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Everything posted by GazzaGarratt

  1. Something closer to all you rock lovers. Mallory Know became one of my favourite bands for a while some years ago. Some top songs and great lyrics.
  2. After feeling like not playing the game for over a year, the first night back on it was a resounding success. This clip was from the last game of the night, thinking we'd just run a smash and grab job and just see how far we'd get....didn't expect to finish the game with a boss kill, both bounties and a few player kills.   FG Hunters @Tadnothad  @Macca89  and @GazzaGarratt
    But...but...the tags?! Gotta catch 'em all! 🤣 Good mix of kills in there Kenny
  3. I'm with you, I think I'm lucky enough to own most of those available for trial. I'm also in the middle of a retro fix so if there's any PS1 games i'd like to try i'll probably try and obtain them on eBay so i have them all the time. Interested what the future holds for it though each month.
    Some nice longshots in there. The guy with the constant bombs and grenades was doing his best to ruin your killstreak 🤣
    At one moment thought this was Wallbanger central! 😎 Nice clip that. That scope is wrecking of late with anything.
  4. Happy birthday Rob @CookYouVillain ! Hope you're having a great day!!❤️😎
  5. Finally managed to pick this game back up again after a few recent updates and I have to say it is running really smoothly. Myself, @Nutcuttlit , @Tadnothad and @Macca89 had a few round on it a few weeks ago and got some great victories. The very first game with Macca, we ended up nearly getting caught around a rock in a scissor movement, took down Macca and put Gas over the top so I couldn't revive him. Luckily the Boreham No.3 revolver came in handy as I managed to pick the first one off when they threw the gas only for the other teammate to run around the back of the rock where we were hidden, and got the end of my very lucky Revolver once again. Glad Scottash was on to let us know that the gas grenade would eventually disappear so after 5 patient minutes I was able to revive Macca and off we went with the bounties the other team had dropped and off to get a few kills on the way to the extraction. Last one of the night too was pretty memorable as @Tadnothad , @Macca89 and myself said fuck it and decided to roll in hard to have a quick game. Lucked out with the Assassin Boss at the first place we had to check for a clue. After losing a lot of health and getting scythed most times 😅 the boss went down. Picked it up and we quickly had the convo of either extracting or going for the full complete winning round (Running the Gauntlet). Ofc, what else is there to do on a game past midnight? We could hear gunshots high up in the top left of the map, so we ran that way hard, not worrying about crows, zombies or anything else that was loud along the way. Eventually it shown up that the boss was killed rigth at tthe top of the map next to an extraction point. Raced there as fast as we can, we waited to see what was going on. A few Zombiews were running around but I noticed they weren't running for us...more so a random hunter. Clearly he didn't see me as he knelt to get a bandage on - shit job that did as my Karbiner rifle gladly took the headshot it deserved. We waited around and asked Macca to check the body out to get extra loot. As soon as that happened BAM! Knocked out straight away as clearly the other 2 were watching our footsteps unbeknown to us. After 3 minutes of hanging around, seeing where they could be, the bounties were picked up and action started. One Hunter came out near the front with Tad on watch trying to get a shot on them. Whilst a shootout followed the other tried to swoop around pass the top of the swamp, hoping he wouldn't get spotted. Tad took a clean shot to the aggressive Hunter with the second bounty, whereas the other Hunter didn't see I knew where he was. As he came through a part of the swamp, my revolver took him out after 4-5 shots. Macca was picked up and the Gauntlet was obtained. 23 levels on a Hunter at the end which was a sweet reward for us all. I'll try and get a brief highlight video together if I can!
  6. As of this week, Fall Guys is now FREE TO PLAY FOR ALL!!! So to celebrate this occasion where all FGers can get hold of the same game, lets get on a huge private games session! Winner takes all the glory of FG! Get your name down people!! P.S. I expect many of us will be in PlayStation Game Room 1 chat so let us know if you're not in it and we'll add you 😄
  7. Thats ace pal! I've sent a little contribution for her efforts 😄
  8. Great cause Kim and thanks for sharing with us @Antpool84 ! Hope she's on the finishing straight now! 👊❤️
  9. I may grab it if it comes down under £30. Thanks for that summary @Spacedeck , Ithink its likely to get an update or two in the next yeart which might make me look at it a little more down the line.
  10. Agreed. Never seen anything like this before! 😍 Hmmm, retro new tech isn't really in this house 😅 The only new part is the HDMI upscaler wire which isn't that flash to take a picture. I've been thinking about getting a refurbished Game Gear though as my one is completely internally shot capacitors wise. You can get the case in different colours on them and get a usb recharchable connection I believe which would definitely make it last longer.
  11. @J4MES OX4D , omg that is Championship Manager porn of the finest quality 😍 Too many days and weeks ploughed into these over the years with @Findmartin . I recall it might have been 98/99 one, I was Leeds and had Robbie Keane and Michael Bridges upfront. Its the only time I can honestly say I blasted everything away. Felt like I uncovered a glitch because nearly every game they would score a hattrick. Bridges scored over 100 goals it was insane. I've bought the latest one so i should really get back on it! @Spacedeck absolutely they are retro! 20 years now they've been out! 😅 The 360 was an incredible work of art after the best console to revolutionise the market, the original Xbox. So many unique and awesome games on there and the UI was perfect for years, especially how Xbox Live worked with it. I now have a PS3 in later years as it was one I missed growing up because Xbox just shone through (I still played PS2 games alongside it instead). I picked up the Mass Effect games for it though and also the Wizard book game which you you could do spells with a move controller, can't remember the name of it now! I soooooo need to fix my Game Gear! Mine needs new capacitors cos the screen and sound has gone awful. Super collection that is. What games would you say are pretty cool to play from a RPG/action background? Dammit @Luseth Matt, with little time I have around manic work i'm now finding myself sideblinded looking back at what games i wanted to add to my collection and play! Got some PS1 games on the way ffs. 😄
  12. I never played Megaman, not once. I really missed out on the feeling that was surrounding Megaman but I don't think this franchise was as big over here when I was growing up. I look at some of the games and do wonder which ones are the best to go back and try out - which ones would you suggest @Riff Machine ?
  13. I love this thread @IRaMPaGe , great shout. Just a hugely difficult one for me to think about personally as I haven't listened to many albums for years so it would have to be judged on what ones I bought way back when I was in my older teens. Still, probably the same music is what I listen to today anyway 😅 I'll have a think. I love lots of different types of music but I know its not gonna be like what many of you like as Metal/Rock/Punk doesn't tend to be something I listen to very often.
    Why is it I watch these flamethrower montages and I just think you're sitting there with an evil laughter all the way through it? 🤣 @IRaMPaGe Awesome little clip, Kenny.
  14. This is what usually puts me off unfortunately. And even then it never really fills me up because I don't eat a huge curry. Usually now its Chicken Kurayi. Ain't that the truth! You can add when they give the wrong dish for a vegetarian, that's a nightmare for me! Dealing with wife's agony whilst I have to drive back there to get a fresh meal 😅 Used to absolutely love doner meat, although absolutely no salad whatsoever Paul, thanks very much! 😄 I think over the years its not been as tasty as it once was. Maybe because i don't go out as much and it used to be a great meal at the end of a drinking session.
  15. I've been thinking about this for years too. My plan was to always get it done at some point. Initially it was stuff like our World Records we beat the game on in International Track and Field. It shouldn't be too hard as I have an Elgato so maybe when we have a spare weekend we should give it a go and see what we can record!
  16. Do I wade in? 😅 Its probably well known here now that I just don't like emulation, but that doesn't mean it has to be anyone else opinion too. I think there's some solid reasons why you would do it, just like all of the above @Luseth @J4MES OX4D and @Spacedeck have mentioned. I think the key difference is you've thought about what and why to do it before just dipping into emulators. I have a thought of a separate article I might start writing up about that touches on exclusivity and potential things connected to this that may impact on the next crash. For me, playing older games isn't about the WOW factor you get when a game initially comes out so we all learn at the same time, as clearly its been out for years. So its the whole experience i'm looking for. For example, @Findmartin came round mine last night and its about selecting a game to play, looking at the game cases and seeing what jumps out at us that could be good fun. Then its about getting the unique controller and wires unwrapped, checking the memory card storage in case we get engrossed and want to save a game. Or if its cartridge its blowing the dust off it, opening the tray and doing the same there. Then game wise getting the original game colours, and sounds. I think more so you can see its about having the console and that experience in one moment. Nothing beats that nostalgia and feeling - and it lasts way longer when you can tangibly feel the game and console in front of you. Where I start to adopt some 'emulator-ish' tendencies is through the last points I make about game colours and sounds. Harold tocuhes on it abit above where we haven't got CRT TVs just lying around (mainly because they have an arse built like optimus prime) so what i've bought a few years ago is a HDMI upscaler. In some ways i had to because my TV can take aerial but the ice and snow mario kart race on the SNES just wouldn't show correctly. With an Upscaler it looks pristine and just like what we used to play as kids. Still using the same unique SNES controllers. Whilst I can joke from time to time, never feel ashamed to use emulators when it seems practical to use them due to how your life is. I'm lucky enough to own many of mine as I grew up so still have them. I wish people would not jump on the bandwagon of making money out of old games as it is pricing me out what I love to do, but i'll carry on where i can obtaining old games that aren't overpriced to enjoy them in my own home with as close as an experience it would've been if I had bought the game when it originally came out.
  17. Well, this is the point where my mind would love to go in absolutely every direction but ends up going nowhere 🤣 Great start off for the whole new section, I can see many new threads here that hopefully would be worthwhile. I should open by saying I absolutely love older games and enjoy building my collection in the hope one day i have that much spare time, I can start going through all of them and maybe even having people round for retro nights like I used to do even as a kid (17-21 I had 4-5 random TVs in my front room and had multiple all night gaming sessions with friends playing all kinds of stuff). Not sure what pictures wise to share though right now. I have around or just over 30 different types of consoles right now, but by far I love the Sega Mega Drive and SNES the most. No one can beat a game on a cartridge, its just the feeling of uniqueness and wonder when you have to blow the cartridge and slot before putting in and waiting for the relevant loading Sega logo to appear so you know its worked. Plus games back then were all about the fun factor and no extra frillyness that you had to worry about - looking at you loot boxes. One of my other favourite consoles is my Neo Geo CD. Maybe each one deseves their own little thread but for now i'll just say that this console makes you feel like you're back in the arcades playing those games you always wanted/needed £25 to play the whole game through, if you're lucky. Next step for my gaming area is waiting for my turn to have it get updated again, especially with the right storage as thats usually the one thing that stops me playing all my old games. Need a better and slicker system to plug in and play these old consoles without getting stuck with all the wires! 😅
  18. Pizza probably is joint first with Chinese for me, mainly because I just don't try too many things but I LOVE Chicken Fried Rice soooooo much then it wins. Plus Prawn Crackers are da bomb.
  19. Thanks for all the efforts early doors @Nutcuttlit to help us get this one up and running. I'd suggest the first few weeks are for testing out what works well and what fun things people would like on the server. As we spoke online last night, I agree with you when you mentioned to try and make it inviting as possible so if working cars help straight off the bat then lets try it out and see what happens. The KOS zones and map is a difficult one because newer people wanting to try it out probably won't have much concept of it. Even if you've played it for abit (like me on PC), you don't really take in the map much and as the game doesn't recognise each zone indicated itself it may be hard to implement. KOS is probably the way to go in most instances, because its just difficult to moderate if the game doesn't tell you where you're at. Btw, i'm completely open on how we do this! 😄 The main thing of it all is to have fun, so any opinions are welcome on this one!
  20. As more details come out for SF6, there are more promising signs it is very well supported. The character designs are a step above previous games and there are extra little snippets that hopefully will add more to the franchise. Heres a bit more reveal from a few weeks ago: The duo battles look great too. I've also seen how signature moves can hit extra damage if you nail the perfection on them. Guile's reveal trailer came out too below. Would love to get a proper fighting stick and try it out. Its clearly muscle memory and speed that help the most so I'd be crap at it overall, but it would be fun to learn some of the moves on this because as I kid I always wanted to perform everyones special moves on Street Fighter 2 Tournament Edition. Anyone else interested in future beat em ups like this one?
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