep some interest in this egg hand chasing game.
  3. How have people missed this?! @Antpool84 that's an insane collection dude! I think the Deathstroke ones are some I never expected to see and look fantastic.
  4. It's getting quite abit of praise from the closed Beta and there are some brief plays that look very nostalgic. Considering an Xbox now.... One thing that would help them win everyone over is the ranking system. Do we know if they are taking anything into consideration from the heydays of Halo 2?
  5. I haven't got past 5 hours yet 🤣so fair play for getting this far @Antpool84 ! I enjoy the scenery and the way the world is but I sometimes think these games need to push you down the linear main story route abit further before opening up side quests. I'll never understand that Black Flag balanced a main story with a superb side mini game, that you can also play on your mobile through the day which impacted your game when you got home to play it - and this never got replicated or evolved in any future games? We can live and hope for the future i'm sure.
  6. In some ways, just because of what Chad said above, I kinda wish Sony had let McDonalds do that controller. At least we'd have some variety in what's on offer!
    Lovely shooting....I bet you wished you didn't stun yourself half way through too @IRaMPaGe 🤣🤣😎
    Yes, Kenny! What a kill feed with War Machine too, I didn't expect that! 😎
  7. Looks ridiculously awesome that. 😍 Shame I don't like Mushrooms at all, but i'm still a fan of good looking food. Are they hard to make at all @Rumelylady @Riff Machine ?
  8. How close is this to Pay to Win? Sounds like boosts are available to get into the game quickly, which is what they want. Is there many characters to obtain? Might check it out for the Switch for a quick game when we go on hols if its free.
  9. Can't wait to see Spartak Moscow, Lech Poznan and Malmo join them.
  10. Came here to see what the reaction was post launch and realised its been delayed. Good, although i'm not sure the delay will stop anyone feeling less pissed about the game being a triple A price.
  11. Me too, but the 3rd person looks awkward for my own personal playstyle. Reminds me of Gears of War and I really couldn't get on with those games at all. @Macca89 , another Aliens game to add to the collection.
  12. I don't think we need to have a mandatory pit stop all the time but I like it as it spices it up for us all. Different strats between us whilst many of us might have mistakes along the way keeps it interesting. We just need to get better, innit 😄
  13. Hope you have a good hols bud. I'll be away the week after mate, so i'm sure a few will miss out in August.
  14. I promised you all for a special update from the FGFGF on my recent update about summer improvements to FG, so here it is! Buckle in tight for this one 😄 As most of you will hopefully know by now, La @RenFengge has come into help me a huge amount of late and she found an opportunity within lockdown to do a few extra special gifts as we had a few generous people in FG that could contribute significantly to help make a few people smile. First off, Bob @Baabcat has been here for many years and we've seen him be amazing of late, trying super hard to help many of the Destiny 2 FGers get involved and put up many raids each and every week. Its crazy to think that after nearly 7 years of Destiny, the past 6-12 months is the most active it has ever been at FG with so many complete FG raids, dungeons and Nightfalls done with each other. A large part of this was down to Bob so we duly obliged when knowing Charlie @Venom had a PS5 but his Dad didn't. After working out the logistics with Clive @Teenwolf25 , we informed Bob online how great he is and gave him a huge smile from the FGFGF with a new PS5. Secondly, Gary @techno has been a mainstay in FG for so many years and helping in areas that people really haven't seen before but he's always there to pick you up when you need it most. He always offers advice, even when you didn't realise it. It was about time this guy from 'up Norf' received something extra special, especially whilst he has to be ploughing money into huge alterations in house for his wife that has a degenerative disability. Thanks to a few more significant others, we were able to not give away one PS5, but two! (Logistical mare with how he got it but it was paid for nonetheless 😄). A shipping problem lies with our merch currently, but i've managed to test a few new design hoodies out, finally sorting the last Xmas FGFGF giveaway present to @Dan94 and for all his continued efforts with his artwork and helping me significantly with his amazing Gran Turismo Articles, @Greboth received his own personalised hoodie. Some also might not be aware but our beautiful Scottash @Nutcuttlit had a horrible scare recently when his daughter was knocked over by a car. Whilst battered and bruised she soldiered on like how her Dad can be, so we thought we would send the best current release on Metacritic, a 2 player co-op game It Takes Two. Hopefully the smiles can keep wash away the bruises over time 😄 There was a few FG mugs given out too, @Findmartin @TonyAE86 @Lurch @Antpool84 to name just a few. We're working quite hard to get some extra things to other FGers outside of the UK too. Its more of a logistical nightmare (and has been for a few years) but watch this space and we're extremely hopeful of doing further good things to keep people smiling around the world in the not too distant future. Lastly, don't get take the next part lightly. Thank You. ALL OF YOU people have shown you have the ability to keep making so many people smile and happy, especially when it hits some people's lives when they need it most. There's some of FGers out there that won't be named that are at their darkest points, and stuff like this - showing that you care for others at such a hard time for all of us - helps them realise life is worth living. Keep giving when you can to make FGers smile. GGFG all ❤️
  15. Man, that was the EXACT same clip I thought about when I posted above! Nothing beats the simple pranks like those ones 🤣🤣 And I though Bam was knocked out when he took that hit! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  16. If people are still buying it right now, then they'll keep it out there at higher prices for as long as they can. People are impatient so its unsuprising to see it being bought. I do think it'll go to its lowest value a month before the PS5 upgrade is due. I'll keep my diary free in 2031 when it comes out 😁
  17. Couldn't agree more that Gr.4 is a struggle. For me, it clearly shows the VW and Peugeot are miles ahead in that class. I think @Lurch and myself did the best we could to get some points for our Porsche team, being on the limit so much but just couldn't catch up @Mikepjbell and @JBR-Kiwi , even in a straight line with a tow. First race I felt great and super solid, just annoyed that I gave slightly too much room for a very late point for Mike to get past me, especially with just 3 or 4 quick laps left. You live and learn for next week 😄 Second race I chose to run Softs and save fuel so I didn't have to pit. It actually looked a great decision and I think I would've been in the race for 3rd if I hadn't had the most weirdest of spins on the fast straight. It was like a spin on a wet F1 race, must've touched abit of ashpalt off the racing line and it completely lost the car and into the barrier. 15 seconds lost at least but at the end I finished just less than that behind Mike. Never looked forward to getting back to Gr.3 next week as much as now! 😄 This in spades. Super to see Paul be so close to the pack after weeks of trying his hardest to get better and Nick is having an immediate impact to jump in the vacant seat at VW to team up with Kiwi. I think those tracks with our cars are a recipe for disaster as if you make one simple mistake, the Nissan and Porsche are all over the place. I thought you had Nick at the end of Suzuka though and next thing I saw was the position switched! Did you say it was the penalty that dropped you back or did you miss the chicane again?
  18. SkillUp massively approves which will only boost the game as his reviews over the past year have been on point.
  19. I suppose their issue is they have the 3 developers and I imagine at the time they decide to break the contract cycle it was always going to be messy. Lets hope we are seeing what we are talking about as they really could make more of the new MW if it was revisited alongside Warzone.
  20. The more I see these small little unique games, I start to think the same too 🙈 Nice find and share, Chad @Riff Machine
  21. I'll grab the tennis one. But yeah, 100% agree it dropped off the cliff this month 😬
  22. Lol, I think people these days must've looked at Jackals of old and thought, oh that's how I get famous and then forgot they didn't go out to anyone else other than themselves. I had a love hate relationship with Jackass of old as I don't like cringey acts which some were but within it there were some golden moments that they did, usually the ones that their mates didn't know what was going on.
  23. Good point - and they'd be more the types of games I'd play on a hand held. Stop tempting me Phil!! 😄
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